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Non-profit limited company
"Manash Kozybayev
North Kazakhstan university"

5. National Language

Module Name:

Module 5: National Language



Module Elements:

Compulsory Subject

Kazakh Language

Semester Number:

1, 2

Person responsible for the module

D.K. Kuandykova


Kazakh Language - D.K. Kuandykova


Russian, Kazakh

Curriculum relation:

Electrical Power Engineering (Ba)

Type of teaching  / number of hours per week and per semester :


1 semester: hours per week – 12 (workshops -4; independent work -8);

hours per semester – 180.

2 semester: hours per week – 6 (workshops -2; independent work -4);

hours per semester – 90.


Teaching Load: 90 hours

Extracurricular Classes: 180 hours

Total: 270 hours

Credit Points:


Conditions for Examinations:

For admission to the exam, the student must score at least 50 points out of 100 available for each subject of the module

Recommended Conditions:

Minimal sufficient level of proficiency in the state language, which students receive in secondary school

Expected Learning Outcomes:

Know: basic concepts of speech culture (literary language, language norm, language variants); principles of speech communication; orthoepic, lexical, grammatical and stylistic norms of the Kazakh literary language. 

Be able to: build oral and written statements in accordance with the norms of the Kazakh literary language, logically substantiate the stated provisions; competently conduct business correspondence; use dictionaries and reference literature on the Kazakh language; use the language to establish interpersonal relations in a professional environment. 

Possess the skills: to improve their own oral and written speech, vocabulary; reading, monologue speech within the study topics; translation of the text in accordance with language norms. 

Demonstrate ability: proficiency in linguistic apparatus and basic communication skills necessary for successful professional performance 

Intendend use/applicability

Module: Profound Language Learning 


Kazakh Language 

Man and society. North Kazakhstan State University named after M. Kozybayev. Food is the basis of a man. Cleanliness is the basis of health, Health is the basis of wealth. Modern clothing samples. Native land. Our city is Petropavlovsk. Man and Nature. Journey. Historical sights. Art and culture. Famous people. Historical figures. My country is Kazakhstan. Education system of Kazakhstan. Society and youth. Man and law.

Examination Form, module mark:

Comprehensive examination including:

Kazakh Language (1 semester)  – written examination

Kazakh Language (2 semester)   - computer-based testing

Module mark: the result of the exam Kazakh Language (2 semester)    

Technical/Multimedia Facilities:

Multimedia language laboratory, interactive whiteboard,  multimedia system

Study Materials:

1. A. Aldasheva, Z. Akhmetzhanova, K. Kadasheva, E. Suleymenova. Official papers. "Sosdik-Slovar" A., 2002

2. Z. Akhmetzhanova, Z. Yernazarova. Business Kazakh Language. Basic level. Almaty: Arkhisema Publishing House, 2007

3. A. Bekturova, S. Bekturov. Kazakh Language for Everyone. Almaty: Atamura, 2004

4. Paper Work in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Almaty, 2005

5. M. Pirimbetova. Record Keeping in the Kazakh Language. Textbook. Astana, 2007

6. A. Kokanbayev, K. Musabekov, K. Ashimuly. Russian-Kazakh and Kazakh-Russian Dictionary of Petrochemical Terms and Phrases. Almaty, 2007

7. R. Kudaybergenov. Dictionary of Technical Terms. Almaty, 2009

Date of last amendment
