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"Manash Kozybayev
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Pfluk Natalia Fedorovna

Natalia Fyodorovna Pfluk is a great teacher, who loves her work and her students. Who made a significant contribution to the life of the department, the university, and left a mark in the  students' lives, who remember her with special warmth. 

Natalia Fedorovna was born on March 15, 1956 in the Kurgan region. After graduating from school with honors, Natalia Fyodorovna already knew at that moment that she wanted to connect her life with teaching. According to this, by the will of fate, she enrolled to the Petropavlovsk Pedagogical Institute with a degree in chemistry and biology and graduated in 1979.

After graduating from the university, Natalia Fedorovna went to the village of Stanovoe, Mamlyutsky district, and worked there as a school director from 1980 – 1985, this was her first step to teaching and working with students. After she worked at the school for 5 years, she came to Petropavlovsk, and got a job as a methodologist in chemistry at the City People's Department of Education, having worked there from 1985 to 1987.

Natalia Fedorovna became a university lecturer at the Department of Chemistry since 1987, and since 1990 she has already become a senior lecturer.

Natalia Fedorovna was engaged in the analysis of school chemistry textbooks commissioned by the Ministry of Education of the USSR. Also, Natalia Fedorovna conducted scientific work on the methodology of teaching chemistry on the topic: "Creation of algoheuristic programs for self-study of new material in chemistry", which made a significant contribution to the history of the department.

Along with teaching, Natalia Fedorovna actively participated in the social work of the Department and Faculty: she worked as a senior methodologist of the Faculty of Natural Geography in 1999-2001, and also from 2001 to 2003 was a senior curator of the Faculty of Natural Geography.  In 2001 – was awarded with a diploma of the Regional Department of Education and the Ministry of Education and Science.

Natalia Fedorovna was responsible for the educational work at the department and was a senior methodologist for the pedagogical practice of students. She also took the initiative to organize student Olympiads in chemistry, conducted methodological seminars at the faculty and university.

Pfluk Natalia Fedorovna is the author of more than 23 scientific articles, four textbooks on organic chemistry and methods of teaching chemistry.

Natalia Fedorovna worked at the Department of Chemistry as a teacher for about 30 years. Having proven herself not only as a professional, but also a devoted fan of her work. Furthermore, as a responsible and very attentive person. As a teacher, she enjoys authority and respect among her colleagues and students.


Bektemisova A.U., PhD, Docent 

 Ostafeychuk N.V., Master of Chemistry