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Non-profit limited company
"Manash Kozybayev
North Kazakhstan university"


Visit of deputies

Last week the HEI was visited by deputies of Senate and Mazhilis of the Parlament of the Republic of Kazakhstan: Аnatoliy Bashmakov, Byrganym Aytimova, Аbay Tasbulatov and Hjvby Madinov. After excursion on university they met teachers and students.

The main aim of the visit was the explanation of the Address of the President Nursultan Nazarbayev "The Kazakhstan way – 2050: the common goal, common interests, common future".

The deputy of the Senate Anatoliy Bashmakov stopped on three components promoting effective development of the state, which it was spoken in the Address of the President - a perspective, control and economic opportunities.

The youth should realize all these directions, therefore the future of the country depends on the aspiration of their for science and knowledge. 
