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"Manash Kozybayev
North Kazakhstan university"


Opening of the Mariana Lezhneva Named Laboratory

A solemn opening ceremony of the Mariana Lezhneva Organic Synthesis Laboratory was held at the university. Mariana Yuryevna was a distinguished professor of the university, an associate professor, and a candidate of chemical sciences. She taught at our university for about 40 years. Since 1989, she worked at the chemistry department, conducting research on the topic: "Triterpene Compounds of Birch."

"Today, we have a significant event. We are opening the Mariana Lezhneva Named Laboratory. A remarkable person, an excellent educator, a woman who managed to embody and combine everything in her relatively short life: being a good mother and wife, engaging in science and pedagogy, loving her work. This is an example for our department, for future generations," shared Antonina Dyuryagina, head of the chemistry and HT department.

Relatives, mentors, colleagues, and students of Mariana Lezhneva took part in the ceremony. They warmly recalled what a professional Mariana Yuryevna was, how enthusiastically she approached research, and how she could inspire students to engage in scientific activities.

Mariana Lezhneva's contribution to the science of Kazakhstan is very significant. She was involved in the development of new biotechnological products for medicine and the cosmetics industry based on wood processing waste. She has published about 80 scientific articles, three textbooks on organic chemistry, and obtained 4 patents. Mariana Yuryevna has repeatedly been among the top five teachers of the university.

Her name is forever immortalized in the history of our alma mater and in the memory of all who have encountered her scientific and pedagogical talent and beauty.
