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"Manash Kozybayev
North Kazakhstan university"
Faculty News
NSSF: На ФИЭП-е прошел конкурс «MISS TEACHER»

6 марта 2025 года Кафедра «Журналистики и социальных наук» провела конкурс «MISS TEACHER», посвященый Международному женскому читать далее

06 March 2025
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06 March 2025
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28 February 2025
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28 February 2025
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28 February 2025
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27 February 2025
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26 February 2025
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21 February 2025
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Development of a wireless automated system for electrocardiological diagnostics

Budgetary program "Development of Science", subprogram "Grant financing of scientific research in 2018-2021." Science Committee MES RK


Project manager: Ivel V.P., doctor of technical sciences, professor.

Project executors: Gerasimova Yu.V., Ph.D., Avdeev V.N., Ph.D., Moldakhmetov S.S., Master of Technical Sciences, PhD candidate, Petrov P.A., Master of Engineering Sciences, PhD candidate

Terms of execution: 2018-2020

Amount of financing: 30,000,000 tenge.

The purpose of the project: Development of a neural network system for the identification of electrocardiological signals (ECS) using wireless technologies and software and hardware parallel computing, capable of determining the physiological parameters of the body, providing information support for the doctor's diagnostic decisions and making preliminary automatic diagnostics of the state of the human cardiovascular system (CVS).

Expected results: The proposed concept for the construction of automated systems for medical cardiology, based on the neural network principle of parallel information processing and wireless transmission of ECG data, will make it possible to create systems for predicting the development of pathological deviations in the patient's CVS state and a system for express cardiology diagnostics of dangerous pathological abnormalities in the CVS, which will significantly reduce time and economic costs for ECG examination, including Holter monitoring.

Within three years of the Project implementation, it is planned to prepare on research topics: one monograph, three patents for an invention, two articles in a foreign journal indexed in the Scopus database (“ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences”, ISSN 1819-6608, Pakistan; “ International Journal of Electronics and Telecommunications ", ISSN 2300-1933, Poland), two articles in journals with a non-zero impact factor (" Computer Engineering & Information Technology ", ISSN 2324-9307, USA, impact factor 0.61;" Journal of Electrical Engineering and Electronic Technology ", ISSN 2325-9833, USA, impact factor 0.33).

Introduce wireless automated cardiac complexes into the practice of the regional cardio center.

It is also planned to obtain a license to use the developed cardiac complex in medical institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

All cardio centers of the Republic of Kazakhstan can become the target consumers of the developed automated cardiac complexes.

The developed principles of identification of a 12-dimensional ECG signal can be used for further development of the general theory of identification of multidimensional nonlinear low-frequency signals.

Description of the project: The rapid development of computer technology and the emergence of new diagnostic technologies require the search for new approaches to the processing and interpretation of the ever-growing volume of biomedical data. In this regard, the need to develop an effective system for automated analysis of electrocardiological information, carrying the maximum amount of useful data about the state of the body, using modern high-performance methods of digital signal processing, focused on solving poorly formalized problems, is substantiated. To achieve this goal, it is proposed to use the optimization and adaptation apparatus, the theory of systems identification, the theory of neural network systems, the technology of parallel computing, the theory of wireless communication and computer modeling.

Project objectives:

−creation of a wireless WiFi system for transmitting electrocardiological data of patients within the framework of the local regional cardio center;
analysis of methods and algorithms for the classification of electrocardiosignals;- construction of a mathematical model of the bioelectrical information retrieval system;
−development of a mathematical model of the conduction system of the heart as an object of measurement, based on a biotechnical approach to the description of electrophysiological processes in the human body;
study of the properties and behavior of neural networks when solving electrocardiological problems, optimization of the structure and parameters of neural networks;
−development of algorithms for parallel ECG processing based on a 12-channel computer cardiograph by means of a neural network system for identifying an ECG signal in twelve leads;
extension of the obtained results to the identification of electrobiological signals of all physiological systems of a person.