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"Manash Kozybayev
North Kazakhstan university"

7M01504 Chemistry

Faculty Mathematics and Natural Sciences Faculty (MNSF)
Department Chemistry and Chemical Technologies (CCT)
Education area code and classification 7M01 Pedagogical science
Code and classification of areas of training 7M015 Подготовка педагогов по естественнонаучным предметам
Group of educational programs М013 Teacher training in chemistry
Educational program name 7M01504 Chemistry
Accreditation Сертификат
Types of educational programs Main
Graduate model according to the educational program 1. Capable of generalization, analysis, perception of scientific information, setting goals and choosing ways to achieve them, the ability to logically, correctly, argumentatively and clearly build oral and written speech in the state language and the necessary foreign language;
2. Is able to apply modern methods and technologies of organizing and implementing the educational process at various educational levels in various educational institutions;
3. Applies modern technologies for diagnosing and evaluating the quality of the educational process;
4. Has knowledge of basic chemical concepts, laws, theories and the history of their origin and development, an idea of the scientific picture of the world and current trends in the development of chemistry;
5. Is able to solve chemical problems of a research and applied nature, using statistical processing of experimental results;
6. Knows the theory and system of methods of teaching chemistry, the ability to develop students'' cognitive interest in chemistry.
Purpose of the educational program Formation of a highly qualified scientific and pedagogical worker who is able to perform professional activities efficiently and efficiently, solve standard and non-standard professional and pedagogical tasks, and freely navigate the social and professional space in the field of chemistry and pedagogy.
Level of education Master (Scientific and pedagogical)
Degree awarded master of pedagogical Sciences
Field of professional activity (section on the GCEA) -
List of professions -
Types of professional activity -
Objects of professional activity Colleges, higher education institutions, departments and departments of education
Program features Educational program with elements of dual training, academic exchange program
Form of training -
Period of training The duration of the master's degree is determined by the amount of academic credits mastered, the main criterion for the completion of studies in the programs of scientific and pedagogical master's degree and MBA is the development of at least 120 academic credits for the entire period of study, including all types of educational and scientific activities of the undergraduate.
Language of instruction -
Amount of credits/hours (at least) 120/3600
Previous level of education -
Program manager Дюрягина Антонина Николаевна
The educational program is developed on the basis of Professional standards/ Sectoral qualifications frameworks -
Возможность получения
второго диплома
ОмГУ им. Достоевского - 04.04.01 Химия (магистратура)
Additional Information

Modular educational program (2020)

Development plan of the educational program

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