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In 2020, the Department of Information and Communication Technologies of the M. Kozybaev North Kazakhstan State University started "Advanced Center for PhD students and young in informatics" (ACeSYRI). It it research as a member of a consortium of 12 institutions from the countries of the European Union and Kazakhstan within the framework of the capacity building program in the field of higher education (Erasmus + K2) with the name.
Within the framework of the project, there will be created a portal and a Center for promoting cooperation between doctoral students, young researchers and teachers of higher education institutions in Kazakhstan. The ACeSYRI portal will allow participants to create research groups, to collaborate with scientific partners from abroad, and to share information and project results. The use of the ACeSYRI portal will be free and accessible to students and young researchers from universities and companies from partner countries of the European Union.
The purpose of this project is to improve the conditions for conducting scientific research by young researchers and graduate students in the field of computer science from Kazakhstan universities through the development of international cooperation with universities in the European Union.
Official site of the project acesyri.eu
The official portal of the project acesyri.fri.uniza.sk
The following institutions from the countries of the European Union took part in the project:
In Kazakhstan, the following institutions are involved in the implementation of the project:
The main activities for the implementation of the project are the following: analysis and implementation of advanced knowledge in the field of informatics in the educational programs of doctoral studies in the specialties "Computer Science, Computer Engineering and Management", "Radio Engineering, Electronics and Telecommunications"; development, publication and acquisition of new literature. It is also planned the improvement of the qualifications of teachers at leading European universities, as well as the creation of an Internet platform and an advanced center for PhD students and young researchers in informatics science at each partner university in Kazakhstan at the expense of the project's financial resources.
On 28 March 2020 the first online working and coordination meeting was held on Skype as part of the ACeSYRI project.
June 7 -19, 2020 there was held the Summer Series of Seminars on Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning - AI&ML Summer Workshop. The main organizer of SU events (Institute of space and information technologies) in cooperation with the Institute of Information Technology of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, with the participation of the International Informatization Academy.
At the end of June 2020, there was held a meeting of the project working group, at which the solution of current tasks and plans for the future were discussed.
On 15 December 2020 the annual meeting on the ACeSYRI project was held online, via Skype.
On 26 February 2021, a meeting was held on the use of the ACeSYRI portal
On 11 March 2021, the second coordination meeting on the project was held online.
On 15 April 2021, the presentation of the ACeSYRI platform took place.
The presentation contains information about the purpose of the portal, its structure and capabilities.
On 30 April 2021, doctoral students of the CSCTM specialty took part in the ACeSYRI seminar, which was held as part of the conference "Information and Digital Technologies 2021".
Employees of the Department of ICT and doctoral students have participated in the international scientific and practical online conference "Modern information technologies and computer modeling of systems", which took place on 8 June 2021 as part of the program Erasmus + of the project of European Union "Advanced center for PhD students and young researchers in informatics science -ACeSYRI".
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June 22-24, 2021 Kukharenko Ye.V. and Iklassova K.I. took part in the International Seminar "Modern Experience for PhD Students and Young Researchers", organized within the framework of the conference "Information and Digital Technologies" (IDT 2021).
IDT 2021 provides a forum for presentations and discussion of scientific contributions covering theories and methods in the field of information and digital technologies, and their application in a wide range of industrial, civil and social sectors and problem areas. IDT 2021 is also an opportunity for researchers, practitioners, scientists and engineers to meet, exchange ideas and learn from each other.
The publication was developed within the framework of the program of European Union Erasmus + and reflects the views of the authors. The Executing Agency and the European Commission are not responsible for any use of the information contained herein.