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"Manash Kozybayev
North Kazakhstan university"


Scientists from 9 countries gathered at M. Kozybaev NKSU for a scientific and practical conference

Such a number of representatives of world scientific thought within the walls of M. Kozybaev NKSU has not been remembered for a long time. On October 15, scientists from Italy, the USA, Russia, Poland, China, Lithuania, Moldova, Great Britain, India and rectors of leading universities of Kazakhstan gathered at the international scientific-practical conference “The evolution of science in the modern world”.

At the plenary meeting, they discussed the integration of science, the competitiveness of higher education institutions, the creation of modern agricultural parks in Kazakhstan (on the example of the ATP M. Kozybaev NKSU together with the North-West University of Agriculture and Forestry of China) and other topics.

The welcoming address to the conference participants was sent by the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the akim of the North Kazakhstan region and the Italian ambassador to Kazakhstan.

A bright exhibition was launched in the foyer of the main building of the university, which introduced guests to the scientific achievements of M. Kozybaev NKSU: the development of intelligent computer devices and a diagnostic system for oil and gas equipment; the creation of a new environmentally friendly phytopreparation "Vitin"; variety testing of foreign agricultural crops with highlighting the most promising for the northern region of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Archaeologists of our university presented the results of a sensational discovery in the Ualikhanovsky district of the North-Kazakhstan region of the medieval mausoleums of the Golden Horde era. Tiger's water-lifting vessels, clay bricks and gold jewelry did not leave indifferent fans of ancient history. The participants of the ornithological expedition spoke about the study of the state of the populations of rare and hunting species of geese and geese in the North of Kazakhstan (using GIS technologies, aerial photography and satellite telemetry) and the development of a monitoring system for their conservation.

Next, sectional sessions were held in the following areas: “The evolution of science in the educational process”, “Research and publications in a globalized world”, “Development of science in various directions, the possibility of comparison”, “Digital science”, “Actual problems of modern philology and methods of teaching languages ".

Also on this day, a round table was held, which examined the impact of internationalization on the development of Kazakhstani universities. An important role here is played by participation in the Erasmus + program of the European Union. Our university is currently implementing 5 projects under this program.

In the context of globalization, the forms and methods of communication in science, the nature and methods of training scientific personnel are changing. M. Kozybaev NKSU is actively involved in the process of internationalization of science and education. In total, in 2019, as part of international cooperation, university scientists are implementing 7 projects.
