The IRN project AP08956286 was carried out under a grant from the Science Committee of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Project Manager: Kartova Z.K., Ph.D., e-mail
Project executors: N.A. Abuov, Ph.D., Mehmet Kildirogly, Associate Professor of the Department University of Sciences and Literature Kastamonu (Turkey), Zhakezhan S.A., Master's degree.
ScopusID numbers:Kartova Z.K. 57226370052, Abuov N.A. 57226360807
Deadlines for execution: 2020-2021
Amount of funding: 4,993,841 tenge .
The purpose of the project: Search, identification (heuristics), primary description and diplomatic analysis in order to classify the collection of act sources: labels and charters of South Kazakhstan (Syrdarya cities) of Sayran, Sygnak and Turkestan.
The object of the study is the khan labels of the Golden Horde, Kazan and Crimean khanates, as well as assembly sources and charters issued to the cities of Sygnak, Sayram and Turkestan, the originals and copies of which are kept in private and public collections of four cities – Tashkent, Turkestan, Kazan and Istanbul.
Expected results: Conducting a comparative analysis of the forms and the content of labels issued to the Syrdarya cities of Sairam, Sygnak and Turkestan. Compiling a catalog of the collection of identified labels. Diplomatic analysis of sources. Species and typological classification of identified sources. Identification of the collection of assembly sources of Kazakhstan and Central Asia, similar to the Khan labels of the Golden Horde.
Project description: In order to achieve this goal, the following specific tasks were solved during the implementation of the project:
1. Through the organization of archaeological expeditions to rare collections of libraries and research institutions in Almaty (Republican Information Center for the Study of Historical Materials of the Institute of Oriental Studies named after R.B. Suleimenov, Museum of Rare Books of the Republican State Fund "Gylym Ordasy", National Library of the Republic of Kazakhstan); Turkestan (Research Institute of Turkology and the Yassaui Center International Kazakh-Turkish University named after The skin of Ahmed Yassawi, the Azret Sultan Museum-Reserve), Nur Sultan (Turkic Academy, National Archive of the Republic of Kazakhstan) identified act sources belonging to the Golden Horde and the Golden Horde states;
2. An international scientific and practical conference was held on the topic: "Problems of studying the history of the Golden Horde: identification and interpretation of historical sources" (December 10, 2020);
3. The general and special features in the structure of the form of Khan labels of the XIV– XVII centuries are revealed;
4. The scientific classification of the identified 10 Khan labels was carried out. They are divided into types and types, and their systematization has been carried out at a new methodological level;
5. The monograph "Source studies aspects of the study of chartered certificates (labels) of the Syrdarya cities of Kazakhstan" was published;
6. An electronic catalog of the texts of Khan labels available in scientific circulation has been compiled "Altyn Orda men Altyn Ordadan keyngi memleketterdin khan zharlyktary men khattaryn izdeu (heuristics) zhane synyptau"zhoba ayasynda kurastyrylgan derekter catalogi".
The result of the research work carried out on the project implementation was the identification of a collection of assembly sources of Kazakhstan and Central Asia, similar to the Khan's labels of the Golden Horde.
List of publications of the members of the research group in the direction of the project: