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"Manash Kozybayev
North Kazakhstan university"


Opening of the Zarkyn Taishybay Named Auditorium

Zarkyn Syzdykovich Taishybay is a Honored Worker of Kazakhstan, an Academician, a veteran of labor, a scientist, a writer, and a mentor to many prominent journalists of the country. The teacher continues to teach at the university, sharing his knowledge and invaluable experience.  Now, our university has a named auditorium in honor of Z. Taishybay, who made a unique contribution to the development and formation of the national media school. The initiative and sponsorship of the opening were undertaken by graduates of the Journalism Educational Program, students of the professor, and colleagues from the Journalism Department of the Karaganda State University named after E.A. Buketov (KarGU).

On the eve of Nauryz Meyramy, a grand opening ceremony was held at the Faculty of History, Economics, and Law of Kozybayev University with the participation of representatives of the SKO Akimat, the Union of Writers of Kazakhstan, the Council of Veterans, the regional archive, mass media, the Territorial Union of Trade Unions, and other organizations, as well as colleagues, relatives, and students.

The scientist's creative path has been challenging, but much has been achieved through hard work and perseverance. Zarkyn Taishybay was born on March 31, 1942, in the Karaganda Region. He served as the head of the Department of Journalism at KarGU. Since 2000, he has been teaching at our university and heads the scientific center for ethno-cultural research. Thanks to him, in 2001, journalism training in the state language began at the university. This undoubtedly became an impetus for the development of journalism in the northern region. Zarkyn Syzdykovich is the author of over 200 scientific articles, 12 textbooks, and 11 monographs on the history and culture of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

«Zarkyn Taishybay has been training journalists for the North Kazakhstan and Karaganda regions for over 30 years. For a year, we have been developing the idea of immortalizing the work of our mentor, so that young people know his achievements, which deserve timely recognition. The named auditorium will become a meeting place for students, scientists, and researchers, inspiring new discoveries, scientific and professional achievements. In the future, we will equip the auditorium with additional technology,» said Yerbakyt Amantai, director of Kzyljar-Akkparat LLP.

Today, the life and scientific-creative path of Zarkyn Syzdykovich is an example for many. The opening of the auditorium highlights the scientist's contribution to Kazakhstani science, recognizing the professor's outstanding achievements in ethno-cultural and historical research, the development of regional local history, and journalism.
