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The regional competition "The best tourist guide-book on the North Kazakhstan oblast" is summed up

on November 2015 it's summed up the regional competition "The best tourist guide-book on the North Kazakhstan oblast", which was organized by the department of "Assembly of People of Kazakhstan" within the realization of the national plan "100 concrete steps".

The members of the committee have decided to:

  • award diploma to winners:
    • authors of the collective worn in the nomination "Petropavlovsk is hospitable":
      • Agafanova Elina
      • Gabbasova Ayimgul
      • Grigorazh Yuliya
      • Popova Ekaterina
      • Serikova Azhar
      • Khovanskaya Yuliya
    • authors of the individual works:
      • in the nomination "Petropavlovsk is hospitable" Sabaganova Anar Kapetovna, the teacher of history of SI "Novomikhaylovsk SS" of the Mamlyutskiy region
      • in the nomination "Objects of the ecological tourism of the NKO" Fast Vadim, the student of G(o)-12, NSSF
      • in the nomination "Religious monuments of Petropavlovsk" Priymak Irina, the student of "Teology" of OmSU named after F.M.Dostoyevskiy
      • in the nomination "Merchant farmsteds of Petropavlovsk" Kalypova Mariya, the pupil of the 7th grade of SI "General secondary boarding school №1" of Petropavlovsk
  • participants' certificates:
    • Madyarov Dosbol, the student of G(e)-15, NSSF
    • Saburova Anastasiya, the student of I(o)-12, HELF
    • Kiryankova Yuliya, the pupil of the 11 grade of SI "General secondary boarding school №1" of Petropavlovsk