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"Manash Kozybayev
North Kazakhstan university"

16. Social and Humanitarian Knowledge

Module Name:

Module 16: Social and Humanitarian Knowledge



Module Elements:

Compulsory Subjects


Political and Social Studies

Cultural Studies and Psychology

Semester Number:

1, 2

Person responsible for the module

A.V. Nikiforov


Manashtanu – N.A. Abuov

Political and Social Studies – A.V. Chukhno

Cultural Studies and Psychology - A.V. Nikiforov


Russian, Kazakh

Curriculum relation:

Radio Engineering, Electronics and Telecommunications (Ba)

Type of teaching  / number of hours per week and per semester :


1 semester: hours per week – 10 (lectures -4; independent work -6);

hours per semester – 150.

2 semester: hours per week – 6 (lectures -2; independent work -4);

hours per semester – 90.


Teaching Load: 90 hours

Extracurricular Classes: 150 hours

Total: 240 hours

Credit Points:


Conditions for Examinations:

For admission to the exam, the student must score at least 50 points out of 100 available for each subject of the module

Recommended Conditions:

The study of the discipline is based on the knowledge and skills of students obtained in the following subjects of school: Man and Society, World History, World Art, Literature, History.

Expected Learning Outcomes:

Know: history of the University, historical milestones in the life and work of academician M. Kozybayev; theoretical and practical problems of modern business communication; the essence of socio-political processes and the role of political parties and social movements; cultural heritage of different religions. 

Be able to: apply the principles and methods of historical knowledge; apply the methods of collecting sociological information; freely navigate in issues of world religions. 

Possess the skills: work with historical sources of information; analyze the situation of conflict of interest and moral choice; ethics and psychology of business conversation. 

Demonstrate the ability to: professionally understand the social, cultural and political conditions of the modern world. 

Intendend use/applicability

Module: Philosophy 



The history of the University, the prospects for the development of the University in the future, historical milestones in the life and work of academician M. Kozybayev in different periods of his life, a scientific problem, which developed M. Kozybayev in the course of his life.

Political and Social Studies

Society as a socio-cultural and socio-dynamic system; system and structural-functional approaches to the analysis of society; the basic laws and patterns of development of society. Personality and society, factors of personality formation. Social institutions and processes. Methods and techniques of sociological research. Analysis of the collected information. Report and recommendations on the results of sociological research. Object, subject and method of political science; functions of political science; political life and power relations; role and place of politics in the life of modern societies; civil society, its origin and features; institutional aspects of politics; political system; political parties, political conflicts and ways of their resolution; political elites; foreign policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Cultural Studies and Psychology

The concept and essence of culture. Typology of culture. Culture and people. The genesis of the culture. Values of ancient cultures. Values of national Kazakh culture. Methods and branches of psychology. The problem of personality in psychology. Psychology of groups and communities.

Examination Form, module mark:

Comprehensive examination including

Manashtanu – reference paper

Political and Social Studies - computer-based testing 

Cultural Studies and Psychology computer-based testing

Module mark: the result of the exam Cultural Studies and Psychology

Technical/Multimedia Facilities:

PowerPoint presentations, electronic texts and maps, multimedia system

Study Materials:

  1. M. K. Gorshkov. Applied sociology: methodology and methods: Textbook /M. K. Gorshkov, F. E. Sheregi. – M.: Alha_M:INFRA-M, 2009.
  2. S. A. Kravchenko. Sociology: Paradigms from the Perspective of Sociological Imagination: Textbook for universities /S. A. Kravchenko. – 2nd ed. updated and revised.– M.: Egzamen Publishing House, 2004.
  3. K. S.Gadzhiyev. Political Science: Basic Course: Textbook./ K. S. Gadzhiyev. - 2nd ed., updated and revised. – M.: YURAIT, 2012.
  4. Political Science: Textbook for Bachelors / under the editorship of V. A. Achkasov, V. A. Gutorov. - 2nd ed., updated and revised. – M.: YURAIT, 2012.
  5. V. N. Lavrinenko. Political Science. -3rd ed., updated and revised - M.: UNITY, 2010.
  6. S. K. Zhantikeyev. Psychology, Yelorda, Astana, 2011.
  7. R. S. Nemov. Psychology. Vol. 1,2, M., Vlados.2012.
  8. Cultural Studies. / Textbook under the editorship of M. G. Bagdasaryan, 5th ed. M.: Vysshaya shkola, 2006.
  9. V. G. Torosyan. Cultural Studies. History of World and National Culture. M., 2005.

       10.  Y. A. Malyuga, Cultural Studies. M., 2005

Date of last amendment
