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Non-profit limited company
"Manash Kozybayev
North Kazakhstan university"
February 2024
  • Mon
  • Tue
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  • Sun
  • 1 «Back to 2000’s»
    17:00 - We invite you to a cozy evening «Back to 2000’s»!  board games from @stud_board_game,  cartoons and TV series of 2000’s, free drinks and a disco are waiting for you.  Follow the DRESS CODE inspired by popular TV series and glamorous fashion of 2000’s!  don't forget your glass! 01.02.24 / aud. 357 of EB №3 / 17:00
    The Polyglot Quiz
    18:50 - The Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences invites you to take part in the quiz "Polyglot". The event will take place at 18:50, auditorium 306, building 5.
  • 2 The Enactus Kozybayev announces recruitment to the team!
    18:00 - The Enactus Kozybayev team announces recruitment to the team! If you want:- Create and develop projects- Implement your creative ideas (Team building, shooting, editing)- Travel to different cities to gain new experience- Get acquainted with students and entrepreneurs from all over the world- To become a part of a large and friendly society fill out the application form in the profile @enactus_kozybayev and come to the meeting on February 2, 2024 at 18:00 in the conference hall, building 2.
  • 3
  • 4 We invite you to a winter picnic
    12:00 - February 4, 2024. The gathering is at 12:00 near the Family market store.
  • 5
  • 6 Evening UNT preparation courses
    18:00 - The Foundation Faculty invites you to evening UNT preparation courses. Registration for the course is held until February 6, 2024.  To sign up for the course, please contact WhatsApp +7-777-415-13-42, +7-778-767-36-64.
  • 7
  • 8 The seminar "The first step into robotics"
    18:00 - The Faculty of Engineering and Digital Technologies is holding a seminar "The first step into robotics". The event will take place at 18:00, dormitory No. 2.
  • 9 Poetry evening dedicated to Mukagali Makatayev
    11:00 - The Institute of Language and Literature is holding a poetry evening dedicated to Mukagali Makatayev. The time of the event is 11:00, auditorium 248.
    Essay contest "My future profession"
    17:30 - The Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences invites you to take part in the essay contest "My future profession". The competition will be held at 17:30, reading room of dormitory No.3.
  • 10 A mass ski race
    11:30 - We invite you to take part in a mass ski race "Ystyk kayrat"! The race will be held on February 10, 2024 at 11:30 a.m., п. Борки, Petropavl, ул. Студенческая-3.. To participate in the ski race are invited:   1. AF – at least 10 people.  Teaching staff and employees;  2. ILL – at least 12 people. Teaching staff and employees;  3. FEDT – at least 12 people.  Teaching staff and employees;  4. FMEN – at least 12 people. Teaching staff and employees;  5. FHEL – at least 12 people.  Teaching staff and employees;  6. PF – at least 15 people. Teaching staff and employees;  7. MF – at least 10 people.  Teaching staff and employees;  8. Foundation – 3 people;  9. Structural units: at least 3 people. Note: The form of clothing is winter sportswear. Teachers and staff who do not have contraindications for health reasons are allowed to race. Ski equipment will be issued on February 9, 2024 from 15:30 to 17:00 and on February 10, 2024 from 9:00 to 10:45 at the ski base of the dormitory no.2. Автобус для перевозки участников отъезжает 10 февраля в 9.40 ч. и 10.40 час. с лыжной базы общежития №2. Please send the applications of the participants to office 153, EB No. 1, "University Sports Club" by 15:00 on February 9, 2024. Contact email:
    Round table "Youth against corruption"
    14:00 - The Institute of Language and Literature is holding a round table "Youth against corruption". The event will take place at 14:00, auditorium 258, building No. 3.
  • 11
  • 12 Конкурс видеороликов «Моя учёба в университете»
    18:00 - Факультет математики и естественных наук проводит конкурс видеороликов "Моя учеба в университете". Конкурс пройдет в 18:00, читальный зал, общежитие №3.
  • 13 Valentine's Day
    18:00 - 14 февраля - это не просто день в календаре, это день, когда в воздухе витает атмосфера любви, нежности и радости! Студенческое Правительство предлагаем вам возможность выразить свои чувства через нашу «Почту Любви»! Во втором корпусе нашего университета 13-14 февраля будет установлена специальная коробка для валентинок. Просто напишите письмо, открытку или оставьте маленькое послание любви для вашего особенного человека или друга, и положите его в нашу коробку. Ваши слова доберутся прямо до сердца человека, которому вы хотите выразить свою любовь и благодарность! Не забудьте написать группу, факультет и номер телефона получателя.Подарите кому-то улыбку в этот прекрасный праздник!
  • 14 Викторина ко Дню влюбленных
    11:00 - Обучающиеся групп И(о)-23 и И(о)-23-к приглашают вас принять участие в викторине! Ответьте верно на три вопроса викторины и получите валентинку, которой сможете порадовать любимого человека! 14 февраля, учебный корпус №6, 3 этаж. 
  • 15 B.O.M.J. Party
    17:00 - Профсоюз студентов приглашает на B.O.M.J. Party! Отбросьте все заботы и присоединяйтесь к нам, чтобы создать веселые воспоминания, которые не оставят вас равнодушными. Друзья, не забудьте включить свое творчество в выборе наряда – наше Пати будет ещё веселее с дресс-кодом в стиле уличной моды! Выражайте свою индивидуальность через деревянные браслеты, ярко-поношенные шапки и стильные тряпки. Не бойтесь экспериментировать. Аудитория 320, корпус №4.
    18:00 - Dear students, we are announcing the beginning of the election of the President of the Kozybayev University Student Government! Candidates need to: To be a student of M. Kozybaev NKU; To get acquainted with the Regulations on the Student Government on the official website of the University (in the register of documents), or by writing on WhatsApp at 8 777-083-23-39; Fill out an application for participation in the elections on the @kozybayev_sp Instagram page using the link in the bio; Collect at least 300 signatures (5% of the total number of students) supporting the candidacy; Prepare an autobiography and send it by e-mail between January 29 and February 6, 2024. To post your candidacy on the official Instagram page, you must submit video material (detailed information about yourself, ideas for improving the life of our university) by e-mail by February 7, 2024 . Election stages: The campaign period is from February 7 to February 14, 2024 (candidates can use as campaign material: non-self-adhesive flyers, videos with information about the applicant, booklets and banners); Election debates - February 14, 2024; Online voting via Microsoft Forms - February 15, 2024; The results of the voting will be published on the official Instagram page @kozybayevuniversity For any questions, please contact 8 777-083-23-39 WhatsApp
    Valentine's Day event
    18:00 - The Faculty of Engineering and Digital Technologies is holding an event dedicated to Valentine's Day. The venue is Dormitory No. 2, at 18:00.
    Presentation competition "What should I do to make my country better"
    18:00 - The Institute of Language and Literature holds a presentation competition on the topic: "What should I do to make my country better". The event will be held in auditorium 344, building No. 3.
    Dialogue platform "The danger of religious extremism on the Internet"
    19:00 - The department "Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan" holds a regional dialogue platform "The danger of religious extremism on the Internet". The event will be held online at 19:00.
    Republican online round table "Youth of Kazakhstan against terrorism and extremism"
    19:00 - The Institute of Language and Literature invites you to take part in the Republican online round table "Youth of Kazakhstan against terrorism and extremism". The event will be attended by O.V. Sinyakov, a religious scholar at the Center for the Study of Religions, Astana.  Identification number: 254-918-7682 Password: 128015
  • 16 Acting competition among students of the Journalism Department
    10:30 - The Department of Journalism invites its students to take part in an acting competition. The competition will be held at 10:30 a.m., auditorium 111, building No. 6.
    The quest "Chemistry on the guard of health"
    18:00 - The Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences conducts the quest "Chemistry on the guard of health". The event will be held in the reading room of dormitory No. 3 at 18:00.
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  • 19 Legal Marathon - 2024
    10:30 - The Department of Legal Disciplines invites you to take part in the Legal Marathon - 2024. The events will be held from February 19 to 29, 2024 in Auditorium 203, Building No. 6.
    Criminological business game
    16:50 - Department of Legal disciplines holds a Criminological business game. Auditorium II, building No. 5.
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  • 22 Guess The Melody
    17:30 - The Students' Union invites you to plunge into the atmosphere of nostalgia, fun and amazing melodies! An exciting competition awaits you, where you can demonstrate your knowledge of musical compositions and compete for wonderful prizes. The program of the evening includes: 1. An exciting contest Guess the Melody, where you can show your knowledge of music and win prizes.2. Great musical performance from guest artists.3. A cozy atmosphere and the opportunity to enjoy communication with like-minded people and music lovers.4. Don't miss the chance to be a part of this unforgettable event! Assembly hall, building No. 1. Registration
    Monologue "Life as "psychological аikido" by Moiseev Pavel Yurievich, head of the KU Psychological Service, within the framework of the project "Club of interesting people" of the department "Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan"
    18:00 - Pavel Yurievich Moiseev shared the story of his busy life and activities at the beginning, as a student of the Historical and Pedagogical Faculty of the K.D. Ushinsky Petropavlovsk Pedagogical Institute, then as an officer of the Marine Corps, a student of the Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology of the V.I. Lenin Moscow State Pedagogical University, a senior janitor of the Moscow Circus on Tsvetnoy Boulevard, a teacher at Tomsk State University, a psychologist at secondary school No. 8. Petropavlovsk, an employee of the North Kazakhstan Regional Psychiatric Hospital and finally the head of the Psychological Service of the M. Kozybayev North Kazakhstan University. Pavel Yurievich has a twin brother Igor Yurievich, also a psychologist, who lives in Omsk. In his monologue, Pavel Yurievich shared what is the nature of the conflict and how to avoid and overcome it. He spoke about the cooperation of the Department of the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan with the Psychological Service of the University on conducting surveys and monitoring, meetings with students with special educational needs, on the development of methodological literature on smoothing conflict situations and conducting express courses on the basics of psychological aikido. Pavel Yurievich presented his vision of the problem of addictions and addictions of modern youth (drug addiction, alcoholism, ludomania) and their prevention. At the end of the monologue, the wishes of young people and recommendations were given on maintaining mental health. For a more detailed acquaintance, follow the link.
  • 23 XIV Regional Vocal Performance Competition «Tan sholpan»
    15:00 - On February 23, 2024, at 15:00, the Republican contest of vocal performance «Tan sholpan» will be held. The Department of Musical Disciplines accepts applications for participation in the Regional competition «Tan sholpan».  The «Tan sholpan» competition is included in the Pool (list) of competitions approved by the Department of Education of the North Kazakhstan Region for teaching staff, pupils and students of educational organizations. Applications for participation in the competition are accepted until February 21, 2024 by e-mail , or by whatsapp +7 771 360 55 34 , +7 777 608 94 95.
    Regional round table «Education in the 21st century»
    16:50 - The Institute of Language and Literature is holding a regional round table «Education in the 21st century». The event will be held in auditorium 344, Building No. 3 at 16:50.
    Ознакомительное занятие "ГИС. Инструкция по применению"
    17:00 - Уважаемые школьники г. Петропавловска и СКО! Кафедра "География и экология" приглашает всех желающих посетить ознакомительное занятие на тему "ГИС. Инструкция по применению". На занятии специалисты кафедры расскажут и покажут уникальные возможности познания окружающего нас мира с помощью современных ГИС-технологий. Что такое ГИС? В чем их уникальность? Почему они так важны для мирового сообщества и для нашей страны? Ответы на данные вопросы вы сможете получить на нашем занятии (бесплатно). аудитория 415, корпус №2.
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  • 26 26 февраля - старт проекта, посвященного казахской национальной одежде
    09:00 - Уважаемые преподаватели и студенты! Начиная с понедельника (26 февраля 2024 года) в нашем университете проводится проект посвященный казахской национальной одежде.  Кафедра "Практический казахский язык" совместно с клубом «Достар» (Руководитель клуба: к.ф.н., Кошанова Ж. Т. ) приглашает принять активное участие в проекте "QAZAQ KUture" по ношению одежды в национальном стиле. Подробности @dostar_club_pqtk.    Данный проект продлится с марта по апрель 2024 года.                  
    Благотворительная ярмарка «Тепло в нашем сердце»
    12:00 - Дорогие студенты!Приглашаем вас стать гостем благотворительной ярмарки «Тепло в нашем сердце», организованной студентами @ku_zhataqkhana!Не упустите доброе дело!Место: 2-й учебный корпус, фойеВремя: 12:00
    Environmental quiz
    18:00 - The Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences invites students to take part in an Environmental quiz. The event will be held in the reading room of Dormitory No. 2 at 18:00.
  • 27 Meeting with graduates and outstanding athletes of our university
    13:00 - The Department of Theory and Methodology of Physical and Military Education invites you to a meeting with graduates and outstanding athletes of our university, dedicated to the Day of Gratitude. The meeting will be held in auditorium 115, academic building No. 1.
    Readers' contest dedicated to the Gratitude Day
    15:00 - We invite you to take part in the readers' contest dedicated to the Gratitude Day.  Academic building No. 10, auditorium 502.
    Presentation contest "Famous people of Kazakhstan"
    16:50 - The Institute of Language and Literature is holding a presentation contest "Famous people of Kazakhstan".  The event will be held in auditorium 157, building 3.
  • 28 Regional Olympiad in Kazakh, Russian, English, German and French
    10:00 - On February 28, 2024, at 10:00 a.m., the regional оlympiad in Kazakh, Russian, English, German and French will be held. Building No. 3.
    Round table "Gratitude Day"
    11:30 - The Department of Foreign Languages holds a round table dedicated to the Gratitude Day in the Republic of Kazakhstan. The event will be held in Auditorium 219, Building No. 6.
    Round table "Gratitude Day in Kazakhstan: history and traditions"
    12:50 - The Department of Legal Disciplines holds a round table "Gratitude Day in Kazakhstan: history and traditions". The event will take place at 12:50, in auditorium 306, building No. 6.
    Charity event dedicated to the International Women's Day – March 8 for veterans of the FEDT
    13:00 - The Faculty of Engineering and Digital Technologies is holding a charity event dedicated to the International Women's Day – March 8 for veterans of the faculty.
    Professional skills competition "Best practices of a special teacher's professional achievements"
    14:50 - On February 28, 2024, at 14:50 in auditorium 115, a competition of professional skills among special teachers "Best practices of a special teacher's professional achievements" will be held.
    Film lecture on the historical drama Zheruyyk/Promised Land
    16:00 - On February 28, 2024 at 16:00 we invite you to a film lecture on the historical drama Zheruyyk/Promised Land. Directed by Slambek Tauekel. The event will be held in the assembly hall, academic building 1.
    Volleyball competitions for the Dean's Cup of the Faculty of Agrotechnology between teaching staff and students
    18:00 - The Faculty of Agrotechnology invites you to take part in volleyball competitions for the AF Dean's Cup between teaching staff and students. The competition will be held in the sports hall of the academic building No. 1.
  • 29 Round table "Gratitude Day in the Republic of Kazakhstan"
    14:00 - The Institute of Language and Literature is holding a round table "Gratitude Day in the Republic of Kazakhstan". The event will be held in auditorium 258, building 3.
    Научно-практический семинар "Актуальные проблемы лингвистики и иноязычного образования"
    16:50 - Институт языка и литературы приглашает принять участие в научно-практическом семинаре "Актуальные проблемы лингвистики и иноязычного образования". Мероприятие пройдет в аудитории 253, корпус 3.
    Visiting chemistry
    18:00 - The Department of Chemistry and Chemical Technologies (group СВ-22) invites everyone to take part in the event "Visiting chemistry". At the meeting, we will study chemistry and make soap. Dormitory No. 1.
Faculty News
PF: Congratulations!

On October 1, the University celebrated the 75th anniversary of the Honored Professor of the Department of Physical Culture and Sports, PhD, Associate читать далее

08 October 2024
PF: Congratulations!

The competition of research works by students of higher educational institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan was held on the basis of the NAO "Karag читать далее

08 October 2024
F: 70 слушателей поступили на факультет Foundation

14 сентября на факультете Foundation прошел вступительный экзамен среди кандидатов на курсы языковой подготовки с использованием системы прокторинга & читать далее

26 September 2024
AF: экологический молодежный марафон

В известном всем горожанам Мещанском лесу прошел экологический молодежный марафон, организованный фронт-офисом волонтерства «Birgemiz» и о читать далее

17 September 2024
NSSF: На факультете истории, экономики и права проводится разъяснительная работа по строительству АЭС в Казахстане

12 сентября 2024 года на ФИЭПе прошла разъяснительная встреча по строительству АЭС в Казахстане, на которой присутствовали студенты групп УиА-21 и М читать далее

13 September 2024
NSSF: На ФИЭПе прошел круглый стол, посвященный дню семьи

10 сентября 2024 года на факультете истории, экономики и права был проведен круглый стол на тему "Роль семьи в обществе", в котором приняли участие читать далее

11 September 2024
PF: Поздравляем первокурсников педагогического факультета!!!

Второго сентября первокурсники факультета в торжественной обстановке встретились с администрацией педагогического факультета. Декан факультета Айнагул читать далее

06 September 2024
ИСТФ: FICT employees were awarded PhD diplomas

On September 6, at the academic council of the university, PhD diplomas were awarded to Gulmira Zhabaevna Ospanova, Aliya Muratovna Aitymova and Anna читать далее

10 September 2024
ИСТФ: Awards from the Minister of Science and Higher Education S. Nurbek

Congratulations to the teaching staff of the Faculty on awards from the Minister of Science and Higher Education S. Nurbek! Diplomas, certificates an читать далее

10 September 2024
ИСТФ: Students majoring in Construction received Gratitude from the city akim

On September 6, at the academic council of the university, students of group S-23 Korzhov D, Gaisin A, Mazhukin D, S-22 Dolotin R received gratitude f читать далее

10 September 2024
Читать все


Acting competition among students of the Journalism Department

The Department of Journalism invites its students to take part in an acting competition. The competition will be held at 10:30 a.m., auditorium 111, building No. 6.

16.02.2024 10:30
The quest "Chemistry on the guard of health"

The Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences conducts the quest "Chemistry on the guard of health". The event will be held in the reading room of dormitory No. 3 at 18:00.

16.02.2024 18:00