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"Manash Kozybayev
North Kazakhstan university"

7M01702 Russian language and literature

Faculty Institute of Language and Literature (ILL)
Department Russian language and literature (RLL)
Education area code and classification 7M01 Pedagogical science
Code and classification of areas of training 7M017 Подготовка педагогов по языкам и литературе
Group of educational programs М018 Teacher training in Russian language and literature
Educational program name 7M01702 Russian language and literature
Accreditation Сертификат
Types of educational programs Main
Graduate model according to the educational program -
Purpose of the educational program Formation of highly qualified scientific and pedagogical worker, capable of efficiently and effectively perform professional activities, solve standard and non-standard professional and pedagogical tasks, freely navigate in the social and professional space in the field of teaching Russian language and literature.
Level of education Master (Scientific and pedagogical)
Degree awarded master of pedagogical Sciences
Field of professional activity (section on the GCEA) Education (Секция P)
List of professions Teacher. University lecturer
Types of professional activity Educational
Objects of professional activity General education schools, lyceums, gymnasiums, colleges, universities, mass media, public service.
Program features Joint program with a partner university
Form of training full-time without the use of DЕT
Period of training The duration of the master's degree is determined by the amount of academic credits mastered, the main criterion for the completion of studies in the programs of scientific and pedagogical master's degree and MBA is the development of at least 120 academic credits for the entire period of study, including all types of educational and scientific activities of the undergraduate.
Language of instruction Russian
Amount of credits/hours (at least) 120/3600
Previous level of education higher education
Program manager Мисяченко Светлана Викторовна
The educational program is developed on the basis of Professional standards/ Sectoral qualifications frameworks Professional standard for teachers (teaching staff) of organizations of higher and (or) postgraduate education Order of the Minister of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated November 20, 2023 №591. (PS)
Возможность получения
второго диплома
  • ЛГУ им. А.С. Пушкина - 44.04.01 "Литературное и языковое образование"
  • СКГУ - 6М050800 "Учет и аудит", ОмГА - 38.04.01 "Экономика" (Экономический анализ и управленческий учет)
  • Additional Information Development plan of the educational program

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