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"Manash Kozybayev
North Kazakhstan university"


Regional event "Evening-portrait: Abai Kunanbaev"

November 29, 2024 Department of "Foreign Languages" NKU named after M. Kozybaev together with the Center for the Study of Religions of Astana organized and held a regional event "Evening-portrait: Abai Kunanbaev," dedicated to the 180th anniversary of the great Kazakh poet. This event took place as part of the educational activities of the department as a promotion of the development of intelligence, creative activity and figurative thought of students.The purpose of the event is to acquaint students with the work and biography of the great poet and thinker Abai. The guest of this event was the head of the Center for the Study of Religions in Astana Sinyakov Oleg Vitalievich, who made a welcoming speech and fascinatingly spoke about some facts from the biography of the great Abai Kunanbayev. Students of the 1 course of the Pedagogical Faculty, FIDT, FMNS, AF and FHEL undergraduates took part in the preparation and conduct of the event.During the event, students read Abai's poems, interpreted in their own way the words of edification, proverbs and performed songs in Kazakh, English, German and Russian.Responsible teachersDepartments "Foreign languages":L.Sh. IsmagambetovaKorablina T.N. Sheveleva N.P.
