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"Manash Kozybayev
North Kazakhstan university"


Scientific and practical conference "The Legacy of M. Kozybayev and National History"

On the eve of the birthday of the famous historian, patriot of his Motherland, talented researcher Manash Kabashevich Kozybaev, on November 14, 2023, the Faculty of History, Economics and Law held a scientific and practical conference “The Legacy of M. Kozybaev and National History”. The conference was attended by a leading researcher at the Institute of History and ethnology named after. Sh. Ualihanova Mukanova G.K., deputy. Director of the National Museum of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Doctor of History, Professor Ibraeva A.G., Director of the SKU Museum named after. M. Kozybaeva Kozhabekova B.S., Professor Kastamon University of Turkey Orhan Soylemes, teaching staff of the department.
