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"Manash Kozybayev
North Kazakhstan university"
Faculty News
NSSF: Выпускники бакалавриата и магистратуры ФИЭП получили дипломы

Сегодня выпускникам 2024 года факультета истории, экономики и права были вручены дипломы об окончании университета. Торжественная церемония прошла на читать далее

03 July 2024
NSSF: Подведены итоги деятельности ФИЭП за 2023-2024 учебный год

28 июня 2024 года, на факультете истории, экономики и права было проведено итоговое в этом учебном году заседание Совета факультета. На совете были по читать далее

28 June 2024
MF: С наступающим Днем медицинских работников!

В этот день мы отмечаем важную роль и вклад всех медицинских работников в общество. Их неутомимое стремление к заботе о здоровье населения, профессион читать далее

14 June 2024
AF: Практический семинар в лесном хозяйстве Соколовское

До 2025 года в лесном фонде Казахстана должны посадить 2 млрд деревьев - такую задачу перед лесными хозяйствами поставил Глава государства Касым Жомар читать далее

13 June 2024
AF: Международная Летняя Школа – 2024

С 3 по 15 июня 2024 г преподаватели и студенты ОП 6В08301 Лесные ресурсы и лесоводство приняли участие в работе Школы «Устойчивое управление лес читать далее

13 June 2024
PF: Педагогическая лаборатория «ПУТЕВОДИТЕЛЬ В МИР ПЕДАГОГИКИ»

12 июня проведено мероприятие для учеников школ города Педагогическая лаборатория «ПУТЕВОДИТЕЛЬ В МИР ПЕДАГОГИКИ», состоящее из двух читать далее

15 June 2024
ИСТФ: 1st place at the Republican Student Subject Olympiad!

On May 23-24, 2024, at the Almaty Technological University in Almaty, the Republican Student Subject Olympiad was held among students of universities читать далее

06 June 2024
AF: Роль агрометеорологии в сельском хозяйстве

На кафедре «Агрономия и лесоводство» была проведена предметная олимпиада по агрометеорологии. Мероприятие прошло в рамках Дней науки. Цель читать далее

29 April 2024
AF: поздравляем!

Поздравляем участников Республиканской предметной олимпиады по ОП «6B08301 Лесные ресурсы и лесоводство» и ОП «6B08201 Технология п читать далее

26 April 2024
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История развития кафедры «Агрономия и лесоводство»

The history of the development of the Department of  «Agronomy and Forestry» is inextricably linked with the history of the development of the North Kazakhstan University named after M. Kozybayev, as one of the oldest educational institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

On September 1, 2018, during the reorganization of the Faculty of Natural and Agricultural Sciences, the Agrotechnological Faculty was formed, which included the Department of Agronomy and Forestry, which conducts training in the Master's degree program 7M08101 «Agronomy», Bachelor's degree program 6B05102 «Biotechnology», 6B08102 «Plant Protection and Quarantine», 6B08103 «Plant Health Science» (US), 6B08104 «lant Science and Technology» (US).

In 2018, a license was obtained for the provision of educational services under the postgraduate education program - Master's degree OP 7M08101 «Agronomy». Qualification according to the educational program – Master of Agriculture.

Graduates of the faculty will carry out their activities in state institutions of the Ministry of Agriculture, as well as in agricultural formations of the plant-growing direction, in design, research institutions.

The Department of «Agronomy and Forestry» has an agrobiological station (6 km from Petropavlovsk, total area of 6 hectares), on the basis of which, within the framework of international cooperation with the Northwestern University of Agriculture and Forestry (PRC), an «Agrotechnopark» has been opened, where, together with foreign scientists, scientific research work of teaching staff and students, educational practice of students of agricultural specialties is conducted.

On the basis of the North Kazakhstan Research Institute of Agriculture and the leading agricultural formations of the region, there are departments of the departments of the agrotechnological faculty, where, according to the approved schedule, training sessions of students are held.

During the existence of the department, the priority areas of activity are: high quality of theoretical training, consideration of the needs of the region, practical orientation of training, cooperation with organizations and universities of the near and far abroad, development of external and internal academic mobility, double-degree education, research work of teachers and students.

Research work by teachers, undergraduates and students is carried out within the framework of International programs and grants of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Urasmus + and contractual and initiative topics.

The Department of «Agronomy and Forestry» develops close cooperation with specialized institutions: KSU «Department of Agriculture of the North Kazakhstan region», KSU «Department of Land Relations of the North Kazakhstan region», KSU «Republican Methodological Center for Phytosanitary Diagnostics and Forecasts» of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan, KSU «North Kazakhstan Regional Territorial Inspection of the State Inspection Committee in the agro-industrial complex of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan»; with scientific organizations: LLP «North Kazakhstan Institute of Agriculture», LLP «North Kazakhstan Agricultural Experimental Station», LLP «Scientific and Production Center of grain farming named after A.I. Barayev»; with leading agricultural formations of the region: CT «Mambetov and K», LLP «Abi-Zher», LLP «Shagala Agro», LLP «Ak Zher 2010», as well as with agricultural universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Semey, Kyzylorda, Kokshetau, Pavlodar, Almaty, Astana), China (Yangling), the Republic of Belarus (Gorki, Vitebsk), the Russian Federation (Omsk, Tyumen, Kurgan, Yakutsk, Yekaterinburg, Kaluga).

The students carry out their scientific research and practical work on the basis of agricultural formations of the North Kazakhstan region: KH «Arkalyk», CT «Mambetov and K», LLP «Abi-Zher», LLP «Shagala Agro», LLP «North Kazakhstan Institute of Agriculture», LLP «North Kazakhstan Agricultural Experimental Station», since these formations are social partners and departments of the department.

Cooperation in the organization of foreign practices and internships of students and teaching staff with the Union «LOGO» (Agriculture and Ecological Balance, Germany) and the company «Agros» (Poland) is effectively implemented.