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26 April 2024
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Results of the contest "Tan Sholpan" 2019

The X Regional Vocal Performance Competition "Tan Sholpan" was held on February 22, 2019 as part of the events dedicated to the implementation of the program "Rukhani Zhangyru" and announced by the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N.A. Nazarbayev of the Year of Youth.

Members of the competition jury:

  1. Kolesnikova G.A. - Head of the Department of "Musical Disciplines", Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences.  Associate Professor, corresponding member of MANPO.
  2. Moreeva T.K. is a vocal teacher at the Zhas Daryn School of Arts and the complex "College of Arts specialized boarding school for gifted children of musical and aesthetic profile".
  3. Mukhatayeva Zh.A. – holder of the badge "Madeniyet salasyn uzdigi", Master of Pedagogical Sciences, senior lecturer of the Department of "Musical Disciplines"
  4. Gabidullina V.F. is a laureate of international competitions, a teacher of the complex "College of Arts specialized boarding school for gifted children of musical and aesthetic profile", a graduate of the Department of "Musical disciplines".

30 contestants have been announced. All participants are divided into 2 groups: the senior – students of colleges and NKSU and the junior - graduates of secondary schools. These are students of Secondary school No. 1, No. 5, students of the NKSU faculties – Pedagogical, Foundation, Gymnasium "BEST", College of Arts, Humanities College named after M. Zhumabayev, NIS, School of Gifted Children, School of Arts No. 1, School of Arts "Zhas Daryn". The districts are represented: Zhambylsky (Blagoveshchenka), Yesilsky (Korneevka).

The level of performing skills of the contest participants is growing every year. The X anniversary competition featured works in 7 languages - folk songs, popular pop compositions.

For the first time at the competition, the popular Kazakh kui "Kosalka" was performed in the original a' cappella treatment.

Results of the X Anniversary Vocal Performance Contest "Tan Sholpan":

Grand Prix – ensemble "De rois" (NIS)


Senior Group:

  • 1 p. – Akaev A., Zhaksylyk S. (College of Arts)
  • 2 p. – Sherieva I., Omirzakh N. (M.Kozybayev NKSU)
  • 3 p. – Lazareva Yu., Agaeva K. (M.Kozybaev NKSU)

Junior group:

  • 1 p. – trio "Music" (Zinchenko A., Romanenko A., Demyanenko D.) (Zhas Daryn Art School)
  • 2 p. – Dzhusupova D., Vashchenko A. (NIS)


 Senior Group:

  • 1 p. – Sadaev A. (M.Kozybaev NKSU)
  • 1 p. - Suleimenova A. (College of Arts)
  • 1 p. – Lazareva Yu. (M.Kozybaev NKSU)
  • 2 p. – Pinigina Ya. (M.Zhumabayev Pedagogical College)
  • 2 p. – Akhmetzhan T. (M.Zhumabayev Pedagogical College)
  • 3 p. – Aldamuratov A. (College of Arts)
  • 3 p. – E. Volkova (College of Arts)
  • 3 p. – Belskaya A. (College of Arts)
  • 3 p. – Talapkan B. (M.Kozybayev NKSU)

Junior group:

  • 1 p. – Krivoruchko E. (Yesilsky district)
  • 1 p. – Heydarova V. (Secondary school No. 5)
  • 1 p. – Toleutai A. (GCS)
  • 2 p. – Levina A. (Zhas Daryn Art School)
  • 2 p. – A. Burkova (Zhas Daryn Art School)
  • 2 p. – Zinchenko A. (Gymnasium Best)
  • 3 p. – Nikonenko K. (Zhambyl district)
  • 3 p. – Shinkarenko A. (Zhambyl district)
  • 3 p. – Demyanenko D. (Zhas Daryn Art School)
  • 3 p. – Romanenko A. (Secondary school No. 9)
  • 3 p. – D. Zhakupova (Art School No. 1)
  • 3 p. – A. Meiramov (NIS)