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"Manash Kozybayev
North Kazakhstan university"
Faculty News
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Student's sports day


  1. There are carried out organization, providing and holding competitions of all types of sport with sports club together with a chair of judicial assembly and the department of physical culture and tourism.
  2. Linnik M. A. is appointed the main referee. There are approved a direct of carrying out competitions by judicial assembly (appendix No. 1á) confirming by the department of educational and social work. The main referees are responsible for preparation and carrying out of competitions, place of holding and the refereeing organization.
  3. Results of competitions is affirmed by the main judicial assembly.
  4. There are submited protests for violation of the rules competitions, for biassed refereeing to the main judicial assembly in a day of carrying out the competitions.


  1. There are allowed student's combined teams of faculties, ILL and VC, have preliminary training and have got permit of a doctor. There are provided the technical demand certified by the dean of faculty; the student ID card of each student to the main judicial assemble. The students who having a debt of tuition, aren't allowed to competitions. Students of faculty of physical culture participate in a sports day out of the competition.
  2. The participants of competitions should be dressed in athletic uniform with a faculty's emblem.


The first round - mass competitions in educational groups at faculties.

The second round - championship of the university of all types of sports among combined teams of faculties. The sports day is conducted according to the fixture's plan approved by the rector of the university.

student's sports day of M. Kozybayev NKU 

Autumn's cross country (men, women) September
Volleyball (women) October
Basketball (men) November
Table tennis (men, women) December
Volleyball (men) February
Basketball (women) February
Winter Presidential multy-discipline competition (men, women) February
Skiing races (men, women) February
Togyz-kumalak (men, women) March
«Kazaksha kures» wrestling March
Kettlebell lifting March
Chess (men, women) April
Swimming (men, women) April
Summer Presidentia all-around gymnastics competitions (men, women) April-May
Minifootball (men) May
Spring cross country May

 Summarizing up the results students' sports day

 There are defined at the competitions:

  • personal superiority in each turn of the programme;
  • team's championship in all types of sport;
  • obligatory types of sport are: autumn and spring cross-country, skiing, volleyball, the summer Presidential multy-discipline competition.
  • all-team offset among the faculties is determined with the smallest sum of the gathered points - places of sportsmen in the teams and personal competitions by 12 types of men and to 8 types of women.
  • if  there is a draw scores of two and more faculties, the advantage is given to the one who occupied the greatest number - I, II etc. place of all types of sport;
  • competitions of sports day are carried out on the conditions set out in appropriate sections of the rules and the operating rules of competitions of all types of sport. The offset of men and women is separately. The order of carrying out of sport's competitions affirms at the meetings of a judicial assemble together with representatives of teams.


The teams of the faculties gained 1,2,3 places in the team overall, they are awarded with the cups, valuable prizes and diplomas of the corresponding degrees.

The teams gained 1,2,3 places in all types of sport, they are awarded with the cups (for 1 place) and diplomas of the corresponding degrees.

The participants gained 1 place in game sports and types of combat (Greek-Roman fight, Kettlebell lifting, "kazaksha-kures" fight),they are awarded with the diplomas, valuable prizes, diplomas of the corresponding degrees for 2-3 places.

The sportsmen have been gained 1,2,3 places in separate competitions (chess, table tennis, skiing, summer all-round), they are awarded with diplomas and memorable gifts.



Personal and team competitions.

Line-up of 3 men (2 men, 2 women). Competitions are carried out by the operating rules. A winner is determinated by the greatest sum of points.


Games are carried out in 2 subgroups. Line-up of 8 men. First team of subgroups is determinated by a lot. In so doing teams had been gained 1-2 places in last sports day, these are divided into different subgroups. The team-winner is determinated with the greatest sum of points. A team is get 3 points for a victory, draw – 1 point, defeat – 0. If the both teams have equal points, it is gained an advantage that team won a match between them.

If there is an equality of 3 or more teams, it is gained an advantage in following sequence:

  • by the greatest number of win between them;
  • having the most difference of kicked and missed balls in the same meetings, but if it isn't enough of it, then in all meetings.

Final games are carried out in butt meetings of the teams gained the appropriate places in subgroups.


Personal - team competitions.

Competitions are carried out in 2 subgroups. Line-up - (2 men, 1 woman.). Games are carried out from the 3 sets. The team's meeting consists of 5 individual meetings. A winner is determined with the greatest sum of points. Final games are carried out in butt meetings of the teams gained the appropriate places.


Competitions are carried out by operating rules in 2 subgroups to single circle. The line-up of subgroups is determinated by a lot. The teams gained the I-II place in sports day of 2010-2011 academic year, there are divided in different subgroups. Line-up of 12 people. A winner is determined by the greatest number of points. The team get 2 points for a victory, for defeat 1 point, for absence – 0 points. Final games are carried out in butt meetings of the teams gained the appropriate places in subgroups.


Line-up of 8 man.

Personal - team competitions are carried out by the operating rules approved by Federation of fight kazakhsha-kures of RK on the following weight categories: up to 54 kg, 60 kg, 66 kg, 74 kg, 82 kg, 90 kg, over 90 kg. There are authorized a doubling in 2 weight categories to teams . Overall of 7 participants 7.


Personal – team competitions.

Line-up of 10 men (5 men, 5 women). Men – 5 km, women – 3 km. A winner is determined by the greatest sum of points – places gathered by test participants. There are 4 best results to offset (4 men, 4 women). The teams is got 5 bonus points for each 10 participants exposed over the test.


Competitions have go-ahead character. Line-up of 5 men. Weight categories aren't considered. Sportmen act with the weights of 16 kg and 24 kg, they carry out the "push" of two weights from a chest within 1 minute. There is a quotient– 2 points for work with weights of 24 kg.There is made a count of points with the sum of the gathered pushes by members of team. The team takes 1 place if it gathered the largest number of points, , etc.


Line-up of 8 men (4 men, 4 women). There are 4 best results of overall at men and 3 at women . Competitions are carried out according to the quadrathlon program. Refereeing is carried out by the international rules of polyathlone 1999. Results of all – around gymnastics competitions are 100 – points table. Participant is eliminated from a competition if he didn't start in one of the types of all – around gymnastics competition (without good reason).

Competition's program:

  1. Run of 100 m (men, women)
  2. Run of 1000 m (women), 3000 m (men)
  3. Standing high jumps (men, women)
  4. Firing (from a pneumatic rifle).