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11. Information Protection and Neurocomputer Systems

Module Name:

Module 11: Information Protection and Neurocomputer Systems



Module Elements


Information Protection Methods/Information Security

Neurocomputing Systems/ Applied Fuzzy Systems

Semester Number:


Person responsible for the module:

Y.V. Kukharenko


Information Protection Methods – Y.V. Kukharenko

Information Security – Y.V. Kukharenko

Neurocomputing Systems – V.P. Kulikov

Applied Fuzzy Systems – N.V. Astapenko



Curriculum relation:

Information Systems (Ma)

Type of teaching / number of hours per week and per semester :


1 semester: hours per week –18 (lectures -2; workshops -1; labs-6; independent work of students -9);

hours per semester – 270.


Full-time education:

Teaching Load: 135hours

Extracurricular Classes:  135hours

Total: 270hours

Credit Points:


Conditions for Examinations:

For admission to the exam, the student must score at least 50 points out of 100 available for each subject of the module

Recommended Conditions:

This module is based on the knowledge gained in the course of the following undergraduate subjects: IP analysis, modeling and design

Analysis, Simulation and Design of Information Systems

Expected Learning Outcomes:

Knowledge: means of protection, standards of evaluation of security level and major software vulnerabilities, basic concepts of information security and information protection; sources, risks, forms of attacks on information; security policy and standards; methods of software reliability; legal and organizational support of software development and application, basics of the theory of fuzzy sets and practical results of the use of fuzzy technologies for processing semi-structured information to determine effective solutions; terminology related to neural networks; architecture of neural networks.

Skills: to implement measures to fight network security violations using a variety of software, install, test, try and use hardware and software protection; to implement measures to fight network security violations using a variety of software protection; install and configure software to protect against malicious software, to apply the obtained theoretical knowledge to solving practical problems of neural network simulation in economic applications; to apply the obtained theoretical knowledge to solving practical problems of neural network simulation in financial applications; to use the basic principles of solving problems of economic analysis, classification, forecasting and management using neural networks.

Abilities: security administration, identifying and eliminating software vulnerabilities, analysis of information security; administration of security software; skills to identify and resolve software vulnerabilities.

to professional operation of modern equipment and devices, knowledge of optimization methods and the ability to apply them in solving problems of professional activity, apply the basic principles of solving problems of economic analysis, classification, forecasting and management using neural networks, willingness to use knowledge and understanding for the design and implementation of information models, systems and processes.

Intendend use/applicability

Modules: Mathematical Simulation in Information System


  1. 1.   Information Protection Methods

Information market: features of formation and development. Formation of the information industry. Information as commodity. Features of pricing for information products. Main methods of determining the cost of information security. Determination of the amount of reasonable costs to ensure the security of information. Economic evaluation of intellectual property. Models of information security systems. General model of information security process. Generalized system model of information security. Generalized methods of information protection.

  1. Information SecurityInternational standards of information exchange. The concept of threat. Types of possible violations of the information system. Protection. Purpose and tasks in the field of information security at the state level. Provisions of the theory of information security of information systems.
  2. Neurocomputing Systems. Basics of building neurocomputers. A detailed review and description of the most important methods of teaching neural networks of different structures, as well as the problems solved by these networks. Consideration of the issues of neural networks implementation. Overview of fuzzy systems.
  3. Applied Fuzzy Systems. Study of the theoretical basics of the theory of fuzzy sets and practical results of the use of fuzzy technologies for the processing of semi-structured information in professional activities. Overview of neurocomputer systems.


Examination Form, module mark:

Examination of the Module:

Information Protection Methods /Information Security - written control examination

Neurocomputing Systems/ Applied Fuzzy Systems - written control examination

Module mark: the result of the exam Neurocomputing Systems/ Applied Fuzzy Systems 

Technical/Multimedia Facilities:

Interactive whiteboard, multimedia system, IT room.

Study Materials:

1.  V. F. Shangin Protection of Computer Information. Effective Methods and Means. – M: DMK Press, 2012.

2.  A.V. Vasilkov, I. A. Vasilkov. Security and Access Control in Information Systems.- M: FORUM, 2012

3.  Ensuring Information Security. Edited by A. P. Kurilo. M. Alpin, 2011

4.  B. Schneier. Secrets and Lies. Data Security in the Digital World. Publishing House: Piter, 2003 ISBN: 5-318-00193-9, 0-471-25311-1

5.  Practical Cryptography.Niels Ferguson, Bruce Schneier,Publishing House: Williams, 2005, ISBN: 5-8459-0733-0, 0-4712-2357-3

6.  Basics of Information Security. Textbook for high schools / by Y. B. Belov, V. P. Los, R. V. Mescheryakov, A. A. Shelupanov. – M: Goryachaya liniya – Telekom, 2006. – 544 p.: with pictures.

7.  Gulnara Yakhyaeva. Fuzzy Sets and Neural Networks. Internet University of Information Technologies, 2011

8.  Alexander Galushkin. Neural Networks. Basics of the Theory. Goryachaya liniya - Telekom ISBN 978-5-9912-0082-0; 2012

9.  Ryszard Tadeusiewicz, Barbara Borovik, Tomas Gonzak, Bartos Lepper. Elementary Introduction to Neural Networks with Examples of Programs(translated by Igor Rudinskiy). Goryachaya liniya - Telekom ISBN 978-5-9912-0163-6; 2011

  1. Toby Segaran. Programming Collective Intelligence. (translated by A. Slinkin). Simvol-Plus ISBN 978-5-93286-119-6, 5-93286-119-3, 0-596-52932-5; 2008

Date of last amendment
