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"Manash Kozybayev
North Kazakhstan university"

6B10101 General medicine

Faculty Medicine Faculty (MF)
Department High school of medicine (HSM)
Education area code and classification 6B10 Health care
Code and classification of areas of training 6B101 Health
Group of educational programs В086 General medicine
Educational program name 6B10101 General medicine
Accreditation Сертификат
Types of educational programs Main
Graduate model according to the educational program -
Purpose of the educational program Bachelor''''''''s degree in "General medicine", possessing broad fundamental knowledge, initiative, adaptive to changing requirements in the field of health care, able to work in a team, having the necessary competencies in the field of future professional activity
Level of education Undergraduate (Special)
Degree awarded bachelor of health
Field of professional activity (section on the GCEA) Education (Секция P)
Public health and social services (Секция Q)
Providing other types of services (Секция S)
List of professions -
Types of professional activity -
Objects of professional activity Not clinical institutions
Program features Academic exchange program, inclusion
Form of training full-time without the use of DЕT
Period of training The term of study of undergraduate students with general secondary education is determined by the period of mastering at least 300 academic credits for the entire period of study and at least 60 academic credits for the academic year. The term of study of undergraduate students with higher education or technical and vocational, or post-secondary education is determined taking into account the recognition of previously achieved learning outcomes of formal and non-formal education. At the same time, the period of study can be increased or decreased if the student forms an individual curriculum of disciplines and other types of educational activities with a volume of at least 60 credits per academic year.
Language of instruction English
Amount of credits/hours (at least) 300/9000
Previous level of education general secondary education
professional education
Program manager Романов Денис Александрович
The educational program is developed on the basis of Professional standards/ Sectoral qualifications frameworks The sectoral qualifications framework for the healthcare sector, approved by the decision of the industry commission on social partnership and the regulation of social and labor relations of August 23, 2016 No. 3 (IQF)
Миссия образовательной программы Подготовка высокообразованных, конкурентоспособных, ориентированных на саморазвитие и непрерывное профессиональное образование специалистов в сфере медицины и фармации на основе инновационных технологий обучения и современных достижениях мировой науки и медицинской практики
Additional Information

Modular educational program (2019)

Modular educational program (2020)

Development plan of the educational program

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