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03 July 2024
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29 April 2024
AF: поздравляем!

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26 April 2024
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Parallels between the Bible and the Koran and the problems of ethno-confessional harmony in Kazakhstan

Priority direction: Scientific basis of "Mangilik El" (education of the XXI century, fundamental and applied research in the field of Humanities)


Project Manager: A.V. Nikiforov, PhD project

Project executors: Nikiforova S.V., Sinyakov O.V.

Deadline: 2018-2020

Amount of funding: 22,000,000 tenge.

Project goal: Identification of parallel places in the sacred books of Judaism, Christianity and Islam.

Expected results: Creation of a favorable environment for the residence of diverse ethnic and religious groups not only in Kazakhstan, but also in other multicultural states.

Description of the project: A wave of political and religious extremism and terrorism has grown in the world. In order to prevent the repetition of this kind of facts in our country, religious scholars need to look for a common culturological basis among the peoples of polyethnic and polyconfessional states that would unite people of different ideological orientations. To show the representatives of religions how much they have in common, and on this basis to help people to form a tolerant attitude towards each other, to preserve peace and harmony in multi-ethnic and multi-confessional states, including the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Any culture is based on a religious basis, so people very often confuse and confuse their ethnic and religious affiliation. Our country is inhabited by various peoples oriented towards Judaism, Christianity and Islam, as well as people who do not profess any religion. Legal sources are also subject to research in order to establish peaceful coexistence and prosperity of the peoples not only of our Motherland, but also of all multicultural states. The need for this scientific research is due to the fact that in numerous publications published in recent years on the problems of Christianity and Islam, the emphasis is mainly on the differences between these religions, and not on their parallels, while such a comparative analysis of the Bible and the Koran is necessary in our republic.

Project objectives:

research of theological and theological literature;

−write a number of articles and a monograph "Parallels of the Bible and the Koran and the problems of ethno-confessional harmony in Kazakhstan".