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Non-profit limited company
"Manash Kozybayev
North Kazakhstan university"


Rewarding teachers in honour of celebration the Independence Day

23 years ago, on December 16, 1991 Kazakhstan gained its independence. Since our country is on the path of development, and has already taken its place on the world stage. This day is a great and important holiday for all Kazakhstan people. Each year, the whole country celebrate this great holiday. This year NKSU named after M. Kozybaev has celebrated this day in particular.

Students, teachers and staff of the university got together in the assembly hall, where were not any free place. At the beginning of the meeting one of the most important symbols of sovereignty - the national flag of the Republic of Kaazahstan was brought in the hall, then the anthem of our country was executed.

Rector of the University Undasyn Ashimov congratulated all the participants on this important event in the history of our country. In his speech, the rector made a special attention to the processes of development of Kazakhstan, and outlined plans for the future of the university.

The word independence has a particular importance. The youth of the country, where peace and harmony reign, is undoubtedly happy. Every day should bring good luck and happiness. Independence is sacred and native for youth.

As well as a sovereign state, our university has a stable development. During this time, a huge number of our graduates have already begun to contribute to the development of the country. Here, of course, it should be noted and the labor of qualified teachers. At the University hundreds of qualified teachers teach about five thousand students and preparing future professionals. At today's solemn meeting more than ten of them have been awarded the Grand Gold Medal. Such an honor is only for those who worked at the University for many years and contributed to the education of generations.

NKSU is the only higher education institution in our region. Here students study from all regions of the country. There are all conditions to train the future professionals. Every year the material-technical base of the university becomes better, achievements in the field of educationis demonstrate, the teaching staff improves. The University's administration establishes relationships with more than 50 foreign universities and organizations. And we are to do many things. All this is thanks to our country's independence.

Also at the festive meeting more than 40 university employees were awarded certificates and letters of thanks. After the end of the ceremony it was followed a concert, which was organized by the creative team of the university. Students sang patriotic songs, danced.
