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"Manash Kozybayev
North Kazakhstan university"


Students of the military department took the oath

The Armed Forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan have been replenished with reserve officers and sergeants. 99 students of Kozybayev University took the military oath. It was a special graduation, because this year the military department of the university turned 25 years old. In a solemn atmosphere, the students were congratulated by the university administration, veterans of the department, teachers. Also, their parents, relatives, and friends came to support the graduates.

"Over the years, our military department has trained more than 3,000 reserve officers and sergeants. Our graduates successfully serve in various positions in the Armed Forces, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Border Troops of the NSC and other republic formations. At all times, the basic and inviolable law of military service is the military oath. It has the force of a state legal document and is a solemn oath of a warrior",- noted the Acting Chairman of the Board-Rector Renata Apergenova.

Since last year, the department has been training reserve sergeants with one-year training in the shooting specialty, as well as officers in the combat use of combined arms units, units and formations, planning and organization of territorial defense.

According to the acting head of the MD Bakhodir Dzhurinov, 131 people (70 officers and 61 reserve sergeants) have already been recruited to the military department of the university, according to the plan of the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Recruitment was carried out from February to May in four stages: medical examination, psychological testing, passing standards for physical training and commission selection.

The glorious traditions of the military department were also supported by current graduates this year. Students have military and tactical training, training camps, successful exams. Now they are specialists of the mobilization reserve of Kazakhstan. Congratulations on taking the oath, we are proud of you!
