For applicants For learners For teachers For Heads of Departments For Deans Electronic administration Documentolog Қаз Рус Eng
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Non-profit limited company
"Manash Kozybayev
North Kazakhstan university"

Vacancies of PI “G. Musrepov district Department of Education”

The following teachers are required in G. Musrepov district (North Kazakhstan region, Novoishimskoye village): Mathematics (in the Kazakh and Russian languages), Chemistry, Biology, Geography, Primary Military Training, Kazakh language and literature and Physics teachers, psychologist and translator.

Contact us: PI “G. Musrepov district Department of Education”, North Kazakhstan region, Novoishimskoye village, Lenin-Str. 2, Tel. + 7 71535 21-3-12, +7 71535 22-1-02

Центр академической мобильности и карьеры