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NSSF: Выпускники бакалавриата и магистратуры ФИЭП получили дипломы

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03 July 2024
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14 June 2024
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29 April 2024
AF: поздравляем!

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26 April 2024
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Creation of modified paint and varnish materials for anticorrosion, heat-resistant, chemical-resistant and waterproofing purposes using surfactants of a wide spectrum of action

The IRN project AP08856284 was carried out under a grant from the Science Committee of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan


Project Manager: Dyuryagina A.N., Ph.D., e-mail

Project executors: Demyanenko A.V., Ph.D., Lezhneva M.Yu., Ph.D., Tyukanko V.Yu., Ph.D., Ostrovnoy K.A., Master.

Duryagina A.N. Researcher ID Web of Science: AAQ-9886-2020 

Demyanenko A.V. 

Tyukanko V.Yu. 

Lezhneva M.Yu.

Ostrovnoy K.A. ResearcherID Web of Science: AAT-1244-2020

Byzova Yu.S.

Scopus ID 57223276717

Deadlines for execution: 2020-2021

Amount of funding: 55 000 000 tenge .

Summary:An effective way to improve the quality of paint and varnish materials is the use of surfactants (hereinafter surfactants) that have the ability to form strong and low–porous films. The idea of the project is to introduce industrial surfactants into the composition of various functional paint and varnish materials (based on polyorganosiloxane, pentaphthalic, perchlorovinyl, alkyd-urethane, acrylic, bitumen and oil film-forming) and to study their effect on the change in the specific surface energy at the interfacial interfaces (with air// steel substrate), as well as on the development of the processes of disaggregation of pigments/fillers and the aggregate stability of systems.

The purpose of the project: Creation of modified paint and varnish materials, functional (anticorrosion, heat-resistant, chemical-resistant and waterproofing) purpose based on: polyorganosiloxane, pentaphthalic, perchlorovinyl, alkyd-urethane, acrylic, bitumen and oil film-forming/polymers, using surfactants dispersing, stabilizing and inhibiting actions.

Expected results: Development of a series of compositions of target-purpose paint and varnish materials with an optimal combination of properties and conduct a study of the protective, physico-mechanical and decorative characteristics of coatings obtained from modified compositions. Technological regulations for the proposed compositions. Based on the study of the characteristics of coatings, formulations of coatings will be obtained that ensure the maximum protective life of coatings.

Project description: Establishment of a mechanism for fixing surfactants on the surface of the pigment and substrate, selection of optimal surfactant contents that ensure the required particle size in the composition of paint and varnish materials and maximum aggregate stability of enamels during storage. Development of mathematical models of the processes of dispersion of pigments and fillers. Development of formulations of paint and varnish materials. Development of technological regulations for the proposed compositions, series of compositions of paint and varnish materials for the intended purpose.