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"Manash Kozybayev
North Kazakhstan university"
Faculty News
NSSF: Подведены итоги деятельности ФИЭП за 2023-2024 учебный год

28 июня 2024 года, на факультете истории, экономики и права было проведено итоговое в этом учебном году заседание Совета факультета. На совете были по читать далее

28 June 2024
MF: С наступающим Днем медицинских работников!

В этот день мы отмечаем важную роль и вклад всех медицинских работников в общество. Их неутомимое стремление к заботе о здоровье населения, профессион читать далее

14 June 2024
AF: Практический семинар в лесном хозяйстве Соколовское

До 2025 года в лесном фонде Казахстана должны посадить 2 млрд деревьев - такую задачу перед лесными хозяйствами поставил Глава государства Касым Жомар читать далее

13 June 2024
AF: Международная Летняя Школа – 2024

С 3 по 15 июня 2024 г преподаватели и студенты ОП 6В08301 Лесные ресурсы и лесоводство приняли участие в работе Школы «Устойчивое управление лес читать далее

13 June 2024
PF: Педагогическая лаборатория «ПУТЕВОДИТЕЛЬ В МИР ПЕДАГОГИКИ»

12 июня проведено мероприятие для учеников школ города Педагогическая лаборатория «ПУТЕВОДИТЕЛЬ В МИР ПЕДАГОГИКИ», состоящее из двух читать далее

15 June 2024
ИСТФ: 1st place at the Republican Student Subject Olympiad!

On May 23-24, 2024, at the Almaty Technological University in Almaty, the Republican Student Subject Olympiad was held among students of universities читать далее

06 June 2024
AF: Роль агрометеорологии в сельском хозяйстве

На кафедре «Агрономия и лесоводство» была проведена предметная олимпиада по агрометеорологии. Мероприятие прошло в рамках Дней науки. Цель читать далее

29 April 2024
AF: поздравляем!

Поздравляем участников Республиканской предметной олимпиады по ОП «6B08301 Лесные ресурсы и лесоводство» и ОП «6B08201 Технология п читать далее

26 April 2024
AF: Дебаты «Сравнительный анализ эффективности применения различных способов обработки почвы в системе ресурсосберегающих технологий земледелия»

На кафедре «Агрономия и лесоводство» были проведены дебаты на тему «Сравнительный анализ эффективности применения различных способов читать далее

26 April 2024
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Blog of the psychological service of the university

The main purposes of the Psychological counseling office: to help person (student, teacher, employee of the HEI), who asks for the psychological help, in his problem solving, awareness and change of an ineffective behavior pattern to make the main decisions, to solve problems, to reach the purposes, to live in harmony with himself and surrounding world.

Psychological counseling office is located in 103 auditorium of the dormitory No. 1.

Labor hours: from 08:30 till 17:30, lunch break 13:00 - 14:00




Structure of psychological service

Moiseev Pavel Yuryevich


 +7 (7152) 493035
 +7 (7152) 493233, int. 1155
102/hostel № 1


Zhamukanova Kamila Serikovna


 +7 (7152) 493035
 +7 (7152) 493233, int. 1155
103/hostel № 1


Turysova Daniya Beibutovna


 +7 (7152) 493035
 +7 (7152) 493233, int. 1155
103/hostel № 1


Dear friends!

If you need a help or support, a friendly understanding or professional advice 

please write your questions in the blog, we will answer them. 

The principle of confidentiality: psychologist's answers will be sent to your email. Your questions will not be visible to all users. Publication of questions and answers will be conducted only with the consent of the client.



"Drugs are a road to nowhere." In accordance with the regional plan of events dedicated to the "International Day Against Drug Addiction" 26.06.2024 26.06.2024 Psychological Service of the University held a meeting of psychologist of the drug addiction department of CDC SKO Tushinskaya T.P. with students of 1-4th courses on the topic "Drugs - the way to nowhere". The meeting was held in online format. More than 35 students of 1st-4th courses and employees of Kozybayev University took part in the event... Read on...
26 June 2024 Comments...
Round table on "SESSION-2024: results, problems, prospects" University PS specialists organized and held a round table on the topic "SESSION-2024: results, problems, prospects". Deans and deputy deans of faculties and institutes, heads of structural divisions took part in the round table. Actual problems were identified and discussed, and proposals on the results of the round table were formed.... Read on...
25 June 2024 Comments...
ANNOUNCEMENTS Unscheduled meeting on the topic “Psychological characteristics of students with mental health disorders” with the students of the Institute of retraining and professional development of young teachers of the university.... Read on...
11 June 2024 Comments...
Meet the students On 28.05 the working meeting of the University PS specialists with the students of the 1st year of double-diploma programs of FMEN was held. The subject for discussion was the topic of overcoming pre-examination fears and stress. The meeting was attended by students of groups BT-23, HKPT-23.... Read on...
28 May 2024 Comments...
Training on the topic “Prevention of Emotional Burnout and Emotional Distress” Specialists of the Psychological Service conducted a training for groups A-23, TPP-23 of the 1st year of Agrotechnological Faculty (40 people) on the topic “Prevention of emotional burnout and emotional disorder”.... Read on...
30 April 2024 Comments...
Lecture for employees of the Department of Economic Investigations in North-Kazakhstan region Specialists of the Psychological Service of Kozybayev University held a lecture on the topic: "Social and psychological climate in the team. Errors of social perception." for employees of the Department of Economic Investigations in North-Kazakhstan region of the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan on Financial Monitoring!... Read on...
17 April 2024 Comments...
WE'RE TOGETHER! Organizational meeting of psychologists of universities of RK on the theme: "Psychological assistance during the Emergency Situation".... Read on...
16 April 2024 Comments...
Meeting with Foundation Faculty trainees Specialists of the Psychological Service held a meeting with students of the Foundation faculty on the topic: Psychological support of Foundation faculty students in preparation for the Unified National Testing.... Read on...
08 April 2024 Comments...
Be vigilant! PS specialists took part in the event on fraud prevention in SCU named after M. Kozybaev and in SKO. Moiseev P.Y. presented a report on the psychological characteristics of fraudsters and on psychological defense mechanisms that allow to "protect yourself" when encountering fraudsters.... Read on...
15 March 2024 Comments...
Peculiarities of personality with mental health disorders The PS specialists organized and held a meeting of the University faculty with the specialists of the IPC CPH and OP and the Commissioner for Human Rights. They discussed topical issues on the problem of mental health disorders in children, adolescents and young men of SKO.... Read on...
29 February 2024 Comments...
Actively continuing our activities! The PS specialists organized and held a meeting of the University staff with the specialists of the CPH and OP IPC. They discussed topical issues on the problem of mental health disorders in children, adolescents and young men of the North Caucasus region.... Read on...
27 February 2024 Comments...
Meeting of students with the specialist of "Youth Health Center" of Petropavlovsk Kochkina M.V. PS specialists are active again in the new academic semester!!! 07.02.2024 a meeting with students of FICT and FIEP on the topic "Ludomania" was held by the specialist of the Youth Health Center Kochkina M.V.... Read on...
07 February 2024 Comments...
Happy Psychologist's Day! December 25 - Professional holiday PSYCHOLOGIST'S DAY!Psychology is an exact and complex science, it has as many secrets as alchemy and only a person who sincerely believes that the world and people living in it can be made better can become a real master in it! I congratulate you, dear colleagues on Psychologist's Day and wish you to believe in the best and solve all issues with inspiration!... Read on...
22 December 2023 Comments...
Organized a meeting between students and a specialist! Specialists of PS organized a meeting of students of 1-4 courses with a doctor-dermatologist of Skin and Venereological Dispensary of North-Kazakhstan region Vukolov E.V.... Read on...
04 December 2023 Comments...
"Students Against Drugs" action By the efforts of specialists of Psychological Service, students of Pedagogical Faculty, as well as actors of the People's Student Theatre "Pilgrim" the action "STUDENTS of KU against Drugs" was organized and heldOur event was attended by employees of the Police Department of North-Kazakhstan region, specialists of the Center of Mental Health and the city polyclinic № 2!... Read on...
30 November 2023 Comments...
World AIDS Day! The specialists of the PS and ANTI-AIDS Center organized an action in the direction of "HIV/AIDS prevention" dedicated to the World AIDS Day!... Read on...
23 November 2023 Comments...
ANNOUNCEMENT!!! Within the framework of work on prevention of autodestructive behavior of children and teenagers, building professional and educational prospects of personality, the Psychological Service of the University organized an event including professional orientation and show of the performance of the People's Student Theatre "Pilgrim" for students of "Petropavlovsk College of Mechanical Engineering and Transport named after B.Ashimov". This event will allow students not on... Read on...
22 November 2023 Comments...
Meeting with students Specialists of the University PS held a meeting with students of the group IYA-23-1k. The presentation of the PS activities was made, and recommendations on maintaining and preserving mental health were given.... Read on...
20 November 2023 Comments...
ANNOUNCEMENTS University PS specialists took part in the regional forum of fathers "I am the continuation of your life"... Read on...
13 November 2023 Comments...
Specialists of the Psychological Service of the University actively participate in International conferences and lectures of Almaty Management University Almaty Management University in honor of its 35th anniversary organized an International scientific-practical seminar-training on the theme: Practical psychology in modern Kazakhstan: applied aspect of cognitive-behavioral therapy, gestalt therapy, psychoanalysis, transactional analysis and integrative approach. 12 speakers of this event presented their work experience, the development of the presented directions in Kazakhstan, as well as master classes, including the ma... Read on...
10 November 2023 Comments...
Psychological Service of the University took part in the regional meeting of the Amanat party on the prevention of ludomania! 3.11.2023 specialists of the Psychological Service of the University took part in the Regional meeting of the youth wing of the party Amanat. In the meeting the main aspects of the problem of ludomania were disclosed, ways of prevention of ludomania were proposed.... Read on...
06 November 2023 Comments...
The Psychology Club is back with YOU again! From 12.10.2023 the Psychology Club starts its work! Every THURSDAY from 17.00 to 19.00 h. in 310 classroom of the 5th building!!!... Read on...
12 October 2023 Comments...
Guest lecture "Ludomania prevention" 10.10.2023 the Psychological Service of the University organized and held a guest lecture on "Prevention of Ludomania" with the participation of the head of the Personality Center of Petropavlovsk Agapov D.S.... Read on...
11 October 2023 Comments...
Training for members of Student Government SAR of the University organized and conducted training for members of the Student Government on the topic "Development of emotional intelligence". The aim of the training: development of students' emotional intelligence to increase flexibility, efficiency of interaction with the surrounding world, accelerate the achievement of goals.... Read on...
06 October 2023 Comments...
ANNOUNCEMENTS PS specialists organized and conducted a guest lecture with the participation of ANTI-AIDS staff for first year students. The topic "HIV/AIDS prevention" was presented... Read on...
04 October 2023 Comments...