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Scientific and methodological foundations of teaching expressive speech means in the context of the implementation of the content of the updated education (secondary education system)

The IRN project AP09259495 was carried out under a grant from the Science Committee of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan


Project manager: Mukhamedzhanova G.T., PhD, e-mail

Project executors: : Kadyrov Zh.T. Ph.D., Zhuanyshpaeva S.Zh., Ph.D., Karimova G.S., PhD, Mukhamedzhanova A.T., Ph.D.

Deadlines for execution: 2021-2023

Amount of funding: 38 102 999 tenge .

The purpose of the project:To determine the linguistic and cultural characteristics of expressive speech means in the Kazakh language in the aspect of the connection between language and culture, to study the methodology of their teaching and to propose a methodological system in the context of the implementation of the content of updated education in national schools.  

Expected results: Identification of methodological foundations (philosophical, psychological, pedagogical) of teaching linguoculturological characteristics of expressive speech means of the Kazakh language in the system of general secondary education.
Development of a curriculum, a system of exercises and tasks in the chosen discipline in order to introduce expressive speech means of the Kazakh language into the educational process of general secondary education for the formation of the future personality of a student who has a high level of national and cultural characteristics, using the Kazakh language at the proper level; publication of the monograph "Linguoculturological characteristics of expressive means of language" and a textbook "Methods of teaching the Kazakh language".

Project description: The study of scientific and theoretical views of foreign and domestic linguists, substantiation of the role of systematization of linguistic and cultural features of expressive speech means in the further study of the Kazakh linguistic and cultural sphere, as well as in updating the content of the didactic base in the system of general secondary education. Carrying out linguoculturological, semantic analysis of lexemes that are part of expressive speech means, with their help to prove the positive significance of expressive speech means for a particular person: a) figurative level; b) dynamics of the Kazakh language. Identification of methodological foundations (philosophical, psychological, pedagogical) of teaching linguoculturological characteristics of expressive speech means of the Kazakh language in the system of general secondary education.

Publications accepted for publication:

1. Mukhamedzhanova G.T., Mukhamedzhanova A.T. Expressive language means: linguistic and cultural analysis. Bulletin of the L.N. Gumilev ENU. The series is philological. - Nur-Sultan, 2021, No. 4 (137).

2. Mukhamedzhanova G.T., Zhuanyshpaeva S.Zh. Linguistic and cultural foundations of teaching language tools in the context of the implementation of the updated content of education. – Bulletin of the Kokshetau Technical Institute. The series is pedagogical. - Kokshetau, 2021, No. 4 (44).