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"Manash Kozybayev
North Kazakhstan university"


Developing National Sports

The university held competitions among students in national sports as part of the Nauryznama decade. Students, Master's students, and listeners of the Foundation Faculty of Kozybayev University competed in agility, accuracy, and intellectual abilities. Competitions were held in asyk atu, togyz kumalak, and bes tas asyk. As the students noted, these sports are quite popular among student youth. Tournaments are held annually among faculties and dormitories.

This time, both boys and girls participated. A total of about 50 people. The competitions were organized with the support of the "Bolashak" branch of the Amanat party. Winners and prize-winners received commemorative gifts and cash prizes.

In the individual championships, Ardak Nurkazykyzy (Institute of Language and Literature) and Ardak Akhzhol (Pedagogical Faculty) won in togyz kumalak. Zamanbek Egizbay (Pedagogical Faculty) took first place in asyk atu. Danagul Kasenova (Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences) was named the most agile athlete in the bes tas asyk game. Congratulations!
