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Non-profit limited company
"Manash Kozybayev
North Kazakhstan university"


On the appointment of scholarships

In accordance with the decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan on February 7, 1993 № 1134 "On establishing the scholarship of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan " ( as amended by the Decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan from July 5, 2004 number 1399, from 21 April 2005 number 1558 ) Resolution of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan from 07.02.2008 № 266 "On approval of appointment , pay and the size of government scholarships studying in educational institutions ," the order of the MES from April 7, 2011 № 136 "On approval of assignment of scholarships established by the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan " order of RK from July 25, 2011 № 324 " on the appointment and payment of scholarships established by the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan "and based on the decision of the Academic Council (Report № 12 of 10.07.2013 ), from 1 September 2013 to 31 January 2014 scholarship of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan are appointed by the following students:

  1. Rasuli Gita Soleymon - specialty 5V080700 " Forests and forestry ", the group ЛРЛ -10
  2. Tuyak Gүlmira Sabitkyzy - specialty 5V011300 "Biology", the group Б ( o)- 11k
  3. Shakeeva Zhupar Erzhanovna - specialty 5V011300 "Biology", the group Б ( o)- 11k
  4. Grishina Diana Andreyevna - specialty 5V011600 "Geography", the group Г ( o) -11
  5. Alexeyev Artem Lvovich - specialty 5V071800 "Electrical Engineering" , the group ЭЭ -10
  6. Bergaleyeva Adelya Salavatovna - specialty 5V071900 "Radio Engineering , Electronics and Telecommunications ," the group РЭТ- 10
  7. Guseva Natalia Sergeyevna - specialty 5V073200 "Standardization, Metrology and Certification ", the group ССМ- 10
  8. Portushkinaya Svetlana Andriyanovna - specialty 5V010200 "Pedagogy and methodology of elementary education ," the group ПМНО -11
  9. Yashenkina Asiya Rashitovna - specialty 5V010600 "Music Education" , the group of MO -11
  10. Lapshina Michael Igoryevich - specialty 5V050400 "Journalism" , the group of Ж -11
  11. Kairzhanova Eridan Muhtarovna - specialty 5V011900 "Foreign language: two foreign languages" , the group of ИЯ- 11-1
  12. Taskul Aknur Maksutkyzy - specialty 5V011700 "Kazakh language and literature" , the group of 11 - KЯЛ
  13. Baikadamova Aynel Mahmutovna - specialty 5B090200 "Tourism" , the group of T-11
  14. Babich Anna Nikolaevna - specialty 5V010800 "Physical Culture and Sport" , the group of ФКС -11
  15. Rakhimov Aidarkhan Yermekovich - specialty 5V050900 "Finance" , the group of Фс -11-2
  16. Nugumanova Asel Beketovna - 5V030100 specialty "Jurisprudence" , the group of Ю -10-1
  17. Korihova Julia Vitalievna - 5V030100 specialty "Jurisprudence" , the group of Ю -10-2
  18. Malibaeva Liana Ashatovna - specialty 5V011400 "History" , the group И ( a ) -11
  19. Zhumabaeva Saule Kagarmanovna - specialty 5V011000 "Physics" , the group Ф (о) 11
  20. Bagriy Julia Yaroslavovna - specialty 5V070300 "Information Systems" , the group of ИС -10
  21. Bashenov Damir Amandykovich - specialty 5V070300 "Information Systems" , the group of ИС - 11K

From 1 September, 2013 to 31 January, 2014 a nominal schoarship of M.Zhumabayev is assigned by student Kadyrmenova Aiymgul Sakenovna, specialty 5B011700 «Kazakh language and literature ," the group КЯЛ -12.

From 1 September, 2013 to 31 January, 2014 a nominal scholarship of K.Skryabin is assigned by student Baymoldina Aynash Amirheshevna, specialty 5V010600 "Music Education" ,  the group MO -11.
