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Non-profit limited company
"Manash Kozybayev
North Kazakhstan university"


Cookies for health

Cookies with balsamic poplar extract helps to normalize the main blood parameters of cancer patients. Such results were achieved by the scientists of our university Vladilen Polyakov and Dmitry Mokshin.

An experimental batch of cookies in the amount of 70 kg was produced by a confectionery company. The study was conducted in 2022 jointly with the Regional Oncological Dispensary. Patients undergoing radiation therapy took cookies enriched with flavonoids and other useful substances selected from the buds of balsamic poplar. As a result, their blood counts, compared with the other control group of patients, returned to normal. Hemoglobin and erythrocytes increased by 7.5%, leukocytes – by 20%.

The potential of balsamic poplar extract is huge, the researchers say. It has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, hepatoprotective and wound healing properties. It can be used not only in medicine, but also in agriculture.
