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Non-profit limited company
"Manash Kozybayev
North Kazakhstan university"

6B08201 Technology of livestock products production

Faculty Agrotechnological Faculty (AF)
Department Food Security (FS)
Education area code and classification 6B08 Agriculture and bioresources
Code and classification of areas of training 6B082 Livestock
Group of educational programs В078 Farming
Educational program name 6B08201 Technology of livestock products production
Accreditation Сертификат
Types of educational programs Main
Graduate model according to the educational program 1. A graduate of the educational program has theoretical knowledge of:
- anatomy and physiology of farm animals and birds;
- basics of genetics, selection and microbiology;
- chemical composition and nutritional value of feed;
- principles and methods of feeding farm animals and birds;
- technologies for production and primary processing of livestock products;
- veterinary aspects in animal husbandry;
- carrying out zootechnical accounting;
- zoohygienic requirements for sanitation and hygiene at work;
- basic methods of breeding and selection of farm animals and birds;
- methods of keeping farm animals and birds;
- economics and management in livestock farming;
- environmental aspects of production and management of livestock waste.
2. A graduate of the educational program has practical skills in:
- working with farm animals and birds: care, feeding, housing and breeding;
- planning and organization of production processes in livestock farming;
- carrying out veterinary procedures and monitoring the health of farm animals and birds;
- production, primary processing and storage of livestock products;
- working with modern equipment and technologies used in livestock farming;
- analysis of production indicators and making management decisions;
- application of legislation in the field of livestock farming and safety of finished products.
3. A graduate of the educational program has key skills and aspects:
- analytical skills for assessing production processes in livestock farming and making decisions;
- communication skills for effective interaction with colleagues, clients and external parties;
- ability to work in a team and coordinate staff activities;
- readiness for continuous learning, advanced training and professional growth;
- responsibility, punctuality and desire for quality work.
Purpose of the educational program Training of specialists in the field of animal husbandry capable of practical application of the knowledge, skills and abilities acquired during the training process in professional activities, able to work in a team, and possessing the necessary competencies in the field of future professional activity.
Level of education Undergraduate (Higher)
Degree awarded bachelor of agriculture
Field of professional activity (section on the GCEA) Agriculture, forestry and fisheries (Секция A)
List of professions Chief zootechnician of the enterprise
Civil servant
Farm Manager
Animal breeder
Laboratory assistant of research institutes and organizations
Junior researcher
Teacher of secondary vocational educational institutions in the field of training
Employee of the research Institute
Specialist of agro-industrial complex
Specialist of the Department of agriculture
Senior laboratory assistant
Manager of a livestock farm
Production manager
Milk register
Types of professional activity - scientific research: creation, improvement of breeds of different types of farm animals; calculation of biometric indicators characterizing the variability of quantitative and qualitative economically useful traits, heritability, the relationship between them; the origin of animals by protein types and blood groups; analysis of the composition of feed, water, development of technology for harvesting, storage and use of different types of feed;
- educational (pedagogical): pedagogical activity in secondary professional and primary professional educational organizations according to the profile of the specialty.
- organizational and technical: organization, planning of innovative technology, management in the production system of high-quality environmentally friendly livestock and poultry products while reducing their cost; organization of stable and pasture keeping of animals in accordance with zoohygienic requirements, organization of a green conveyor; measures for the prevention and protection of internal non-infectious animal diseases, feed toxins, infectious and non-infectious animal diseases, feed toxins, infectious and non-infectious diseases with modern technology of livestock poultry farming; harvesting and evaluation of feed quality and standardized feeding of individual species and groups of animals and birds.
- project: development and compilation of breeding and breeding plans, participation in the development of design and estimate documentation for the construction of livestock and poultry facilities;
- production and management: zootechnical and breeding accounting of animals; breeding work, genetic analysis; marketing and marketing of livestock products;
Production and technological
Sanitary and hygienic
Management team
Educational and technological
Objects of professional activity Livestock farms of various forms of ownership, laboratories for assessing the quality of livestock products, government agencies of the Ministry of Agriculture, egg and meat poultry farms, hippodromes, breeding farms and breeding plants, research institutes, vocational educational institutions, feed and feed production plants additives for farm animals and poultry, enterprises for the production of specialized equipment and tools for the construction of livestock farms and poultry farms.
Program features Double degree program, dual education, academic exchange program.
Form of training full-time without the use of DЕT
full-time with the use of DЕT
Period of training The term of study of undergraduate students with general secondary education is determined by the period of mastering at least 240 academic credits for the entire period of study and at least 60 academic credits for the academic year. The term of study of undergraduate students with higher education or technical and vocational, or post-secondary education is determined taking into account the recognition of previously achieved learning outcomes of formal and non-formal education. At the same time, the period of study can be increased or decreased if the student forms an individual curriculum of disciplines and other types of educational activities with a volume of at least 60 credits per academic year.
Language of instruction Kazakh
Amount of credits/hours (at least) 240/7200
Previous level of education higher education
general secondary education
professional education
technical and professional education
Program manager Иль Дмитрий Евгениевич
The educational program is developed on the basis of Professional standards/ Sectoral qualifications frameworks Professional standard: "Beef production" Appendix No. 17 to the order of the Acting Chairman of the Board of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs
of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Atameken" dated 10/26/2022 No.190 (PS)
Professional standard: "Breeding of birds " Appendix No. 21 to the order of the Acting Chairman of the Board of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs
of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Atameken" dated 10/26/2022 No.190 (PS)

Place in the rating of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of RK "Atameken", 2022

2th place

Additional Information

Modular educational program (2020)

Development plan of the educational program

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