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Non-profit limited company
"Manash Kozybayev
North Kazakhstan university"
October 2023
  • Mon
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  • 2 Event dedicated to the Day of Nonviolence and the International Day of Social Pedagogue
    17:40 - The Pedagogical Faculty holds an event dedicated to the Day of Nonviolence and the International Day of Social Pedagogue. Venue: Auditorium 312, building 5.
    A competition "Rent for a dining room" is being held
    18:00 - Kozybayev University conducts a competition "Rent for a dining room", due to the need to organize and provide meals to students and staff (the need for a catering point). Name and location of the contest organizer: Kozybayev University, Petropavlovsk, Pushkin str., 86.  Date, time and place of the contest The meeting of the competition commission on opening envelopes with competitive applications of potential employers for participation in the competition is held at "15" hours "00" min. local time, "10" October 2023, at the address: Petropavlovsk, Pushkin str., 86, 1st building, office 165.  Applications for participation in the competition are submitted by potential lessee or their authorized persons representing the interests of submitting an application for participation in the competition on the basis of a power of attorney, in a sealed envelope before "15" hours "00" min. local time, "10" October 2023 at the following address: Petropavlovsk, Pushkin str., 86, office 165. The application of a potential lessee is not accepted after the deadline set in the announcement for accepting applications. For more information, follow the link
  • 3 Charity concert dedicated to the Elderlies Day in "Karttar uyi"
    17:00 - The Pedagogical faculty holds a charity concert for the Elderlies Day in "Karttar uyi". The event will be held on October 3 at 17:00 in the nursing house "Ayala".
  • 4 Cozy evening together with @stud_board_game
    16:00 - We invite you to spend a cozy evening together with @stud_board_game! We will be waiting for everyone to warm up on a cold evening with tea, cool company and guitar songs. Auditorium 357, building No. 3.
    A competition "Rent for a dining room" is being held
    18:00 - Kozybayev University conducts a competition "Rent for a dining room", due to the need to organize and provide meals to students and staff (the need for a catering point). Name and location of the contest organizer: Kozybayev University, Petropavlovsk, Pushkin str., 86.  Date, time and place of the contest The meeting of the competition commission on opening envelopes with competitive applications of potential employers for participation in the competition is held at "15" hours "00" min. local time, "10" October 2023, at the address: Petropavlovsk, Pushkin str., 86, 1st building, office 165.  Applications for participation in the competition are submitted by potential lessee or their authorized persons representing the interests of submitting an application for participation in the competition on the basis of a power of attorney, in a sealed envelope before "15" hours "00" min. local time, "10" October 2023 at the following address: Petropavlovsk, Pushkin str., 86, office 165. The application of a potential lessee is not accepted after the deadline set in the announcement for accepting applications. For more information, follow the link
  • 5 Concert program from the Agrotechnology Faculty dedicated to the Teacher's Day
    12:20 - The Faculty of Agrotechnology invites you to a concert program dedicated to the Teacher's Day. The event will be held in Auditorium 420, Building 2.
    Concert dedicated to the Teacher's Day
    16:00 - We invite you to a concert dedicated to the Teacher's Day. October 5, 2023 at 16:00, assembly hall, building 1.
    literary and musical evening "Ustaz-uly tulga"
    17:00 - The Institute of Language and Literature invites you to the literary and musical evening "Ustaz-uly tulga" dedicated to the Teacher's Day. Auditorium 355, building 3.
    Documents for MBA educational programs are being accepted
    18:00 - On September 20, the acceptance of documents for MBA educational programs started. It will last until October 5, 2023. Have time to apply, become part of the MBA program and get a lot of new ideas, opportunities and acquaintances!
  • 6 We invite all students to take part in the autumn athletics race
    16:00 - The autumn athletics race "Sport against drugs" among students of M. Kozybayev NKU will be held on October 6 at 16:00 in the City Park of Culture and Recreation. We invite everyone to take part!
    Invitation to the "Kazakh Toі"
    18:00 - The Youth Affairs Committee invites you to the Kazakh Toі, which will be held on October 6 at 18:00, academic building 3, auditorium 357.We look forward to seeing you!
    New heading "Traditions of hospitality of the people of Kazakhstan" from the department "Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan"
    18:00 - We bring to your attention a new heading from the Department of APK "Traditions of hospitality of the people of Kazakhstan". Hospitality is characteristic of many peoples of the world as a cultural tradition. One of the hospitable peoples is the Kazakh people. How a guest is greeted, treated and gifted is described in the presented video. Traditions of the Kazakh people's hospitality
  • 7 Веселые старты
    14:00 - Всем привет, спешим сообщить вам, что в эту субботу пройдут веселые старты для людей, живущих в общежитиях университета. С каждого общежития необходимо собрать команду в количестве пяти человек. Вас ждет веселая и интересная программа! Ждем в субботу, в спортзале первого корпуса!
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  • 9 Lecture hall for students of EP "History"
    12:50 - The Faculty of History, Economics and Law conducts a lecture for students of the educational program "History" on the topic "Spiritual, sacred, historical places of Kazakhstan". Auditorium 315, building No. 6.
  • 10 Viewing the documentary "Latin Alphabet: signs of historical destiny"
    11:00 - The Institute of Language and Literature organizes the viewing of the documentary "Latin Alphabet: Signs of Historical Destiny". Classrooms of building No. 3.
    Debates on the topic "Youth against corruption"
    16:00 - The Faculty of Agrotechnology holds a debate on the topic "Youth against corruption". The event will be held in Auditorium 313, building 2.
  • 11 Viewing a film dedicated to the Republic Day
    17:00 - The Faculty of Agrotechnology organizes a film watching with students of the FRF-23k group dedicated to the Republic Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The event will be held in the dormitory No. 3, at 17:00.
    Casting of the dance ensemble "Anturnan"
    17:00 - Dear students! Those who want to show their dancing skills and become part of a friendly team are invited to audition for the dance ensemble "Anturnan". The casting will take place on October 11 and 12 at 17:00 in the pool building, 3rd floor, auditorium 315. Come on a convenient day for yourself. You must have a change of shoes with a package and comfortable clothes with you. We are waiting for everyone!
  • 12 Readers' Conference: "One country - one book"
    10:00 - The University Library is holding a readers' conference on the theme: "One country – one book" on the work of M. Zhumabayev. The conference will be held in the Hall of the First President, Building No. 5.
    Round table "Let's talk about religion from the point of view of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan"
    11:00 - The Institute of Language and Literature holds a round table "Let's talk about religion from the point of view of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan". The event will be held in auditorium 258, building 3.
    Meeting of the scientific and methodological association of the APK Department
    16:00 - On October 12, 2023, the first meeting of the scientific and methodological association of the APK department "On the implementation of the work plan of the APK Department for the 2023-2024 academic year" will be held. Venue of the meeting: ELC lobby.
    JAIDARMAN nomad league
    17:00 - We invite you to Jaidarman! October 12, 2023 at 17:00, assembly hall, building No. 1.
  • 13 Exhibition-conference from the Department of Geography and Ecology
    12:00 - Dear teachers! The Department of Geography and Ecology invites you and students of Petropavl schools to take part in an exhibition-conference based on the results of educational and industrial (field) practices. Venue: hall of the 1 building of the M. Kozybayev NKU. Date and time of the event: 13.10.2023, at 12:00. We invite everyone to take part in the conference!
    Introduction to the world of board games
    17:00 - The Student Board Games Club invites you to its first event - the Game Library.  On the game library you can:- get to know the world of board games;- find like-minded people;- and of course play board games. We will be waiting for everyone: October 13, 2023 at 17:00 in the 357 auditorium of EB 3.
    Parent meeting in the 1st year
    19:00 - The Institute of Language and Literature informs about the holding of a parent meeting in the first year. Auditorium 357, building No. 3.
  • 14 Excursion to the cultural places of Petropavl
    12:00 - The Institute of Language and Literature organizes an excursion to the cultural places of Petropavl and sightseeing. Meeting at 12:00.
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  • 16 Competition "Treasure of the Great Steppe"
    10:00 - The Institute of Language and Literature within the framework of the party project is holding a contest "Treasure of the Great Steppe" (Uly Dala Kazynasy), dedicated to the rituals and traditions of the peoples inhabiting the Republic of Kazakhstan. Classrooms of the academic building 3.
    Informational and explanatory seminar "Disease prevention and healthy lifestyle"
    17:00 - The Faculty of Agrotechnology conducts an information and explanatory seminar with students of groups A-23, A-23 к, Agro-23 on the topic: "Prevention of diseases and a healthy lifestyle" with the involvement of specialists of the health center of M. Kozybayev NKU. The event will be held in the dormitory No. 2.
  • 17 Lecture hall "Code of Corporate Ethics at the Kozybayev University"
    15:50 - The Faculty of History, Economics and Law conducts lectures for students of the 1st year educational programs of the faculty on the topic: "The Code of Corporate Ethics at the Kozybayev University". The event will be held in the assembly hall, building 6.
    The department "Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan" invites you to get acquainted with Omari Omianovich Harbediya, Chairman of the North Kazakhstan regional Ethnocultural Georgian Center "Argo"
    20:00 - Omari Harbediya, Chairman of the North Kazakhstan regional Ethnocultural Georgian Center "Argo", shared with the audience about what the harmony of life is and how to achieve it, within the framework of the project of the department "Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan" "Club of interesting people". The studio guest has a philosophical mindset, he travels a lot around the world. Having a medical degree, he is successfully engaged in business. He has a strong and friendly family. In his free time, he improves his vocal skills, records songs in the studio. Harbedia O.O. shares with the audience his life experience and how to overcome emerging difficulties. He talks about his historical homeland – Georgia, the history, traditions and customs of the Georgian people. The Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan considers the most important tool that performs an ideological function in the state, ensuring the unity and harmony of the multiethnic people of Kazakhstan. His advice to young people on how to preserve friendship and family and how not to succumb to temptations and bad habits is quite original.  To view the monologue, follow the link
  • 18 Readers' Conference "Sultanmakhmut Toraighyrov – poet and educator"
    10:00 - The University Library holds a reader's conference "Sultanmakhmut Toraighyrov – poet and educator". The event will be held in the coworking center, building 6.
    Open day at the Department of "Musical Disciplines"
    10:00 - For everyone who wants to sing, dance, perform on stage, the Department of "Musical Disciplines" holds an open day every Wednesday. We are waiting for you from 10:00 to 17:00.
    Dialogue platform "Attitude to harmful habits of traditional confessions"
    11:30 - The department "Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan" organizes a dialogue platform "Attitude to the harmful habits of traditional confessions", dedicated to the Day of Spiritual Harmony in the Republic of Kazakhstan for university students, with the participation of the expert of the Center of Religions Sinyakov O.V. The event will be held in auditorium 212, building 6.
    Dedication to students of the pedagogical faculty
    17:00 - First year students! On October 18, 2023, we dedicate you to STUDENTS of the pedagogical faculty of Kozybayev University! The greatest pedagogical science opens its doors to you! All the most interesting things are ahead! We invite you on October 18 at 17:00. Foyer of the 5th building.
  • 19 Round table "Unity is the pledge of friendship"
    16:00 - The Faculty of History, Economics and Law holds a round table "Unity is the pledge of friendship". The event will be held in auditorium 203, Building 6.
    K-POP party
    17:00 - We invite you to the K-POP party! The event will take place on October 19 at Kozybayev University, in the assembly hall of the first building. Get ready for incredible fun!
    We invite you to a K-pop party
    17:30 - Gather your team of 4-6 people and get ready for an incredible evening! To participate, register in our profile @ku_tradeunion. Don't miss this musical event - it promises to be incredible! Date: October 19, 2023Time: 17:30Location: 1 building KU, assembly hall
  • 20 Express quiz "Republic Day is a symbol of statehood and independence"
    12:20 - The Pedagogical Faculty invites you to the express quiz "Republic Day is a symbol of statehood and independence". The event will be held in Auditorium 310, Building 5.
    Competition "Unique exhibit/document" among schoolchildren and college students
    16:00 - The department "Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan" together with the MCI "Center for Methodological Work and Information Technologies in the field of education" SI "Department of Education of the Akimat of the North Kazakhstan region" holds a competition "Unique exhibit / document" among schoolchildren and college students. The event will be held at the Schoolchildren Palace, on October 20, 2023, at 16:00.
    Volleyball Spartakiad among boys
    16:00 - We invite you to take an active part in the Volleyball Contest! Everything that is required of you:1. Assemble a team of 8 people;2. Submit applications by October 20, 2023. Chief judge of the competition — Tanakulov A.T., Chief Secretary - Isataev E.B., judges - Kalmykov S.V., assistant chief judge for medical support - Ramazanova A.O. The competitions will be held on October 20, 23, 24, 2023 at 16:00 in the sports hall No. 1, building 1.
    Quiz game "Akyldylar alany"
    17:00 - The Pedagogical Faculty invites you to take part in the quiz "Akyldylar alany". The event will be held in Auditorium 314, Building 5.
    Poetry evening dedicated to the work of poet Eduard Asadov
    19:00 - The People 's Student Theater "Pilgrim" invites you to an exciting poetic evening, which is dedicated to the work of the great poet Eduard Asadov! After the end of the evening program, another amazing opportunity awaits you - an open microphone! Anyone who wants to read a poem by Eduard Asadov will be able to do it on the stage of the theater. The event will take place on October 20 at 19:00 in the assembly hall of the 5th building. Entrance to the event is by appointment in DIRECT @piligrim_theatre_. The number of seats is limited.  Do not miss this opportunity to be transported into a world where every word takes on a special meaning.
  • 21 Poster exhibition «What is success for you?»
    12:00 - The Institute of Language and Literature is holding an exhibition of posters "What is success for you?". Classrooms of the 3rd academic building.
  • 22
  • 23 Round table "Kazakhstan: history and modernity"
    11:00 - On the occasion of the Republic Day, the University library holds a round table "Kazakhstan: History and Modernity". The event will be held in Auditorium 229, building 2.
  • 24 Photo exhibition "History of the Kozybayev University Scientific Library"
    10:00 - The University Library invites you to the photo exhibition "The History of the Kozybayev University Scientific Library". Auditorium 201, building No. 5.
    Concert dedicated to the Republic Day
    13:00 - We invite you to the event dedicated to the Republic Day. 24.10.2023 at 13:00. Assembly hall, building No. 1.                  
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  • 26 Creative meeting with composers of Northern Kazakhstan
    16:50 - The Pedagogical Faculty invites you to a creative meeting with composers of Northern Kazakhstan, within the framework of the program "Mangilik el".The meeting will be held in auditorium 502, building 10.
  • 27 Благотворительная ярмарка в помощь приюту животных
    12:00 - Благотворительная ярмарка в помощь приюту животных проходит в корпусе 5. 27.10.2023 с 9:30 до 12:50. Успей помочь!
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  • 31 Acceptance of documents for admission to doctoral studies is open
    18:00 - On October 25, the acceptance of documents for the entrance exam for admission to doctoral studies starts. Registration will take place on the website of the National Testing Center of the MSHE of the Republic of Kazakhstan
    Halloween Party
    18:30 - The student government presents the most mysterious and incredible evening at the university - Halloween! It's time to conquer the podium in the most spectacular FASHION SHOW CONTEST! Originality and creativity will be rewarded! And that's not all! They are waiting for you: Exciting contests and games with incredible prizes!  An atmosphere of magic and mysticism that will make your heart beat faster!  And, of course, our prizes are real treasures for those who will be able to charm the jury with their costume! Don't miss this night full of fun and magic! Come with your friends to create incredible memories! Date: October 31Time: 18:30Place: assembly hall 1 EB
Faculty News
F: 70 слушателей поступили на факультет Foundation

14 сентября на факультете Foundation прошел вступительный экзамен среди кандидатов на курсы языковой подготовки с использованием системы прокторинга & читать далее

26 September 2024
AF: экологический молодежный марафон

В известном всем горожанам Мещанском лесу прошел экологический молодежный марафон, организованный фронт-офисом волонтерства «Birgemiz» и о читать далее

17 September 2024
NSSF: На факультете истории, экономики и права проводится разъяснительная работа по строительству АЭС в Казахстане

12 сентября 2024 года на ФИЭПе прошла разъяснительная встреча по строительству АЭС в Казахстане, на которой присутствовали студенты групп УиА-21 и М читать далее

13 September 2024
NSSF: На ФИЭПе прошел круглый стол, посвященный дню семьи

10 сентября 2024 года на факультете истории, экономики и права был проведен круглый стол на тему "Роль семьи в обществе", в котором приняли участие читать далее

11 September 2024
PF: Поздравляем первокурсников педагогического факультета!!!

Второго сентября первокурсники факультета в торжественной обстановке встретились с администрацией педагогического факультета. Декан факультета Айнагул читать далее

06 September 2024
ИСТФ: FICT employees were awarded PhD diplomas

On September 6, at the academic council of the university, PhD diplomas were awarded to Gulmira Zhabaevna Ospanova, Aliya Muratovna Aitymova and Anna читать далее

10 September 2024
ИСТФ: Awards from the Minister of Science and Higher Education S. Nurbek

Congratulations to the teaching staff of the Faculty on awards from the Minister of Science and Higher Education S. Nurbek! Diplomas, certificates an читать далее

10 September 2024
ИСТФ: Students majoring in Construction received Gratitude from the city akim

On September 6, at the academic council of the university, students of group S-23 Korzhov D, Gaisin A, Mazhukin D, S-22 Dolotin R received gratitude f читать далее

10 September 2024
NSSF: Руководство СКУ им. М.Козыбаева приняло участие в программе "Туған жерге-тағзым"

17 августа декан факультета истории, экономики и права Картова З.К. и Член Правления по академическим вопросам СКУ им. М.Козыбаева Апергенова Р. С. пр читать далее

24 August 2024
F: Выпускники Foundation

По итогам 2023-2024 учебного года факультет Foundation окончили 37 лиц казахской  национальности из Монголии, Узбекистана, КНР, Туркменистана и А читать далее

01 August 2024
Читать все


Charity concert dedicated to the Elderlies Day in "Karttar uyi"

The Pedagogical faculty holds a charity concert for the Elderlies Day in "Karttar uyi". The event will be held on October 3 at 17:00 in the nursing house "Ayala".

03.10.2023 17:00