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"Manash Kozybayev
North Kazakhstan university"

Educational programs for the 2024-2025 academic year

About quotas for citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan from among rural youth moving to the regions determined by the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan for the 2024-2025 academic year 

Number of the educational program group

Name of groups of educational
Code and name of the educational program

Major UNT subjects for school leavers

Major UNT subjects for college graduates

Price list (tenge) for the 2024-2025 academic year training





6B01 Pedagogical sciences

 В001 Pedagogy and psychology

1. 6B01101 Pedagogy and psychology 

Fundamentals of Pedagogy and Psychology

Theory and practice of educational activities

555 000

2. 6B01103 Psychology in Education (KZ-US) 

Biology Geography 2 500 000
3. 6B01111 Psychology in Education (US) Biology
Geography 5 000 000 
 В002 Preschool education and upbringing 4. 6В01201 Preschool education and upbringing  Biology  Geography  Fundamentals of preschool pedagogy and psychology
Theory and practice of educational activities  555 000 
В003 Pedagogy and methods of primary education

5. 6B01301 Pedagogy and methods of primary education

Fundamentals of Pedagogy and Psychology

Theory and practice of educational activities

555 000 
6. 6В01302 Primary education and inclusive practice (KZ-US) Biology Geography  –  –  2 500 000
7. 6В01311 Primary education and inclusive practice (US) Biology
–  –   5 000 000
 В005 Training of Physical Education Teachers

8. 6B01401 Physical culture and sport

Creative presentation exam

Creative presentation exam

Creative presentation exam

Fundamentals of Pedagogy and Psychology 555 000
9. 6B01404 Physical education and basic military training Creative presentation exam Creative presentation exam 555 000
 В006 Training of music teachers

10. 6B01402 Musical education

Creative presentation exam

Creative presentation exam

Creative presentation exam

Fundamentals of Pedagogy and Psychology 555 000
В009 Training of math teachers  11. 6B01516 Mathematics (IP) Mathematics Physics 
В010 Training of physics teachers 12. 6B01515 Physics (IP) Mathematics  Physics  
В012 Training of chemistry teachers 13. 6B01511 Chemistry-Biology Chemistry Biology 555 000
В013 Training of biology teachers 14. 6B01505 Biology Biology Chemistry

555 000

15. 6B01513 Biology (IP) Biology Chemistry
В014 Training of geography teachers 16. 6B01506 Geography Geography World history 555 000
B015 Training of teachers of the Humanities studies 17. 6В01601 History World history Geography 555 000
В016 Training of teachers of the Kazakh language and literature 18. 6B01703 Kazakh language and literature
Kazakh literature
Fundamentals of Pedagogy and Psychology
555 000
В017 Training of teachers of the Russian language and literature 19. 6B01702 Russian language and literature
Russian literature
Fundamentals of Pedagogy and Psychology
555 000
В018 Training of teachers of the Foreign language

20. 6B01701 Foreign language: two foreign languages

Foreign language

World history

Fundamentals of Pedagogy and Psychology

English, German, French

555 000
В020  Special pedagogy 21. 6В01906  Special pedagogy Fundamentals of Pedagogy and Psychology Biology  555 000
22. 6В01907 Special Pedagogy and Inclusive Practice (KZ-US) Biology Geography  –  – 2 500 000 
23. 6B01911 Special Pedagogy and Inclusive Practice (US) Biology
 Geography 5 000 000 

6B02 Arts and humanities

В031 Fashion, design 24. 6B02101 Design Creative presentation exam Creative presentation exam Creative presentation exam Picture and composition 555 000
В036  Translation studies 25. 6B02302 Foreign Philology Foreign language World history 555 000

26. 6B02303 Translation business

Foreign language

World history

555 000

6B03 Social studies, journalism and information

В042 Journalism and reporting 27. 6B03201 Journalism Creative presentation exam Creative presentation exam 555 000

6B04 Business, management and law

В045 Audit and taxation 28. 6B04105 Accounting and audit Mathematics Geography Finance and credit Corporate economics 555 000
В046 Finance, economics, banking and insurance

29. 6B04104 Finance



Finance and credit

Corporate finance

555 000

30. 6В04108 Business and Management (KZ-US) Mathematics Geography  –  –  2 500 000
В049 Biological and related sciences
31. 6B04201 Jurisprudence World history Основы Права Principal of theory of state and law Civil law of RK 555 000

6B05 Natural sciences, mathematics and statistics

В050  Biological and related sciences

32. 6B05101 Biology



555 000
33. 6B05103 Biotechnology (KZ-US) Biology Chemistry –   –  2 500 000
34. 6В05111 Biotechnology (US) Biology Chemistry  5 000 000
В051  Environment 

35. 6B05202 Ecology



555 000
В053 Chemistry   36. 6В05307 Chemical expertise and analytical control of production (KZ-US) Chemistry Biology  –  – 2 500 000 
В054 Physics  37. 6В05308 Astronomy and Remote Sensing Methods (KZ-US) Physics  Mathematics  –  – 2 500 000

6B06 Information and communication technology

В057 Information technology 38. 6В06105 Software architect Mathematics Principals of algorithmization and programming 605 000
39. 6B06106 Information systems in control (KZ-US) Mathematics Информатика  –  – 2 500 000
40. 6B06111 Information systems in control (US)  Mathematics Информатика  5 000 000 
В059 Communications and communications technology
41. 6B06201 Radioengineering, Electronics and Telecommunications Mathematics Physics  Physics  Principals of circuit and electronics 605 000
42. 6B06203 Electronics and telecommunications (KZ-US) Mathematics Physics   –  – 2 500 000 
6B07 Engineering, manufacturing and construction industries
В062 Electrical Engineering and Energy 43. 6B07103 Electrical Power Engineering  Mathematics Physics  Bases of electrical engineering Labor protection (basics of electrical safety) 605 000
В063 Электротехника и автоматизация 44. 6B07109 Robotic and smart systems Mathematics  Physics 
 Automation of technological processes in the industry 605 000 
В064 Mechanics and metalworking 45. 6B07108 Robotics and innovative technologies in mechanical engineering Mathematics  Physics   Materials science  Labor protection  605 000
В065  Transport equipment and technologies

46. 6B07105 Transport, transport equipment and technologies 




Labor protection

605 000

47. 6B07107 Technical operation, maintenance and repair of wagons

Mathematics Physics  Physics  Labor protection 605 000
В068 Food products   48. 6B07201 Technology of Food Products 

605 000
В074 Urban planning, civil works and civil engineering   

49. 6B07301 Building 



Construction material

Labor protection 605 000
50. 6B07302 Design and information modeling of construction objects Mathematics Physics Construction material Labor protection 605 000
В076 Standardization, certification and metrology (by industry) 51. 6B07504 Engineering and innovation-measuring technologies Mathematics   Physics   605 000

6B08 Agriculture and bioresource

В077    Plant growing 

52. 6B08101 Agronomy 




Principals of agronomy

605 000
53. 6В08104 Plant Science and Technology (KZ-US) Biology Chemistry  –  – 2 500 000 
В078  Livestock 

54. 6B08201 Technology of Livestock Products Production 



605 000
В079  Forestry

55. 6B08301 Wood resources and forestry 





605 000

6B10 Health and social welfare (medicine)

В085 Pharmacy 56. 6B10102 Pharmacy Biology Chemistry Chemistry  Principals of pharmacy 791 000

6B11 Services

В092   Leisure activity

57. 6B11101 Cultural and Leisure Work

Creative presentation exam

Creative presentation exam

555 000