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12. Simulation Tools for Radio Engineering Systems

Module Name:

Module 12: Simulation Tools for Radio Engineering Systems



Module Elements:

Electice Subjects 

Elements of Artificial Intelligence in Technical Systems

System Simulation


Systems of Computer Mathematics

Visual Simulation Systems

Automated Data Collection Systems

Modern Methods of Measurement in Radio Engineering and Telecommunication Networks

Information Technologies in Radio Engineering and Telecommunications

Network Technologies

Computer-Aided Design and Basics of CAD

Modern CAD Systems

Wavelet Theory

Theory of Simulation and Scientific Experiment

Semester Number:


Person responsible for the module

Y.V. Gerasimova


Elements of Artificial Intelligence in Technical Systems – Y.V. Gerasimova
System Simulation – Y.V. Gerasimova
Databases – A.A. Savostin
Visual Simulation Systems – V.P. Ivel
Automated Data Collection Systems – V.P. Ivel
Modern Methods of Measurement in Radio Engineering and Telecommunication Networks - D.V. Ritter Information Technologies in Radio Engineering and Telecommunications – Y.V. Gerasimova
Network Technologies – D.V. Ritter
Computer-Aided Design and Basics of CAD –D.V. Ritter
Modern CAD Systems – V.P. Ivel
Wavelet Theory – S.S. Moldakhmetov
Theory of Simulation and Scientific Experiment – S.S. Moldakhmetov


Russian, Kazakh

Curriculum relation:

Radio Engineering, Electronics and Telecommunications (Ма)

Type of teaching  / number of hours per week and per semester :

2 semester: hours per week – 30 (lectures -6; workshops -6; independent work -18); hours per semester – 300.


Teaching Load: 180 hours

Extracurricular Classes: 270 hours

Total: 450 hours

Credit Points:


Conditions for Examinations:

For admission to the exam, the student must score at least 50 points out of 100 available for each subject of the module

Recommended Conditions:

The module is based on the knowledge gained in the course of undergraduate study module Modern Communication Systems.

Expected Learning Outcomes:

Know: theoretical basics of processing and filtering of digital signals; principles of calculation of digital automatic control systems; basics of data collection, processing and analysis on the example of LabVIEW and MATLAB software environments, basics of data collection and processing using automated systems, basics of telecommunication system simulation in MATLAB software environment; methods of experimental and computational and theoretical research.

Be able to: conduct analysis and synthesis of digital systems, to calculate the digital filters and the use of systems for computer mathematics simulation of digital devices and systems, practically apply knowledge for data collection and processing during the research work; enter, analyze and process data sets in software environments; organize research and production work.

Possess the skills: methodology of digital signal filtering, methods of analysis and synthesis of digital systems, practical implementation of data input-output, processing and analysis of information using I/o interface cards; extension and deepening of knowledge required for everyday professional activity and further education in doctoral studies.

Demonstrate ability: in construction of digital filters and digital automatic control systems, apply knowledge to research and design automated systems; design and simulation of telecommunication systems in software environments, execution of their analysis.

Intendend use/applicability

Modules: Research Scientific Training, Final Academic Assessment 


Elements of Artificial Intelligence in Technical Systems

Philosophical aspects of AIS problem. The history of the AIS development. Issues of AIS simulation. Intelligent control. Expert system as a type of AIS. Models of knowledge representation. Models of decisions output and communication in AIS. Fuzzy sets. Fuzzy and linguistic variables.

System Simulation

Basic concepts of simulation theory, current state and general properties of the system simulation. Simulation as a method of scientific knowledge. Principles of system approach in system simulation. Classification of types of systems simulations. Capabilities and efficiency of the simulation systems on a computer. Sensitivity analysis, model identification. Methods for assessing the adequacy and accuracy of models. Automatic and graph models. The concept of Petri networks and features of models based on them. Stochastic networks. Aggregate models. Analytical models of queuing systems. Simulation model. Methods of event and step-by-step time management in simulation models. View of the status in simulation models. Organization of statistical simulation. Pseudo-random number and the procedures of their native generation. Check the quality of the pseudo-random number sequence. Methods of producing random effects, variables, sequences, processes and threads. Features of statistical processing of simulation results. System modeling tools. Planning of machine experiments.


Main directions and methods used in the field of artificial intelligence both at the stage of analysis and at the stage of development and implementation of intelligent systems.

Visual Simulation Systems

System of computer mathematics MathCAD, system of circuit design Micro-CAP, integrated environment of end-to-end design OrCAD, simulation programs of electric power systems.

Automated Data Collection Systems

Methods of mathematical calculations, simulation, principles of algorithm development, data analysis and visualization in the software environment, the stages of designing electronic systems with the help of modern systems of computer mathematics and automated data collection systems.

Modern Methods of Measurement in Radio Engineering and Telecommunication Networks

Features of application of cryptographic methods. Indicators and standards of service quality in secondary telecommunication networks. Properties of the quality of primary networks functioning. Assessment of service quality in IP networks. Implementation of amplitude modulation. Frequency and phase modulation. Pulse modulation methods. Communication channel. Interference in communication channels. Classification of switches of 3rd generations systems. Re-configurable networks. Non-blocking networks. ATM. Switching with minimum-depth of blocked networks. Basics of VoIP. Voice over IP networks. IP telephony networks and scenarios. IP telephony network as recommended by H323. SIP and SIP-t Protocol basics.

Information Technologies in Radio Engineering and Telecommunications

Measurement of physical quantities, time characteristics, data collection systems, signal matching systems, signal connection, digital signal processing, introduction to LabVIEW, creation of virtual instruments and virtual instruments subroutines, cycles and other structures in virtual instruments, arrays, clusters, lines, I/o files, instrumentation control.

Network Technologies

Measurement of physical quantities, time characteristics, data collection systems, signal matching systems, signal connection, digital signal processing, introduction to LabVIEW, creation of virtual instruments and virtual instruments subroutines, cycles and other structures in virtual instruments, arrays, clusters, lines, I/o files, instrumentation control.

Computer-Aided Design and Basics of CAD

Methods of mathematical calculations, simulation, principles of algorithm development, data analysis and visualization in the software environment, the stages of designing electronic systems with the help of modern systems of computer mathematics and automated data collection systems.

Modern CAD Systems

Methods of mathematical calculations, simulation, principles of algorithm development, data analysis and visualization in the software environment, the stages of designing electronic systems with the help of modern systems of computer mathematics and automated data collection systems. Two-dimensional CAD design.

Wavelet Theory

Methods of mathematical calculations, simulation, principles of algorithm development, data analysis and visualization in the software environment, the stages of designing electronic systems with the help of modern computer mathematics and automated data collection systems.

Theory of Simulation and Scientific Experiment

Classification, types and objectives of the experiment, single factor and multifactorial experiment, experimental technique. Measurement methods, absolute and relative errors, single and multiple measurements. Mathematical statistics, tasks and main sections of mathematical statistics, general and sample population, sampling, sample representativeness, sample parameterization, application of built-in Excel tools for statistical data processing. Investigation of experimental data on the reliability and reproducibility of the experimental results.

Examination Form, module mark:

Comprehensive examination of the module including:

Elements of Artificial Intelligence in Technical Systems - written examination
Databases - written examination System Simulation - written examination
Systems of Computer Mathematics - computer-based testing
Visual Simulation Systems - computer-based testing
Automated Data Collection Systems - computer-based testing
Methods of Organizing of Scientific Research - written examination
Information Technologies in Radio Engineering and Telecommunications – written examination
Network Technologies – written examination
Computer-Aided Design and Basics of CAD – computer-based testing
Modern CAD Systems – computer-based testing
Wavelet Theory – computer-based testing
Theory of Simulation and Scientific Experiment - written examination

Module mark: written examination Elective Subject

Technical/Multimedia Facilities:

Laboratories of Computer Mathematics and Electronic Simulation, Digital Devices and Microprocessors, NI ELVIS complex, interface boards NIPCI 6621, GPIB, NI Simulator, NI SCXI, hardware platforms of Arduino Nano, Uno, Mega, Duemilanove.

Study Materials:

  1. M. P. Tumanov Theory of Management. Theory of Linear Automatic Control Systems: Textbook. — M: MGIEM., 2005.
  2. Ronald J. Tocci, Neal S Widmer. Digital Systems. Theory and Practice. – M.: Williams, 2004 – 1024 p.
  3. A. I. Solonina et al. Basics of Digital Signal Processing: a course of lectures. - SPb: BHV - Petersburg, 2003. - 608 p.
  4. V. Tomashevskiy, Y. Zhdanov. Simulation Modeling in GPSS Environment. M: Bestseller, 2003.
  5. A. B. Sergiyenko. Digital Signal Processing. - SPb: Piter, 2002. -608 p.
  6. I. M. Ibragimov Basics of Computer-Based Simulation of Nanosystems.-SPb., 2010.
  7. V.I. Boyko, A. N. Gurzhiy, V. Y. Zhuykov, et al. Circuitry of Electronic Devices. Microprocessors and Microcontrollers - SPb - BHV-Petersburg, 2004.-464 p.
  8. L. Foster, Nanotechnology. Science, Innovation and Opportunities.-M., 2008. 
  9. J. Martinez-Duart. Nanotechnology for Micro- and Optoelectronics. - M., 2007 
  10. Advanced Telecommunication Technologies. Potential Opportunities/ ed. by L. D. Reiman.- M., 2001 
  11. V. G. Kartashevskiy. Networks of Mobile Communication. - M: Eko-Trends, 2001. 
  12. B. Sklyar. Digital Communication. Theoretical Basics and Practical Application. Translated from English.- M.: Publishing House Williams, 2003. 
  13. M. V. Garanin. Systems and Networks of Information Transmission.- M: Radio i svyaz, 2001. 
  14. I. P. Norenkov, V. A. Trudonoshin. Telecommunication Technologies and Networks.- M.: Bauman MGTU, 2000. 
  15. V. P. Dyakonov. Wavelets. From Theory to Practice. – 2 nd ed., 2004. 
  16. I. M. Dremin, O. V. Ivanov, V. A. Nechitailo. Wavelets and Their Application. // UFN, t. 171. – 2001. – No. 5. – P. 465-501. 
  17. V. P. Dyakonov. Computer mathematics. Theory and Practice. – M.: Nolidzh, 2001. – 1296 p. 
  18. V. P. Dyakonov., A. A. Penkov. MatLab and Simulink for Radio Engineers. – M: DMK-Press, 2008. – 784 p. 
  19. A. V. Kuropatkin. Seven Lessons on CAD 2001. Goryachaya liniya – Telekom, 2001. 
  20. EDA. Practice of Computer-Aided Design of Electronic Devices: V. B. Steshenko – Moscow, Publisher S. V. Molgacheva, Nolidzh, 2002 - 768 p. 
  21. Introduction to Modern CAD: Vladimir Malyukh– Moscow, DMK Press, 2010 
  22. Y. A. Kurbatova MATLAB 7. Teach-Yourself Book. Publisher: Williams. Year of publication: 2005. 256 p.
  23. N. K. Smolentsev. Basics of Wavelet Theory. Wavelets in Matlab. Publishing House DMK 2005. 304 p. 
  24. A. Krivilev. Basics of Computer Mathematics using MATLAB. Leks-Kniga, 2005. 
  25. K. Cheng, P. Giblin, A. Irving. MATLAB in Mathematical Research. Mir. 2001. 
  26. V. Dyakonov, V. Kruglov. MATLAB. System Analysis, Identification and Simulation. Special reference book. Piter. 2001. 
  27. R. S. Zagidullin. LabView in Research and Development. M.: Goryachaya liniya – Telekom, 2005. 
  28. L. I. Peych, D. A. Tochilin, B. P. Pollak. LabView for Beginners and Professionals. M.: Goryachaya liniya - Telekom, 2004 
  29. A. Y. Suranov. LabView 7: Function Reference Book. M.: DMK Press, 2005. 
  30. A. Y.Grishentsev. Theory and Practice of Technical and Technological Experiment. - SPb.: SPbSU ITMO, 2010. 102 p

Date of last amendment
