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Non-profit limited company
"Manash Kozybayev
North Kazakhstan university"

Lake Pestrye as a reserve reservoir for water supply of the city of Petropavlovsk

Project Manager: Beletskaya N.P., candidate of geographical Sciences

Project goal: Lake Pestroye as a reserve reservoir for

water supply of Petropavlovsk with the preservation of recreational functions

and fish farming.

Project objective:

- generalization of previous studies of the region;

- clarification of data on the morphology and morphometry of the reservoir, bottom sediments, sources of pollution necessary for the work on cleaning the reservoir and deepening the lake bath;

- - summary of data on phytoplankton (blue-green, diatoms, green algae), underwater, surface, and surface vegetation, zooplankton, zoobenthos, necton, plant communities of the catchment area;

- assessment of the toxic effect and indicators of the toxicity of lake water;

- development and justification of recommendations for water treatment of the reservoir;

- preparation of cost estimates for the entire complex of works on the project.

Project description: the Project provides for the cleaning of the reservoir located within the city of Petropavlovsk, with the extraction of bottom sediments and bedrock for 1 m for the purpose of using the lake as a reserve for drinking water supply in the regional center. The need for such a step is related to the projected processes of reducing the water content of the Ishim river – the main waterway that supplies drinking water not only to Petropavlovsk, but also to a significant part of settlements in Northern Kazakhstan.

Expected results: Reduction of the risk of consequences of the projected decrease in the availability of drinking water in the regional center due to a decrease in the water content of the Ishim river with the preservation and improvement of fish farming conditions and the organization of summer recreation for citizens.

Applying project results:

- reducing the risk of acute shortage of drinking water for residents of the regional center during periods of reduced water availability of the river;

- preserving and improving the quality of the reservoir for fish farming;

- improving the recreational attractiveness of the recreation area of citizens.