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Faculty News
NSSF: Выпускники бакалавриата и магистратуры ФИЭП получили дипломы

Сегодня выпускникам 2024 года факультета истории, экономики и права были вручены дипломы об окончании университета. Торжественная церемония прошла на читать далее

03 July 2024
NSSF: Подведены итоги деятельности ФИЭП за 2023-2024 учебный год

28 июня 2024 года, на факультете истории, экономики и права было проведено итоговое в этом учебном году заседание Совета факультета. На совете были по читать далее

28 June 2024
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14 June 2024
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13 June 2024
AF: Международная Летняя Школа – 2024

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13 June 2024
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15 June 2024
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06 June 2024
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29 April 2024
AF: поздравляем!

Поздравляем участников Республиканской предметной олимпиады по ОП «6B08301 Лесные ресурсы и лесоводство» и ОП «6B08201 Технология п читать далее

26 April 2024
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Development of a multi-level course for teaching schoolchildren the basics of artificial intelligence in the framework of the subject "Information and communication technologies", taking into account their age-related psychophysiological characteristics a

Priority area: Scientific foundations "Mangilik el" (education of the XXI century, fundamental and applied research in the field of humanities)


Project manager: Demyanenko A.V., Ph.D.

Project executors: Koryagina O.V., Ph.D., Vlasenko S.V., Ph.D.,

Poleshchuk A.I., master, Moldakhmetov S.S., master.

Terms of execution: 2018-2020

Amount of financing: 42,500,000 tenge.

Project goal: Development, creation and testing of an interactive complex of lecture and methodological materials and practical work on the subject "Information and communication technologies" with the use of advanced achievements in the field of artificial intelligence.

Expected results: The project is significant in the field of education, knowledge management systems, intelligent technologies. The results obtained can be applied to the creation of other interactive training complexes; they also have general methodological value.

Description of the project: The project proposes the development of an interactive course for teaching schoolchildren the basics of artificial intelligence, taking into account age-related psychophysiological characteristics and the ability to monitor the degree of assimilation of the studied material.

Project objectives:
-theoretical and methodological substantiation of the need to study the problems of artificial intelligence for schoolchildren;

-development of requirements for the knowledge and skills of schoolchildren in the field of artificial intelligence at various stages of education, determination of the conditions and mechanisms of their formation;-forming technical specifications for the development of an interactive training course on the basics of artificial intelligence;

-development of an educational and methodological complex, reflecting various aspects of artificial intelligence;

-evaluation of the degree of expediency and depth of presentation of questions of fuzzy logic of neural networks and other areas of artificial intelligence;-development of a methodology for assessing the effectiveness of material perception and measures to improve it;

-development of laboratory workshops and practical exercises with the possibility of using the Arduino hardware and software, as well as the LEGO Mindstorms constructor;

-assessment of the compliance of the developed interactive training course with the requirements of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

-conducting approbation of a multi-level course on the basics of AI in general and specialized secondary educational institutions to determine the correspondence at each stage of the depth of presentation of the foundations of AI to the level of knowledge and skills of schoolchildren;
-conducting corrective actions based on the results of approbation;
-development of a retraining program for secondary school teachers in the framework of teaching the discipline "Information and Communication Technologies".