- Order of the Chairman of the Committee for Control in the Scope of Education and Science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan
- Regulations on the Dissertation Council of M. Kozybayev NKU (29.10.2021)
- List of members of M. Kozybayev NKU Dissertation Council
- in the specialties of "Mechanical Engineering" and "Electric Power Engineering" PhD studies
- in the specialties of "Radio engineering, electronics and telecommunications" and "Computer science, computer technology and management" PhD studies
- in the specialties of "Chemical technology of organic substances" PhD studies
The procedure for a meeting of a Dissertation council to defend a dissertation includes the following:
- introductory remarks by the chairman on the quorum, the eligibility of holding the meeting, presentation of the doctoral student, specialty, dissertation topic;
- presentation of the academic secretary to announce the compliance of the doctoral student's documents with regulatory requirements, indicating the completeness and compliance of scientific publications;
- presentation of a doctoral student (up to 20 minutes);
- questions for a doctoral student, answers of a doctoral student;
- speeches by scientific consultants;
- speeches of reviewers;
- the doctoral student's answers to the comments of the reviewers and conclusions on their recommendations;
- discussion of the members of the dissertation council;
- closing remarks of the doctoral student;
- election of the counting commission in the amount of 3 (three) people from the composition of the dissertation council, with the exception of the chairman;
- holding a secret ballot on the application for a degree;
- presentation of the chairman of the counting commission on the results of secret voting, approval of the minutes of the counting commission;
- announcement of the results of public defense;
- acceptance of the conclusion of the dissertation council on the dissertation on the basis of the defense.
In order to improve the quality of the organization and efficiency of the educational process, self-discipline and compliance with intellectual property rights, as well as control over the degree of independence of students' coursework, theses (projects), master's and doctoral dissertations, scientific articles submitted for inclusion in scientific journals and collections of scientific and practical conferences of the University, a system of work verification for plagiarism StrikePlagiarism has been introduced at the University. The license is valid until 13.12.2024.