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"Manash Kozybayev
North Kazakhstan university"
April 2023
  • Mon
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  • 3 Thematic lecture «Protection of the rights and legitimate interests of citizens, organizations and the state from criminal encroachments during the investigation of criminal cases»
    11:30 - Within the framework of the Legal Marathon, a thematic lecture «Protection of the rights and legitimate interests of citizens, organizations and the state from criminal encroachments during the investigation of criminal cases» will be held. The lecture will be conducted by R.G. Bakeeva, senior investigator for particularly important cases of the Investigation Department of the North Kazakhstan Police Department, the student scientific club «Zanger», M.Y. Umrikhina, senior lecturer. Assembly hall, building 6.
    Interactive educational lecture hall Halyktanu
    12:50 - Interactive educational lecture hall of Halyktanu, organized by the department "Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan" in English with the participation of external experts. The event will be held in auditorium 419, building No. 6.
    Chess tournament among students in dormitory No. 1
    17:00 - The Institute of Language and Literature holds a chess tournament among students in the dormitory No. 1. The tournament will be held from April 3-7, 2023.
    Competition of projects of student organizations
    18:00 - We are announcing the start of accepting applications from student organizations (clubs) for the project competition! To participate in the competition, it is necessary to read the detailed information  on the link within 10 days from the date of the announcement of the competition and submit an application to the mail specified in the rules. Applications are accepted in Kazakh, Russian and English from March 16 to April 3, 2023.
    Chess tournament among students in dormitory No. 2
    18:00 - The Faculty of Engineering and Digital Technologies holds a chess tournament among students in the dormitory No. 2, dedicated to the International Sports Day. The tournament will be held from April 3-7, 2023.
  • 4 Lectures «Yakuts» for 1st year students (in Kazakh)
    10:30 - The department «Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan» holds a lecture «Yakuts», as part of the interactive educational lecture hall «Halyktanu» for 1st year students (in Kazakh). Auditorium 1, building No. 5.
  • 5 Training seminar in the field of civil legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan «Property lease agreement of residential premises: step-by-step algorithm of actions for conclusion, modification and termination»
    12:20 - Within the framework of the Legal Marathon, a training seminar is held in the field of civil legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan «Property lease agreement of residential premises: a step-by-step algorithm of actions for conclusion, modification and termination». The seminar will be conducted by Bryzgalova E.A., Acting head of the Department of «Legal Disciplines» and Zharylgap M.K., senior lecturer. Auditorium 203, building 6.
    Meeting of the «Dostar» Creative Club
    16:00 - «What should a Kazakh girl be like?» the regular meeting of the Creative club «Dostar» will be held on 05.04.2023. Time: 16:00. Location: 319/6. Head of the club: Cand. Sc. (Philology), Koshanova Zh.T.
  • 6 Соревнования по плаванию
    14:00 - В рамках СПАРТАКИАДЫ 2023 состоятся соревнования по плаванию.Соревнования проводятся 6-7 апреля 2023 года в 50-ти метровом плавательном бассейне СКУ им. М. Козыбаева. Начало соревнований в 14:00.Судейская коллегия проводится 5 апреля в 12:20, в первом корпусе, ауд. 153.Представителям команд необходимо предоставить заявки на участие и технические заявки, главному судье соревнований за день до начала соревнований, т.е. до 12:20 ч., 5 апреля 2023 г.Общее руководство подготовкой и проведением соревнований возлагается на менеджера по спортивно-массовой работе Исатаева Е.Б. и судейскую коллегию.
    Lectures «Bulgarians» for 1st year students (in Russian)
    17:50 - The Department of the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan on the ZOOM platform conducts a lecture «Bulgarians» as part of the interactive educational lecture hall «Halyktanu» for 1st year students (in Russian).
    "Мемная викторина"
    18:00 - Профсоюз студентов приглашает принять участие в «Мемной викторине».  Все мы в век технологий, так или иначе, находимся в интернет пространстве и смотрим мемы, но кто из нас самый умный и находчивый "мемолог"? Приходи и прояви себя! Вас ждёт: приятная атмосфера мира интернет - мемов, веселые задания, розыгрыш, крутые подарки от спонсоров, фотографии от фирменного фотографа и много чего интересного! Регистрация по ссылке. Мероприятие пройдет в аудитории 357, учебный корпус №3.
    Movie Night
    18:30 - An opportunity to have a great evening! On Thursday, April 6 at 18:30, assembly hall, building No. 1.
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    12:00 - Комитет по делам молодежи и профсоюз студентов готовят специальную ярмарку в честь праздника «Қозы Көрпеш-Баян сұлу». На ярмарке вас ожидают: национальные блюда казахского народа, песни, танцы. Место: 2-учебный корпус, фойе.
    Lectures «Bulgarians» for 1st year students (in English)
    12:50 - The department «Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan» holds a lecture «Bulgarians» as part of the interactive educational lecture hall «Halyktanu» for 1st year students (in English). The lecture will be held in auditorium 419, building No. 6.
    Work of the legal clinic
    14:30 - A legal clinic operates within the framework of the Legal Marathon. Consultations on a gratuitous basis in the field of civil, labor, and family law. Consultations will be held by: Plesovskikh R.M., lawyer of the Bar Association of the North Kazakhstan Region, Egorov A.V., practicing lawyer, teaching staff of the Department of «Legal Disciplines», Kulzhanova V., 1st-year master's student of ЕP 7M04201 «Jurisprudence», student asset of the 3rd - 4th courses of ЕP 6B04201 «Jurisprudence». Foyer 2nd floor, building 6.
    Intellectual game on the theme «Space and science»
    18:00 - The Faculty of Engineering and Digital Technologies conducts an intellectual game on the theme «Space and science».
  • 11 Научно-практическая конференция "Актуальные проблемы казахского языкознания в XXI веке"
    12:00 - Департамент науки в рамках Декады науки к 85-летию со дня рождения М. Сергалиева проводит научно-практическую конференцию "Актуальные проблемы казахского языкознания в XXI веке" для студентов университета. Конференция пройдет в аудитории 248, корпус №3.
    Конкурс научных студенческих работ
    12:20 - Департамент науки в рамках Декады науки проводит конкурс научных студенческих работ "New Kazakhstan through the eyes of young people". Конкурс пройдет в аудитории 352, корпус №3.
    Game-семинар «Драйвер профессионального роста» для студентов
    12:50 - «Өрлеу»-СКО проводит Game-семинара «Драйвер профессионального роста» для студентов @kozybayevuniversity Целью мероприятия является рассмотрение возможностей применения студентами подхода Lesson study, сервиса Web 2.0 при осуществлении образовательного процесса. Место проведения СКУ им. М. Козыбаева, кафедра «Теория и методика начального и дошкольного образования».Время проведения: 11 апреля 2023 г. с 12:50 до 14:40 ч.
    Научно-практический семинар "Введение в научную деятельность"
    12:51 - В рамках Декады науки Департамент науки проводит научно-практический семинар "Введение в научную деятельность" для обучающихся бакалавриата и магистратуры. Семинар пройдет 11.04.2023 в 12:50 в аудитории 508, корпус №4.
    Basketball competitions among girls
    16:00 - Basketball competitions among girls will be held as part of the 2023 SPARTAKIAD. The competitions will be held on April 11-12, 2023 in the sports hall number 1 of the EB 1 of the M. Kozybayev NKU. The competition starts at 16:00. The judging panel is held on April 11 at 15:45, in the first building, room 153. Team representatives must submit applications for participation and technical applications to the chief judge of the competition before the start of the competition, which means before 16:00, April 11, 2023. The general management of the preparation and conduct of competitions is entrusted to the manager of sports and mass work Isataev E.B. and the judging panel. The chief judge of the competition is Antonenko P. S.
  • 12 IX International Scientific and Practical Conference «Youth and Science - 2023»
    14:00 - The Department of Science, together with the faculties of the University, is holding the IX International Scientific and Practical conference «Youth and Science - 2023».
    Round table «Modern approaches to effective personnel management in financial organizations in the context of digitalization»
    14:00 - The Department of Finance and Management holds a round table «Modern approaches to effective personnel management in financial organizations in the context of digitalization» within the framework of the Decade of Science. The event will be held in auditorium 405, Building No. 6.
    Methodological platform «Problems and prospects of dombra performance development in Northern Kazakhstan»
    15:00 - The Department of «Musical Disciplines» within the framework of the Decade of Science organizes a methodological platform «Problems and prospects of dombra performance development in Northern Kazakhstan». The event will be held in auditorium 502, Building No. 10.
    Literary evening of "Eternal Poetry"
    18:00 - The Students' Union invites you to take part in the literary evening. All that is required: Your mood is to read and share the poems of your favorite poets stored in your hearts! Registration by link. Venue: Auditorium 157, building No. 3.
    Student scientific and practical conference «Relevant problems of modern literary studies and folklore studies»
    18:00 - The Institute of Language and Literature within the framework of the Decade of Science on the ZOOM platform is holding a student scientific and practical conference «Relevant problems of modern literary studies and folklore studies». ID: 605 746 5788 Access code: 709642
  • 13 Олимпиада по казахскому языку среди студентов 1 курса СКУ им. М. Козыбаева
    09:00 - Институт языка и литературы проводит олимпиаду по казахскому языку среди студентов 1 курса СКУ им. М. Козыбаева. Олимпиада пройдет в аудитории 240, корпус №3. 
    Annual Intra-university Olympiad in law «The best in law - 2023»
    09:30 - On April 13, 2023, the annual intra-university Olympiad in law «The Best in Law - 2023» will be held in auditorium 203, Building 6.
    Seminar-lecture on "Donation"
    12:50 - We invite you to a seminar-lecture on the topic "Donation". Lecturer Zadvornaya Svetlana Valerevna Head of the department of donor recruitment. The seminar will be held in Auditorium 119, Building No. 1.
    Scientific seminar «How ChatGPT can change the world»
    13:50 - The Faculty of Engineering and Digital Technologies within the framework of the Decade of Science holds a scientific seminar for students on the topic: «How ChatGPT can change the world». The seminar will be held in auditorium 215, academic building No. 5.
    Chess competitions
    15:00 - The Department for Work with Students invites you to take part in chess competitions within the framework of the Spartakiad among students at M. Kozybaev NKU. The competition will be held on April 13-14, 2023 in the dormitory No. 1, reading room.
    Meeting with the financial center
    15:00 - On April 13, at 15:00, a meeting with the financial center will be held in the assembly hall of the EB No. 1. The purpose of this event is explanatory work related to the mandatory three-year / two-year (serpin) training of graduates completing their studies on the basis of a state educational grant.
    Regional methodological seminar «Topical issues of teaching English as a foreign language»
    15:50 - The Institute of Language and Literature is holding a regional methodological seminar «Topical issues of teaching English as a foreign language» within the framework of the Decade of Science. Venue: Auditorium 253, building No. 3.
    Dialogue platform of the AF Student Scientific Society
    16:00 - The Faculty of Agrotechnology holds a dialogue platform of the AF Student Scientific Society within the framework of the Decade of Science. Venue: Auditorium 421, building No. 2.
    Table tennis competitions
    17:00 - We invite you to take part in table tennis competitions. Venue: 3 sports hall, building No. 6.
    Lectures «Greeks» for 1st year students (in Russian)
    17:50 - The Department of the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan on the ZOOM platform conducts a lecture «Greeks» as part of the interactive educational lecture hall «Halyktanu» for 1st year students (in Russian).
    Themed evening "Harry Potter - return to Hogwarts"
    18:00 - The Students' Union invites you to the world of wizards and magic, to the atmosphere of the beautiful, unpredictable universe. Take part in the "Harry Potter - Return to Hogwarts" party. You and your friends will have the opportunity to show their knowledge about the magical world and just have a great time in the atmosphere of magic. Assemble a team of 5 people, register and we look forward to seeing you on 13.04 at 18:00, EB 3, auditorium 357. Hurry up, only the first 7 teams that managed to register will take part.
    Film evening
    18:00 - The Youth Affairs Committee invites you to the long-awaited "Film Evening", which will be held on 12.04.2023 at 18:00. We wish you a good evening with friends and YAC. Movie: "Ocean's 8", comedy/action/thriller.
  • 14 Student scientific and practical conference «Engineering mechanics from A to Z»
    08:30 - The Faculty of Engineering and Digital Technologies is holding a student scientific and practical conference «Engineering mechanics from A to Z» within the framework of the Decade of Science. The conference will be held in Auditorium 16, Building No. 6.
    Book exhibition: 360th anniversary of the birth of Kozhabergen Zhyrau. «Elim-ai».
    10:00 - The University Library invites you to the book exhibition: the 360th anniversary of the birth of Kozhabergen Zhyrau. «Elim-ai». The exhibition will be held in the academic building No. 10, auditorium 110.
    An event dedicated to the Day of lovers celebration in Kazakhstan
    12:20 - The Institute of Language and Literature is holding an event in three languages dedicated to the Day of lovers celebration in Kazakhstan. Groups with Kazakh language of instruction – «Bayan Sulu and Kozy Korpesh», groups with Russian language of instruction – «Romeo and Juliet». The event will be held in auditorium 357, Building No. 3.
    Round table «Journey to the world of history»
    12:50 - The Faculty of History, Economics and Law holds a round table  «Journey to the world of history» within the framework of the Decade of Science. The event will be held in auditorium 306, academic building No. 6.
    Olympiad in Engineering Mechanics
    12:50 - The Faculty of Engineering and Digital Technologies holds an Olympiad in engineering mechanics (Resistance of materials) within the framework of the Decade of Science. Venue: auditorium 16, academic building No. 6.
    Scientific seminar «Regional socio-economic development: problems and solutions»
    15:00 - The Faculty of History, Economics and Law holds a scientific seminar «Regional socio-economic development: problems and solutions» within the framework of the Decade of Science. The event will be held in Auditorium 420, academic building No. 6.
    Round table «Literary local history in a modern school»
    15:00 - On April 14, 2023, a round table «Literary local history in a modern school» will be held in the conference hall of the 2nd building.
    «Mister & Miss Kozybayev University»
    15:00 - Dear students and guests of our university! The Student Government in honor of the day of «Kozy Korpesh - Bayan Sulu» is preparing a big event - the contest «Mister & Miss Kozybayev University»! There will be a SPECIAL STAR GUEST, whose name is still classified! Time of the contest: April 14 at 17:00. Venue: АВ 1, Assembly hall.
    Scientific seminar «The impact of artificial intelligence on the development of mobile applications»
    15:00 - The Department of Information and Communication Technologies holds a scientific seminar for undergraduates and doctoral students «The impact of artificial intelligence on the development of mobile applications» within the framework of the Decade of Science. The event will be held in Auditorium 210, Building No. 5.
    Festival: «Our strength is in unity»
    17:00 - A festival «Our strength is in unity» will be held at the university within the framework of the «Rukhani Zhangyru» program. Auditorium 260, Building No. 3.
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  • 17 Монолог «Возвращение к истокам»
    18:00 - Кафедра «Ассамблея народа Казахстана» предлагает вниманию зрителей монолог «Возвращение к истокам» преподавателя художественного труда и технологий Высшего колледжа им. М. Жумабаева Саткенова Ергали Шамильевича, в рамках проекта «Клуб интересных людей». Гость программы делится секретами технологий, связанных с обработкой кости, дерева и металла и дает рекомендации тем, кто проявляет интерес к возрождению древних ремесел. Саткенов Е.Ш. на собственном примере рассказывает о том, с чего начать постижение казахских древних ремесел, в частности – обработку кости и изготовление из нее различных изделий и предметов быта. Об участии в международных выставках, сотрудничестве с Ассамблеей народа Казахстана и кафедрой АНК СКУ им. М. Козыбаева мастера можете познакомиться подробнее, пройдя по ссылке.
  • 18 Олимпиада по физике для учащихся 10 классов школ города и области
    14:00 - Кафедра "Физика" в рамках Декады науки проводит онлайн олимпиаду по физике для учащихся 10 классов школ города и области.
    Quiz in English “Things that surround us. How do they work?”
    16:50 - The Institute of Language and Literature conducts a quiz in English “Things that surround us. How do they work?”. The event will be held in auditorium 348, Building No. 3.
  • 19 Regional intellectual game "Star moment" in Kazakh
    14:50 - The Institute of Language and Literature is holding a regional intellectual game "Star Moment" in the Kazakh language. The event will be held in auditorium 353, Building No. 3.
    Job Fair
    15:00 - The Career and Employment Center informs that on April 19, 2023, at 15:00, an online job fair for students of pedagogical specialties will be held on the Zoom platform. Link:
    Anime Party
    17:30 - The Students' Union invites you to take part in the "Anime Party"! The fun and good time continues! There will be a lot of interesting tasks and a lot of gifts. On April 19, at EB No. 1 at 17:30, come to the "Anime Party"!!!
  • 20 Thematic seminar «Rules of academic integrity at the university. Formation of an anti-corruption culture and principles of integrity»
    12:00 - Within the framework of the Legal Marathon, a thematic seminar «Rules of academic integrity at the university. Formation of an anti-corruption culture and principles of integrity» will be held. The seminar will be attended by R.L. Shaimergenov, Head of the Department of the Combating Corruption Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan in Akmola region, Z.B. Zhukova, Cand. Sc. (Law), Honored Professor (Associate Professor), E.A. Bryzgalova, Acting Head of the Department of «Legal Disciplines», O.V. Miroshnikova, senior lecturer. The seminar will be held in auditorium 203, building 6.
  • 21 Biology Olympiad among students of biological specialties
    09:00 - The Department of Biology holds an online olympiad among students of biological specialties within the framework of the Decade of Science.
    Promising areas of research on the problems of biological education
    10:00 - The Department of Biology is holding a meeting within the framework of the Decade of Science, at which promising areas of research on the problems of biological education will be considered. Venue: Auditorium 340, building No. 2.
    Прием документов на образовательные программы MBA
    12:00 - В Kozybayev University с 04.04.2023 года идет прием документов поступающих на образовательные программы MBA. Прием документов продлится до 5 мая 2023 года. Подать документы можно в корпусе №6, аудитория 11в. Подробнее
    Regional conference dedicated to the International Earth Day
    14:00 - The Department of Geography and Ecology holds a regional conference dedicated to the International Earth Day and summing up the results of the competition and Olympiads. The conference will be held in Auditorium 415, Building No. 2.
  • 22 Celebration of Nauryz!
    11:00 - On April 22 at 11.00 we invite everyone to the main square of the university, where the celebration of Nauryz will take place! A rich dastarkhan, a concert program, contests and Kazakh folk games are waiting for you: togyzkumalak, kazaksha kures, tug of war and others. Let's celebrate the holiday together!
    University Championship in kettlebell lifting
    11:00 - The Department of Work with Students invites you to take part in the university championship in kettlebell lifting as part of the 2023 Spartakiad among students. The competition will be held on 04.22.2023 at 11:00, EB Square No. 1.
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  • 24 Lectures «Yakuts» for 1st year students (in English)
    12:50 - The department «Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan» holds a lecture «Yakuts» as part of the interactive educational lecture hall «Halyktanu» for 1st year students (in English). The lecture will be held in auditorium 419, building No. 6.
    Competition of author's poems in three languages «Poёma-loquens picturа» («Poetry – speaking painting»)
    16:00 - The Institute of Language and Literature holds a contest of author's poems in three languages «Poёma-loquens picturа» («Poetry – speaking painting»). The event will be held in auditorium 357, Building No. 3.
  • 25 May 25, 2023 the beginning of classes in the MBA educational programs at Kozybayev University
    09:00 - From May 25 to May 28, 2023, classes will be held for those enrolled in MBA educational programs. Classes will be held in the educational and laboratory complex in the MBA office on the third floor. Class time is from 9:00 to 19:00 with two coffee breaks.
    Seminar «Initial actions in case of a threat of committing an act of terrorism»
    15:00 - The Faculty of History, Economics and Law holds a seminar «Initial actions in case of a threat of committing an act of terrorism». The seminar will be held in auditorium 203, Building No. 6.
    The Students' Union invites you to become part of the team
    17:00 - If you want to become part of the student union team, come to the meeting on April 25, 2023 at 17:00. Auditorium 310, building No. 4.
  • 26 Book exhibition: «People of Science»
    10:00 - The University library invites you to the book exhibition «People of Science». The exhibition will take place in Auditorium 109, academic building No. 10.
  • 27 Master class with Diana Spulber
    10:45 - Dear teachers and students! A master class with Diana Spulber will be held on April 27, 2023. Diana Spulber – PhD, Professor at the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia, Moscow, Russia, Professor at the University of Genoa, Italy, member of the Academic Council of the Foundation for Security and Freedom, Rome, Italy. Topic of the presentation: «Research methodology». The meeting will be held in EB No. 1, auditorium 115. It starts at 10:45. We are waiting for everyone, it will be interesting!
    В 2023 году субботник пройдет 27 апреля в 16:00
    16:00 - В целях благоустройства кампуса и прилегающих территорий учебных корпусов, общежитий и других объектов университета в весенний период требуется  произвести уборку закрепленной территории.
    Научный семинар "Актуальные проблемы лингвистики и методики иноязычного образования"
    16:50 - Институт языка и литературы приглашает принят участие в научном семинаре "Актуальные проблемы лингвистики и методики иноязычного образования". Место проведения: аудитория 253, корпус №3.
    Lectures «Yakuts» for 1st year students (in Russian)
    17:50 - The Department of the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan on the ZOOM platform conducts a lecture «Yakuts» as part of the interactive educational lecture hall «Halyktanu» for 1st year students (in Russian).
    Областная студенческая лига JAIDARMAN
    18:00 - Приглашаем на Областную студенческую лигу JAIDARMAN. Мероприятие пройдет 27 апреля 2023 года в 18:00.
  • 28 Student scientific and practical conference «The use of information and communication technologies in the educational process»
    09:30 - The Department of Chemistry and Chemical Technologies is holding a student scientific and practical conference «The use of information and communication technologies in the educational process» within the framework of the Decade of Science. The conference will be held in Auditorium 423, Building No. 2.
    Student scientific and Practical conference «Applied aspects of organic substances technology»
    15:00 - The Department of Chemistry and Chemical Technologies is holding a student scientific and practical conference «Applied aspects of organic substances technology» within the framework of the Decade of Science. The conference will be held in Auditorium 407, Building No. 2.
    Online meeting with the Financial Center
    15:00 - On April 28, at 15.00, an online meeting with the Financial Center for graduate students studying on the basis of a state educational order will take place on the ZOOM platform.  Link: Conference ID: 365-441-2169 Access code: 1001
    Театр "Пилигрим" приглашает на премьеру спектакля «Голоса в темноте»
    19:00 - ПРЕМЬЕРА! «Даша Коротченкова живет в небольшом городе Сарафаново. Или как бы сказал ее одноклассник «город явного кабздеца». Девочка страдает от птоза, от буллинга, от недопонимания с мамой, от бедности. Все, что помогает девочке это ее любимое аниме. Но даже оно не спасло. Все закончилось не так уж трагично: кома, больничная палата, аппарат жизнеобеспечения. Но вопрос остается открытым. Что подтолкнуло Дашу к отчаянному шагу? Что заставило выдернуть шнур из ноутбука и соорудить петлю прямо на лестничной площадке? Кто виноват в том, что произошло? И наконец - кто понесет ответственность?» Ждём вас на нашем спектакле «Голоса в темноте» К. Ибраева. Актовый зал, корпус №1. Место ограничены, вход по записи в директ @piligrim_theatre
  • 29 Laboratory of a young biologist
    11:00 - The Department of Biology is holding an event "Laboratory of a young biologist" within the framework of the Decade of Science. The territory of the NKU.
  • 30
Faculty News
PF: Поздравляем победителей Конкурса!

В сентябре 2024 г. Педагогический факультет СКУ им. М.Козыбаева и филиал АО «НЦПК Өрлеу» «Институт профессионального развития по СКО читать далее

10 October 2024
PF: Congratulations!

On October 1, the University celebrated the 75th anniversary of the Honored Professor of the Department of Physical Culture and Sports, PhD, Associate читать далее

08 October 2024
PF: Congratulations!

The competition of research works by students of higher educational institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan was held on the basis of the NAO "Karag читать далее

08 October 2024
F: 70 слушателей поступили на факультет Foundation

14 сентября на факультете Foundation прошел вступительный экзамен среди кандидатов на курсы языковой подготовки с использованием системы прокторинга & читать далее

26 September 2024
AF: экологический молодежный марафон

В известном всем горожанам Мещанском лесу прошел экологический молодежный марафон, организованный фронт-офисом волонтерства «Birgemiz» и о читать далее

17 September 2024
NSSF: На факультете истории, экономики и права проводится разъяснительная работа по строительству АЭС в Казахстане

12 сентября 2024 года на ФИЭПе прошла разъяснительная встреча по строительству АЭС в Казахстане, на которой присутствовали студенты групп УиА-21 и М читать далее

13 September 2024
NSSF: На ФИЭПе прошел круглый стол, посвященный дню семьи

10 сентября 2024 года на факультете истории, экономики и права был проведен круглый стол на тему "Роль семьи в обществе", в котором приняли участие читать далее

11 September 2024
PF: Поздравляем первокурсников педагогического факультета!!!

Второго сентября первокурсники факультета в торжественной обстановке встретились с администрацией педагогического факультета. Декан факультета Айнагул читать далее

06 September 2024
ИСТФ: FICT employees were awarded PhD diplomas

On September 6, at the academic council of the university, PhD diplomas were awarded to Gulmira Zhabaevna Ospanova, Aliya Muratovna Aitymova and Anna читать далее

10 September 2024
ИСТФ: Awards from the Minister of Science and Higher Education S. Nurbek

Congratulations to the teaching staff of the Faculty on awards from the Minister of Science and Higher Education S. Nurbek! Diplomas, certificates an читать далее

10 September 2024
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IX International Scientific and Practical Conference «Youth and Science - 2023»

The Department of Science, together with the faculties of the University, is holding the IX International Scientific and Practical conference «Youth and Science - 2023».

12.04.2023 14:00
Round table «Modern approaches to effective personnel management in financial organizations in the context of digitalization»

The Department of Finance and Management holds a round table «Modern approaches to effective personnel management in financial organizations in the context of digitalization» within the framework of the Decade of Science. The event will be held in auditorium 405, Building No. 6.

12.04.2023 14:00
Methodological platform «Problems and prospects of dombra performance development in Northern Kazakhstan»

The Department of «Musical Disciplines» within the framework of the Decade of Science organizes a methodological platform «Problems and prospects of dombra performance development in Northern Kazakhstan». The event will be held in auditorium 502, Building No. 10.

12.04.2023 15:00
Literary evening of "Eternal Poetry"

The Students' Union invites you to take part in the literary evening. All that is required: Your mood is to read and share the poems of your favorite poets stored in your hearts! Registration by link. Venue: Auditorium 157, building No. 3.

12.04.2023 18:00
Student scientific and practical conference «Relevant problems of modern literary studies and folklore studies»

The Institute of Language and Literature within the framework of the Decade of Science on the ZOOM platform is holding a student scientific and practical conference «Relevant problems of modern literary studies and folklore studies». ID: 605 746 5788 Access code: 709642

12.04.2023 18:00