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Non-profit limited company
"Manash Kozybayev
North Kazakhstan university"
March 2023
  • Mon
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  • 1 Challenge «A world full of goodness!»
    12:20 - The Department of «Legal Disciplines» organizes the challenge «A world full of goodness!». Auditorium 203, building No. 6.
    Master classes of pottery and felt craftsmanship
    15:00 - The department "Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan" invites you to take part in master classes in pottery and felt art. Master classes will be held on March 1, 2023 at 15:00 and 15:30 in the foyer of the academic building No. 1.
    A solemn event dedicated to the Gratitude Day
    16:00 - The department "Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan" invites you to a solemn event dedicated to the Day of Gratitude. The event will be attended by representatives of the Department of Internal Policy of the Akimat of the North Kazakhstan region, the Department of Analysis of Interethnic Relations - the secretariat of the APK of the regional Akimat, the Amanat party, deputies of the city Maslikhat, members of the regional Council of Veterans, representatives of ethno–cultural associations of the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan of the North Kazakhstan region, KSU "Kogamdyk kelisim" under the Akim of the North Kazakhstan region, GU "Department of Education of the North Kazakhstan Region", director and teachers of the school-complex of national revival No. 17 Petropavlovsk, North Kazakhstan Regional Museum Association, teachers, staff, students and graduates of the university. An exhibition of books will wait for you in the lobby of building No. 1, as well as master classes of pottery and felt craftsmanship will be held at 15.00.
  • 2 Human rights training: principles, norms, directions (Part 3)
    08:30 - Within the framework of the Legal Marathon, Bryzgalova E.A., Acting head of the Department of «Legal Disciplines» and Solovyov E., 3rd year student of EP 6B04201 «Jurisprudence» will conduct training on human rights: principles, norms, directions. Auditorium 203, building 6, at 8:30.
    Seminar «Traditions and rituals of the Kazakh people»
    15:00 - The Department of «Legal Disciplines» holds a seminar «Traditions and rituals of the Kazakh people». Auditorium 306, building No. 6.
    Концертная программа-конкурс "Битва поколений"
    15:00 - Концертная программа-конкурс, посвященный празднованию международного праздника "8 марта" среди студентов групп ТПП-20, ТППЖ-20. Актовый зал, корпус №1.
    Preparation for the UNT with the Department of "Physics"
    17:00 - Dear students! The Department of "Physics" of  NKU named after M. Kozybaev invites you to classes on preparation for the UNT. From March 2, 2023 and every Thursday at 17:00 in the auditorium 301(k), building No. 5. Classes for students in Russian are conducted by Gololobova Evgeniya Georgievna, senior lecturer of the Department of Physics, Master of Natural Sciences. Classes for students in the Kazakh language are conducted by Amanzholova Ayman Zholdybayevna, senior lecturer of the Department of Physics, Master of Natural Sciences.
    Guest lecture. Speaker Elena Semidotskikh.
    17:00 - We invite you to a meeting with Elena Semidotskikh. Elena is a graduate of the University, a member of the Commission on Women's Rights under the President, a member of the Council of Businesswomen of Kazakhstan, an entrepreneur. Come, it will be interesting! 02.03.2023 at 17:00, conference hall, building No. 2.
    Movie night
    18:30 - We invite you to a film evening on March 2 at 18:30. Academic building No. 1, assembly hall. You can vote for the movie to be viewed @kozybayev_sp
  • 3 Guest lecture. Speaker Ainura Aitkenova.
    12:00 - You will learn how to become a BOLASHAQ Scholarship holder and get an international education at the best universities in the world at a meeting with Ainura Aitkenova, Master of the University of Glasgow (UK). The meeting will be held offline and online on March 3 on the Zoom platform. The beginning is at 12:00 Astana time. Conference hall, building No. 2. Conference identifier: 365 441 2169 Access code: 1001
    Meeting with veterans of the Journalism Department: «Day of Kindness and Respect»
    15:00 - The Department of Journalism holds a meeting with veterans of the department. The event will be held on March 3, 2023 in auditorium 222, academic building No. 6.
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  • 6 Work of the legal clinic
    14:30 - A legal clinic operates within the framework of the Legal Marathon. Consultations on a gratuitous basis in the field of civil, labor, and family law. Consultations will be held by: Plesovskikh R.M., lawyer of the Bar Association of the North Kazakhstan Region, Egorov A.V., practicing lawyer, teaching staff of the Department of «Legal Disciplines», Kulzhanova V., 1st-year master's student of EP 7M04201 «Jurisprudence», student asset of the 3rd - 4th courses of EP 6B04201 «Jurisprudence».
    Dialogue platform "Great women of Kazakhstan"
    16:00 - The Department of Mathematics and Computer Science organizes a dialogue platform on the topic "Great women of Kazakhstan". The event will be held in auditorium 406, academic building No. 5.
  • 7 Festive concert program dedicated to March 8
    12:00 -    The Department of Work with Students is invited to a festive concert program dedicated to March 8.  The event will take place on March 7 at 12:00 in the assembly hall of the academic building No. 1.              
    Мероприятие, посвященное празднику 8 марта
    12:20 - Профсоюз студентов в преддверии Международного женского дня приглашают на классную акцию для неотразимой женской половины нашего университета. 7 марта 2023 год, учебный корпус №2 ФОЙЕ, с 12:20 до 15:00. Вас будут ждать: фотозона, фотограф, прекрасные парни, музыка, приятная атмосфера и мн. др.
    18:30 - Милые дамы! Команда KOZYBAYEV SP специально для вас подготовили: вокальные номера, конкурсы и много всего крутого и незабываемого. Ждем вас у себя на DISCO NIGHT! 07/03/23 в 18:30, 3 учебный корпус, актовый зал.
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  • 9 Подготовка к ЕНТ с кафедрой "Физика"
    17:00 - Уважаемые школьники! Кафедра "Физика" СКУ им. М. Козыбаева приглашает на занятия по подготовке к ЕНТ. Сегодня 9 марта и каждый четверг в 17:00 в аудитории 301(к), корпус №5. Занятия для обучающихся на русском языке проводит Гололобова Евгения Георгиевна, старший преподаватель кафедры "Физика", магистр естественных наук. Занятия для обучающихся на казахском языке проводит Аманжолова Айман Жолдыбаевна, старший преподаватель кафедры "Физика", магистр естественных наук.
    "Пиратский вечер"
    17:30 - Вы самый жалкий из всех пиратов, о которых я слышал. — Но вы обо мне слышали! (Капитан Норрингтон; Капитан Джек Воробей). Профсоюз студентов приглашает! ВПЕРВЫЕ в стенах @kozybayevuniversity 09.03.23 пройдет "ПИРАТСКИЙ ВЕЧЕР". Место проведения: аудитория 357, учебный корпус 3 в 17:30. Вас ждет все самое интересное: приветствие, квесты, загадки, карты, настольные игры, музыка, приятная атмосфера, вкусняшки/чай. Не забудь взять с собой кружку!
    English club приглашает друзей
    18:00 - Очередная встреча в English club пройдет 9 марта в 18:00. Приглашаем присоединиться к нашему клубу. Корпус №3, аудитория 257.
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  • 13 Work of the legal clinic
    14:30 - A legal clinic operates within the framework of the Legal Marathon. Consultations on a gratuitous basis in the field of civil, labor, and family law. Consultations will be held by: Plesovskikh R.M., lawyer of the Bar Association of the North Kazakhstan Region, Egorov A.V., practicing lawyer, teaching staff of the Department of «Legal Disciplines», Kulzhanova V., 1st-year master's student of EP 7M04201 «Jurisprudence», student asset of the 3rd - 4th courses of EP 6B04201 «Jurisprudence».
    Webinar with Asel Musabekova, PhD in Molecular Biology and Virology (University of Strasbourg, France)
    15:00 - Dear teachers and students! On February 13, 2023, a webinar will be held with Asel Musabekova, PhD in Molecular Biology and Virology (University of Strasbourg, France), co-founder of the @gylymfaces @gylymfaces @gylymfaces.qaz, volunteer, immunization consultant for Unicef Kazakhstan. Asel will talk about how tiny microorganisms are becoming a threat to all of humanity, how this is related to global warming, and what can be done to prevent or prepare as much as possible for new infectious challenges. The meeting will be held on the zoom platform on March 13, 2023. Beginning at 15:00 ID : 365 441 2169 Access code: 1001 We are waiting for everyone, it will be very interesting!
  • 14 MBA - DAY в Kozybayev Universty
    09:00 - Высшая Школа Бизнеса AlmaU приглашает слушателей, выпускников, партнеров и друзей на "AlmaU MBA-Tour" в г. Петропавловск!AlmaU MBA-Tour - прекрасный шанс стать частью бизнес-сообщества Казахстана! Дата: 14 марта 2023Время: 10.00 – 17.00Место проведения: Kozybayev University, г. Петропавловск, Пушкина, 86 бКонтактные номера: +7(7152) 49-33-42, +7 (7152) 46-13-20, +7777 325 7877 (Рамазанова Шынар), +7 775 213 4911 (Оспанова Гульмира)Программа:AlmaU Talks: "MBA-Моя история" (с) made by AlmaUМастер-класс "Систематизация, как инструмент роста компании”Спикер: Дмитрий Гусенко, основатель и владелец бизнесов, консультант по внедрению инструментов расширения и систематизации бизнесов, ТОП 10 бизнес-тренеров Казахстана, мастер бизнес-игры «Монетизатор» по созданию креативного мышления. Мастер-класс “Инновации в маркетинге для роста продаж”Спикер: Тимур Сабитов, президент Казахстанской федерации маркетинга, рекламы и PR, сертифицированный тренер Нидерландского института маркетинга (NIMA), тренер Sheffield Business School (Англия). Достижения AlmaU - лидера в СНГ на рынке бизнес-образования - результат многолетней слаженной работы команды университета и преподавателей. Регистрация обязательна: Количество мест ограничено!   
    Training seminar in the field of labor legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan
    10:30 - Within the framework of the Legal Marathon, a training seminar will be held in the field of labor legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan «Employment contract (conclusion, amendment, termination of an employment contract, guarantees and compensation to employees related to the termination of an employment contract)». The seminar will be conducted by Zhukova Z.B., Candidate of Law, Honored Professor (Associate Professor), Miroshnikova O.V., senior lecturer, Soloviev E., 3rd year student of ЕP 6B04201 «Jurisprudence». The seminar will be held in auditorium 203, building 6.
    Thematic lecture «Countering illicit trafficking of drugs, psychotropic substances, their analogues and precursors in the practice of the North Kazakhstan Police Department»
    10:30 - Within the framework of the Legal Marathon, a thematic lecture «Countering illicit trafficking of drugs, psychotropic substances, their analogues and precursors in the practice of the North Kazakhstan Police Department» is being held. The lecture is conducted by: Bakeeva R.G., senior investigator for particularly important cases of the Department of Inquiry of the Police Department of the North Kazakhstan Region, student scientific Club «Zanger», Loboda A.F., senior lecturer. The lecture will be held in auditorium 203, building No. 6.
  • 15 Quiz «I am a young voter»
    12:00 - As part of the Legal Marathon, a quiz «I am a young voter» will be held. Venue: Hall of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, building 5.
  • 16 Photo exhibition «The world around me»
    12:00 - The Department of «Legal Disciplines» holds a photo exhibition «The world around me». The event will be held in auditorium 223 (a), academic building No. 6.
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  • 18 Баскетбол среди юношеских команд
    10:00 - Департамент по работе со студентами приглашает принять участие в соревнованиях по баскетболу. Соревнования пройдут с 18 по 21 марта 2023 года. К участию допускаются юноши 2006-2007 гг. рождения и старше. Состав команды 12 человек. 
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  • 26 Spring picnic
    12:00 - Dear friends, our first spring picnic dedicated to the Nauryz holiday will take place this Sunday, March 26, 2023. Gathering near the Family market at 12:00.
  • 27 VOGUE CHOREOGRAPHY Master Class
    18:00 - The Student Government organizes a VOGUE CHOREOGRAPHY Master Class.  VOGUE is not only a dance, but also a culture. A culture of accepting oneself and others as they are. We are waiting for you on 27.03 at 18:00 for the Vogue Choreo master class from @thewinera. Here you can get acquainted with the basic elements of VOGUE, learn choreography using them, as well as get out of your comfort zone and try something new for yourself, and of course, just have a good time. Take with you: comfortable clothes (which cover the knees) heels (optional) or any other comfortable replacement shoes water good mood AFTER VOGUE CHOREOGRAPHY - THERE WILL BE AN OPPORTUNITY TO QUALIFY FOR THE @illusion_ku REGISTRATION IN THE PROFILE HEADER @illusion_ku
  • 28 Guest lecture. Speaker Asem Zhanguttinova.
    15:00 - Dear teachers and students! A webinar with Asem Zhanguttinova will be held on March 28, 2023. Asem Zhanguttinova is a graduate of the FT MBA program in 2019. Independent Director in the field of corporate internal audit. She has more than 9 years of experience in accounting, taxation, external audit, corporate finance and retail investments. After the pandemic, she rebranded the educational center in a financial niche. Attracted more than 1,500 clients and received a 10,000+ euro grant from the EBRD for the development of the center's training management system. She is currently working on research opportunities and partial digitalization of projects. The meeting will be held on the zoom platform on March 28, 2023 beginning at 15:00. We are waiting for everyone, it will be very interesting!  ID : 365 441 21 69 Access code: 1001
    Quest game "On the ladder steps of success"
    16:00 - The Department of Chemistry and Chemical Technologies conducts a quest game "On the ladder steps of success". The event will be held in auditorium 322, Building No. 5.
  • 29
  • 30 Basketball
    16:00 - We invite you to take part in basketball competitions! Men's teams of students and undergraduates are allowed to compete. The team consists of 5-8 young men. The competitions will be held in the sports hall No. 1 of the first academic building at 16:00 on March 30-31.
    Lectures «Mordvins» for 1st year students (in Russian)
    17:50 - The Department of the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan on the ZOOM platform conducts a lecture «Mordvins» as part of the interactive educational lecture hall «Halyktanu» for 1st year students (in Russian).
    Literary evening "Bookshelf"
    18:00 - Stop putting books off for later, start reading with us! We invite you to a literary evening. The program of the evening includes mini-contests and a joint reading of the play. The meeting will take place in Auditorium 157, Building No. 3.
  • 31 Meeting with the heads of law enforcement agencies
    15:00 - The Department of "Legal Disciplines" organizes a meeting with the heads of law enforcement agencies. The meeting will be held in auditorium 223a, building No. 6.
    We invite you to the "K-Pop Party"
    17:30 - The Students' Union has prepared something cool for you, be sure to follow the updates @nkzutradeunion to be aware of all the events and be active. On March 31, 2023, a "K-Pop Party" will be held in the assembly hall of the academic building No. 1.
Faculty News
PF: Congratulations!

On October 1, the University celebrated the 75th anniversary of the Honored Professor of the Department of Physical Culture and Sports, PhD, Associate читать далее

08 October 2024
PF: Congratulations!

The competition of research works by students of higher educational institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan was held on the basis of the NAO "Karag читать далее

08 October 2024
F: 70 слушателей поступили на факультет Foundation

14 сентября на факультете Foundation прошел вступительный экзамен среди кандидатов на курсы языковой подготовки с использованием системы прокторинга & читать далее

26 September 2024
AF: экологический молодежный марафон

В известном всем горожанам Мещанском лесу прошел экологический молодежный марафон, организованный фронт-офисом волонтерства «Birgemiz» и о читать далее

17 September 2024
NSSF: На факультете истории, экономики и права проводится разъяснительная работа по строительству АЭС в Казахстане

12 сентября 2024 года на ФИЭПе прошла разъяснительная встреча по строительству АЭС в Казахстане, на которой присутствовали студенты групп УиА-21 и М читать далее

13 September 2024
NSSF: На ФИЭПе прошел круглый стол, посвященный дню семьи

10 сентября 2024 года на факультете истории, экономики и права был проведен круглый стол на тему "Роль семьи в обществе", в котором приняли участие читать далее

11 September 2024
PF: Поздравляем первокурсников педагогического факультета!!!

Второго сентября первокурсники факультета в торжественной обстановке встретились с администрацией педагогического факультета. Декан факультета Айнагул читать далее

06 September 2024
ИСТФ: FICT employees were awarded PhD diplomas

On September 6, at the academic council of the university, PhD diplomas were awarded to Gulmira Zhabaevna Ospanova, Aliya Muratovna Aitymova and Anna читать далее

10 September 2024
ИСТФ: Awards from the Minister of Science and Higher Education S. Nurbek

Congratulations to the teaching staff of the Faculty on awards from the Minister of Science and Higher Education S. Nurbek! Diplomas, certificates an читать далее

10 September 2024
ИСТФ: Students majoring in Construction received Gratitude from the city akim

On September 6, at the academic council of the university, students of group S-23 Korzhov D, Gaisin A, Mazhukin D, S-22 Dolotin R received gratitude f читать далее

10 September 2024
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Quiz «I am a young voter»

As part of the Legal Marathon, a quiz «I am a young voter» will be held. Venue: Hall of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, building 5.

15.03.2023 12:00