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EP "Information Systems" 6В06102 Module 14: Philosophy

Module 14: Philosophy



Module Elements:

Compulsory Subject


Semester Number:


Person responsible for the module

A.V. Nikiforov


Philosophy - A.V. Nikiforov


Russian, Kazakh

Curriculum relation:

Information Systems (Ba)

Type of teaching / number of hours per week and per semester:

4 semester: hours per week – 10 (lectures -2; workshops -2; independent work of students -6);
hours per semester  – 150.


Teaching Load: 60 hours
Extracurricular Classes: 90 hours
Total: 150 hours

Credit Points:


Conditions for Examinations:

For admission to the exam, the student must score at least 50 points out of 100 available for each subject of the module

Recommended Conditions:

The study of the subject is based on the knowledge and skills of students obtained in the following school subjects: Social and Humanitarian Knowledge.

Expected Learning Outcomes:

Know: forms and methods of scientific knowledge.

Be able to: seek and apply new approaches to solving various philosophical problems.

Possess the skills: defend personal point of view; analysis and logical thinking.

Demonstrate ability to: use scientific views in life and profession.

Intendend use/applicability

Modules: Final Internship



Formation of understanding of a new type of rationality – as a consequence of the development of private and experimental sciences. Philosophical understanding of different forms of scienticism – mechanistic, cybernetic and synergetic. Identification of close interaction of scienticism with philosophical and anthropological problems, as well as elucidation of the true essence of science, religion, philosophy and art.

Examination Form, module mark:

Philosophy - computer-based testing
Module mark: the result of the exam Philosophy

Technical/Multimedia Facilities:

PowerPoint presentations, electronic texts, multimedia system

Study Materials:

1. P. V. Alekseyev, A.V. Panin. Philosophy: Textbook. M.: Prospect, 2003
2. V. D. Gubin. Philosophy: Textbook. M.: Omega, 2006
3. A. G. Spirkin. Philosophy: Textbook. M.: Gardariki, 2004
4. Philosophy: Textbook/Comp. T. H. Gabitov, Almaty, 2003
5. S. F. Denisov. History and Philosophy of Science: Textbook. – Part 2: Science – Religion – Philosophy – Art. – Omsk: Amphora Publishing House, 2010.
6. S. A. Lebedev, V. A. Rubochkin. History of Science. Philosophical and Methodological Analysis. Textbook for Universities. Stamp of the Russian Academy of Education. – Moscow: Publishing house: MPSI, MODEK, 2011

Date of last amendment


The expected result is according to the module communication matrix, when passing Module 14 of the educational program "Information Systems"

LO11: Have the skills of using mathematical methods of processing, analysis and synthesis of research results, conduct a pre-project study of the design object and a system analysis of the subject area.
LO12: Possess elements of spiritual, aesthetic and ethical culture, form judgments taking into account social and ethical aspects. Have the skills of conceptual, logical and analytical thinking, realize professional potential in solving tasks and their proper documentation.