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EP "Information Systems" 6В06102 Module 18: Final Academic Assessment

Module 18: Final Academic Assessment



Module Elements:

Compulsory Subjects

State examination in the specialty
Developing and defending a thesis

Semester Number:


Person responsible for the module

Y.V. Kukharenko


State examination in the specialty – Y.V. Kukharenko
Developing and defending a thesis – Y.V. Kukharenko


Russian, Kazakh

Curriculum relation:

Information Systems (Ba)

Type of teaching / number of hours per week and per semester :

8 semester:
hours per semester  – 450.


Extracurricular Classes: 450 hours
Total: 450 hours

Credit Points:


Conditions for Examinations:

Completion of the Degree Programme and writing a bachelor's thesis

Recommended Conditions:

Completion of the full course of study on the Degree Programme

Expected Learning Outcomes:

Know: theoretical basics of main and major subjects; modern achievements in the field of production, transmission and distribution of electricity and power supply of enterprises according to the industries; methods of analysis and synthesis of information systems in the chosen field and the principles of their construction and operation.

Be able to: apply the knowledge gained in practice; to present in writing or orally own ideas and solutions to problems; to calculate and design the main components of the systems; to formulate the basic technical and economic requirements for the designed information systems.

Possess the skills: use of software for calculations, modeling and implementation of production processes; evaluation of reliability and competitiveness of the software; work in groups to create projects.

Demonstrate the ability to: apply knowledge and skills in professional activities, in the design of information systems and in the analysis and synthesis of information systems models.

Intendend use/applicability



1. State examination in the specialty

Determination of the compliance of the graduates’ level with the requirements of the educational standard. At the same time, both theoretical knowledge and practical skills of the graduate are tested in accordance with the specialty 5B070300 Information systems.

2. Developing and defending a thesis

As the final stage of training students in higher education, the thesis has the following objectives: systematization, consolidation and expansion of theoretical knowledge and practical skills in the specialty and their application in solving specific scientific problems, as well as cultural tasks; development of skills of independent work and mastering the methodology of research and experimentation in solving problems and issues developed in the thesis; clarification of readiness for independent work in the conditions of modern production, science, technology and culture according to the target direction

Examination Form, module mark:

Comprehensive module examination including
State examination in the specialty – written examination
Developing and defending a thesis – defending a bachelor’s thesis

Technical/Multimedia Facilities:

Software development tools environment, database management systems, office software packages.

Study Materials:

1. V. A. Ostreykovskiy. Theory of Systems, M. 2007;
2. Y. A. Schreider, A. A. Sharov. Systems and Models, M. 2012;
3. B. I. Kudrin. Introduction to Technetics. Tomsk: 2003.
4. V.P. Agaltsev. Databases: Textbook. M., Mir, 2002.-376 p.;
5. S. V. Glushakov, D. V. Lomotko. Databases: Training Course. M., AST, 2000.-504 p.; pictures of D. Artyomov. Microsoft SQL Server 2000. Latest technology. M.: Russian edition, 2001.-576 p.;
6. R. Riordan. Basics of Relational Databases. M.: Russian edition, 2001-384 p.;
7. Databases and Knowledge Bases Management System: Reference Guide/ A. N. Naumov, A. M. Vendrov. M.: Finance and Statistics, 1991-352 p.
8. L. I. Aksenova, L. V. Igoshina. Algorithmic Languages and Programming. Methodical Instructions to Laboratory and Individual Works. – Penza, 2000. – 139p.
9. N. Wirth. Algorithms + Data Structures = Programs.- M.: Mir, 1985
10. Y. P. Lilitko. Practical Course on Programming. Beginners. - Pereyaslavl-Zalesskiy, 1997
11. Лилитко Е.П. Практикум по программированию.

Date of last amendment


The expected result is according to the module communication matrix, when passing Module 18 of the educational program "Information Systems"

LO2: Know theoretical and experimental research methods, in order to create new promising areas in the field of computer science.
LO3: Possess skills of using application software packages for calculations, simulation and automation of information processes and systems design.
LO4: Possess methods of analysis and evaluation of the effectiveness of information system development, implementation and operation, make technical documentation for the developed information system.
LO5: Analyze the purpose of information in modern society, methods and approaches of information protection and the basic requirements for information security; select the architecture and integration of information systems hardware.
LO6: Possess programming skills using modern tools.
LO7: Possess the skills to assess the reliability and quality of the design object.
LO8: Apply the methods of theoretical and experimental research, be ready to participate in setting up and conduct of experimental studies, compare the results of experimental data and the solutions obtained.
LO9: Work with equipment and software-hardware complexes of information systems
LO10: Design information systems and their elements in specific areas and adapt the applications to the operating conditions; ensure the security and integrity of data information systems; maintain the performance of information systems according to the specified functional properties; elaborate instructions for the operation of information systems.