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Innovative approaches to assessing students' academic achievements in the context of updating the content of mathematical education

The IRN project AP08956027 was carried out under a grant from the Science Committee of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan


Project Manager: I.B. Shmigirilova, PhD, e-mail , ORCID: , ScopusAutor ID: 57210787308, Researcher ID: O-9939-2018

Project executors: 

Rvanova A.S., PhD, ORCID:

Tajigitov A.A., Ph.D., ORCID:

Kopnova O.L., Master,ORCID:

Deadlines for execution: 2020-2021

Amount of funding: 4,000,000 tenge.

The relevance of the project is due to the need to solve the problem: how, without abandoning the criterion approach to assessing the educational achievements of schoolchildren in teaching mathematics, to minimize the manifestation of possible risks of using this type of assessment in school educational practice?

The purpose of the project: To present an innovative model for assessing students' academic achievements that meets modern requirements for the school mathematical education system, the introduction of which into the educational process will contribute to achieving a set of educational goals and improving the quality of education.

Achieved results: The main result of the study was an innovative model of the evaluation system of educational achievements of students, based on the analysis and generalization of world experience in solving problems of educational assessment and meeting modern requirements for the system of school mathematical education in Kazakhstan. To create a model, the objectification of risks associated with the introduction of criteria-based assessment of educational achievements in the system of Kazakh school education and, in particular, in teaching mathematics was carried out, the most effective approaches to the implementation of summative and formative assessment in educational practice were investigated and generalized, taking into account the consistency of the subject content, learning characteristics and evaluation goals. Methodological recommendations are presented: on the implementation of the model in the educational practice of schools in Kazakhstan; on the formation of evaluative competence of future teachers of mathematics. The introduction of the presented model of assessing the educational achievements of schoolchildren into educational practice will ensure: the implementation of the technological chain "educational goals – criteria – descriptors – evaluation materials; continuity of the evaluation process; integration of learning and evaluation processes; aggregation of summative and formative evaluation practices; authenticity and contextuality of evaluation practices in which the processes, mechanisms and evaluation tools correspond to the level of assessed achievements, subject content and features of educational activities in the context of the subject being studied; orientation of assessment to broader educational results than knowledge of the subject content of the school mathematics course.

List of published works on the project topic:

  1. Rvanova A.S., Gorshkov N.S. Technology of criterion assessment of educational achievements of schoolchildren in mathematics // Bulletin of the Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai. Series "Physical and mathematical sciences". ‒ 2020. – № 3 (71). ‒ PP. 73-78.(COXON) URL: http://sp
  2. Shmigirilova I.B., Rvanova A.S., Tajigitov A.A. Pedagogical workshop as a form of development of evaluative competence of a mathematics teacher //Modern problems of science and education. ‒ 2020. – No. 6. ‒ pp. 87-95 (VAKRF)
  3. Shmigirilova I., Shestakova L. Formation of Assessment Competence of Future Teachers of Mathematics // Education and Humanities Research, volume 527 Proceedings of the VIII International Scientific and Practical Conference 'Current problems of social and labour relations' (ISPC-CPSLR 2020). Pp. 624-628 (to be indexed in WoS). URL:
  4. Shmigirilova I.B., Rvanova A.S. Experience in the formation of evaluative competence of future teachers of mathematics // Materials of the VI International Scientific Internet Conference "Actual problems of teaching mathematics and computer science at school and university" Moscow, December 11-12, 2020 PP. 373-379 URL: .
  5. Shmigirilova I.B., Rvanova A.S., Tajigitov A.A. Integration of the ideas of formative and summative assessment in the educational practice of teaching mathematics // Materials of the international scientific and practical conference "Kozybaev readings – 2020: priority directions of development, achievements and innovations of modern Kazakh science". 2020. – Vol. 2, Petropavlovsk: SKU. Pp. 241-244 /page/view?id=1694&lang=ru .
  6. Shmigirilova I.B., Rvanova A.S., Grigorenko O.V. Assessment in education: current trends, problems and contradictions (review of scientific publications) [Shmigirilova I.B., Rvanova A.S., Grigorenko O.V. Assessmentin Education: Current Trends, Problemsand Contradictions (Reviewof Scientific Publications)] // Education and Science [Obrazovanie i Nauka]. ‒2021. Vol. 23, No. 6. – pp. 43-83. (Scopus:Q2, percentile 0.59) .
  7. Shmigirilova I.B., Rvanova A.S., Tajigitov A.A., Kopnova O.L. Bagalau sauattylygy Kazakstandyk mektepterde bagalau zhuyesin reformalau zhagdayynda pedagogtin kasibi kuzyrettiliginin component retinde // AL-Farabi atyndagy Kazak Ulttyk Universitetinin Khabarshysy. "Pedagogicalyk gylymdar" series. – 2021. – № 3(68). – Pp. 114-126 (COXON).
  8. Shestakova L.G., Shmigirilova I.B. Self-assessment by high school students of the components of research competence (based on the material of mathematics) // RussianJournalofEducationandPsychology. – 2021. ‒ Vol. 12, No. 1. ‒ pp. 43-65. (Higher Attestation Commission of the Russian Federation). URL:
  9. Shmigirilova I.B., Rvanova A.S., Tajigitov A.A. Problems of the introduction of criteria-based assessment into the practice of secondary schools in the aspect of teaching mathematics // Bulletin of the Kazakh National Women's Pedagogical University. – 2021. ‒ № 2 (86). – Pp. 90-104.
  10. Shmigirilova I.B., Rvanova A.S. Evaluation of system-activity results in teaching mathematics to schoolchildren // Modern trends in natural-mathematical education: school –university: materials of the X International Scientific and Practical Conference, April 10-11, 2021 – Solikamsk: SSPI. ‒ pp. 100-104. URL:
  11. Shmigirilova I.B., Kopnova O.L. Formative assessment of students in the conditions of distance learning // Materials of the international scientific and methodological conference "Model of problem-oriented project-based learning at a modern university" February 26, 2021, Novosibirsk: SGUGiT. Pp. 121-125. URL:
  12. Rvanova A.S., Shmigirilova I.B. Assessment in teaching mathematics: a modern approach: an educational and methodological manual. Petropavlovsk: M. Kozybaev Moscow State University, 2021. – 201 p.