Faculty | Faculty of Engineering and Digital Technology (FEDT) |
Department | Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) |
Education area code and classification | 6B06 Information and communication technologies |
Code and classification of areas of training | 6B061 Information-communicationtechnologies |
Group of educational programs | В057 Information technology |
Educational program name | 6B06111 Information systems in control (US) |
Accreditation | No |
Types of educational programs | Main |
Graduate model according to the educational program | - |
Purpose of the educational program | Training of qualified specialists in the field of IT technologies who are able to manage the development, design, implement highly effective methods of information processing, modify and maintain information systems that automate organizational management tasks and business processes in organizations of various forms of ownership in order to increase the efficiency of organizations, have practical skills and leadership qualities that meet modern requirements for the quality of specialists with higher education. |
Level of education | Undergraduate (Higher) |
Degree awarded | bachelor of education |
Field of professional activity (section on the GCEA) | Information and communication (Секция J) |
List of professions | ERP programmer QA Engineer IP Designer Software Designer Database Developer System analyst Software Maintenance Specialist Application Testing Specialist |
Types of professional activity | Informational Organizational-management Design-development Project-technological Operational |
Objects of professional activity | Enterprises and organizations of various forms of ownership that develop, implement and operate information systems in various fields of human activity |
Program features | International educational program with the possibility of obtaining a double diploma. OVPO – Partner University of Arizona |
Form of training | full-time without the use of DЕT |
Period of training | The term of study of undergraduate students with general secondary education is determined by the period of mastering at least 240 academic credits for the entire period of study and at least 60 academic credits for the academic year. The term of study of undergraduate students with higher education or technical and vocational, or post-secondary education is determined taking into account the recognition of previously achieved learning outcomes of formal and non-formal education. At the same time, the period of study can be increased or decreased if the student forms an individual curriculum of disciplines and other types of educational activities with a volume of at least 60 credits per academic year. |
Language of instruction | English |
Amount of credits/hours (at least) | 240/7200 |
Previous level of education | general secondary education |
Program manager | Курмашев Ильдар Гусманович |
The educational program is developed on the basis of Professional standards/ Sectoral qualifications frameworks | Professional standard "Software maintenance support" Appendix № 5 to the order of the Acting Chairman of the Board of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Atameken" №222 dated 05.12.2022. (PS) Professional standard "software Developers and testing specialists, WEB and multimedia applications" - Appendix №2 to the order of the Deputy Chairman of the Board of the National chamber of entrepreneurs of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Atameken" №330 dated December 5, 2018 (PS) "Professional standard: "System analysis in information and communication technologies" Appendix №10 to the order of the Acting Chairman of the Board of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Atameken" №222 dated 05.12.2022 (PS) "Professional standard: "Software testing" Appendix No. 22 to the order of the Acting Chairman of the Board of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Atameken" No. 222 dated 05.12.2022. (PS) |