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"Manash Kozybayev
North Kazakhstan university"
Faculty News
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03 July 2024
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29 April 2024
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26 April 2024
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Sports day of the students living in dormitories

Competitions are carried out by the department of social and educational work,  student's trade-union and the department of physical culture and tourism. Isatayev E.B. is appointed an arbiter of the sports day, a chief scorer – Morgunova T.A. Immediate the guiding is assigned to a chief jury approved by the educational department. All controversial questions are solved by a chief jury of the sports day. Protests are entered no later than in an hour after the termination of this type of sport. Decision of a chief jury of competitionsm is final. The judges organize and hold competitions, meeting of the presented dormitories and a judge with accurate investigation of each type of competitions, rules, time and a carrying out of order.

Participants of team

There are entered a participation of competitions all students living at dormitories of NKSU of M. Kozybayev, had training a preliminary preparation and obtained a permission of a doctor. Teams of dormitories №1, 2, 3 and № 4 (lecturers, employees and students).

Notice: the dormitory № 4 is performed out of competition.

Programme and time of carrying out

The sports day is carried out by 10 types of sport among combined teams of dormitories.

Type of sport The date Chief jury
volleyball october Morgunova T.A.
chess november Isatayev E.B.
basketball november Shitov A.S.
cross-country skiing december Kuzmenko D.Y.
togyz-kumalak december Kusainova A.M.
Table tennis december Gonenko S.V.
Kettlebell lifting march Glyvyak  A.
Box April Isatayev E.B.
Tug-of-war April Turmakov Zh.A.
Football May Isatayev  E.B.

Conditions and overall

A winner team of sports day among the dormitories is determinated by the least sum of scores by all types of sports. For 1st place – 1 point, 2nd place – 2 points, 3d place – 3 points and etc. In case of not presenting teams in one or some types of sport, needed for a team overall, there are a scoring by the last place of participating teams plus 3 penalty points. In case a draw score, an advantage is given to the team having more first and medal places. Order of the competitions by all types of sport is approved on the meetings of the judges together with representatives of teams.


Each dormitory is proposed one men's and one women's teams. Games are held by all – play – all of three rounds. A team is scored 2 points for a victory, 1 point for defeat, 0 points for absence.

Indoor soccer

Each dormitory is proposed an one team. Games are held by all – play – all. Line – up of bid is unlimited, a number of substitution is unlimited.

First team: 5 in the pitch, + 1 goalkeeper (a victory – 3 points, a draw – 1, a defeat – 0).

Table tennis

Line-up of team: 4 men, 2 men, 2 women. Games are held of 3 sets. Team's meeting consist of 3 individual meetings. A winner is determinated by the greatest sum of points.


Line-up of team: 5 men, 3 women. All – play – all.


Personal – team competitions

Line–up of 3 men (2 men, 3 women). Competitions are held by the working regulations.


Line-up of team: 4 men (of any sex). Competitions are held by the working regulations.

A winner is determinated by the greatest sum of gathered points.

Kettlebell lifting                      

Competitions have a relay character.

Line-up of team: 5 men. There aren’t accounted weight categories.

Sportsmen perform with kettlebells of 16 and 24 kg., make a «push» of two kettlebells during 1 minute. It's a coefficient of 2 points for working with kettlebells of 24 kg. There is scored the points tally by the sum gathered «pushes» of team members. A team gathered the greatest number of points, it takes the first place and etc.

Awarding of winners

  1. For the first place are C cup, a diploma of sports club and valuable prize.
  2. For the second place are a diploma of sports club and a prize.
  3. For third place are a diploma of sports club and valuable prize.
  4. The participants of sports day – the winners in the personal-team overall are awarded with diplomas and a prize.
  5. Teams taken the 1st, 2nd, 3rd place are awarded with the cups (for 1st place) and the diplomas of appropriate degrees.