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"Manash Kozybayev
North Kazakhstan university"


At NKSU named after M. Kozybayev, the action "Clean session" was organized

In order to prevent and prevent corruption manifestations during the winter examination session of the 2018-2019 academic year, the Headquarters for organizing and conducting a large-scale action "Clean session" was created at NKSU.

The headquarters was created by order of the rector No. OD-780 dated December 19, 2018 in the following composition:

Head of headquarters – Issakayev E.M. - First Vice-Rector.


  1. Pobezhuk N.Yu. - Deputy Director of the Department of Academic Activities;
  2. Ibrayeva S.I. - Acting Vice-rector for educational work and social issues.

Executive secretary of the headquarters:

  1. Petrov B.S. - 4th year student of the specialty "Journalism", chairman of the KDM.

Headquarters members:

  1. E.V. Sabieva - Director of the Institute of Language and Literature;
  2. Kurmashev I.G. - Dean of the Faculty of Engineering and Digital Technologies;
  3. Imanov A.K. - Dean of the Pedagogical Faculty;
  4. Pashkov S.V. - Dean of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences;
  5. Shayakhmetova A.S. - Dean of the Agrotechnological Faculty ;
  6. Valieva M.M. - Dean of the Faculty of History, Economics and Law;
  7. Izdenov A.K. - Director of the High School of Medicine;
  8. Mesmer O.A. - head of the Registrar's office;
  9. Talipova A.S. - Head of the Legal Department;
  10. Halimova D.A. - head of the Media center;
  11. Abiltaeva A.A. - 4th year student of the specialty "Information Systems", student rector;
  12. Beisenbaev A.R. - 4th year student of the specialty "Accounting and Audit", chairman of the student union.

Responsible for the preparation and conduct of the "Clean session" campaign:

  1. Beisenbaeva A.S. - Director of the Department for Educational Work;
  2. Shayakhmetova A.S. - Dean of the Agrotechnological Faculty;
  3. Imanov A.K. - Dean of the Pedagogical Faculty Faculty;
  4. S.V. Pashkov - Dean of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences;
  5. Kurmashev I.G. - Dean of the Faculty of Engineering and Digital Technologies;
  6. Valieva M.M. - Dean of the Faculty of History, Economics and Law;
  7. E.V. Sabieva - Director of the Institute of Language and Literature;
  8. Izdenov A.K. - Director of the High School of Medicine.

The members of the headquarters should be promptly informed about manifestations of corruption or existing facts of violation.

Students and teachers who are faced with the facts of corruption can contact the following addresses and phone numbers:

  • to the public reception by phone +7 (7152) 433660, +7 (7152) 493870;
  • by the hotline number +7 (7152) 494042 (internal 1241).