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"Manash Kozybayev
North Kazakhstan university"

17. Final Internship

Module Name:

Module 17: Final Internship



Module Elements:

Compulsory subjects

Work Experience Internship 3

Pre-Graduation Internship

Semester Number:


Person responsible for the module

D.V. Ritter


Work Experience Internship –  D.V. Ritter

Pre-Graduation Internship – Y.V. Gerasimova


Russian, Kazakh

Curriculum relation:

Radio Engineering, Electronics and Telecommunications (Ba)

Type of teaching  / number of hours per week and per semester :


8 semester:

Work Experience Internship 3 – 300 hours.

Pre-Graduation Internship – 150 hours.


Extracurricular Classes: 450 hours

Total: 450 hours

Credit Points:


Conditions for Examinations:

For admission to the final control, the student must complete the internship program in full

Recommended Conditions:

Completion of theoretical training on the degree programme

Expected Learning Outcomes:


- basic principles, methods, software engineering and industrial processing means in professional activity;

- stages of electronic devices design;

- basics of metrological support required for development and adjustment of radio engineering devices;

Be able to:

- use modern means and methods of collection, processing, storage and output of information in solving various technical problems;

- make and calculate circuit diagrams;

- assemble and install electronic devices;

 - use measuring equipment for adjustment and testing of electronic devices;

 - check the functioning, adjustment and control of the main parameters of radio-television equipment;

- configure and install antennas and microwave devices;

- provide safe working conditions in professional activity;

 - use economic theory to analyze main economic processes in the professional sphere;

- organize work in accordance with current legislation, apply regulatory documentation in the design and operation of radio equipment;

Possess the skills:

- work with normative documentation;

- development of circuit diagrams and printed circuit boards, development of technical documentation;

- simulation of objects and processes in order to analyze and optimize their parameters using available research tools;

Demonstrate the ability:

- to independently carry out the formulation of the research problem, the formation of a plan for its implementation, and the selection of research methods and processing of results;

- to offer optimal circuit solutions for the implementation of various electronic devices;

- operate and maintain modern antenna-feeder devices;

- to make and justify specific technical solutions taking into account the requirements of electromagnetic compatibility, ensuring the required level of reliability and safety in the development and operation of electronic equipment

Intendend use/applicability

Module: Final Academic Assessment 


Work Experience Internship 3

Introdution of the existing production and practice bases. Implementation of individual tasks: study and participation in the design stages of radio engineering devices and systems; participation in the testing works; preparation of supporting documentation.

Pre-Graduation Internship

Literary and patent search on the topic of the thesis. Development of the block diagram of the designed device. Development and calculation of individual units of the electrical schematic diagram of the designed device.

Examination Form, module mark:

Work Experience Internship 3 – report defense

Pre-Graduation Internship - report defense.

Technical/Multimedia Facilities:

Technical equipment, radio and telecommunication systems, complexes and devices of the practice base. Multimedia system (when defending the report).

Study Materials:

1. S. I. Alyabyev, A. V. Vykhodets. Broadcasting and Electroacoustics: Textbook for higher schools / Under the editorship of Y. A. Kovalgin. – M: Audio i svyaz, 2005.

2. S. Richter. Digital Broadcasting. – M.: Goryachaya liniya – Telekom, 2012.

3. Metrology, Standardization and Certification: Textbook for university students. – M: Yurayt Publishing House, 2011.

4. Labor Protection and Radio-Electronic Industry. Ed. S. P. Pavlov – M.: Radio i svyaz, 2001.

5. Development and Execution of Design Documentation for Electronic Equipment: Reference Book / Ed. E. T. Romanycheva. – M: Radio i svyaz, 2003.

6. Y. Kolosovskiy. Signal Receiving and Processing Devices. – M.: Goryachaya liniya – Telekom, 2012.

7. G. V. Savostina Guidelines for Professional Practices. – Petropavlovsk: NKSU named after M. Kozybayev, 2014.

Date of last amendment
