The «Foreign Languages» Department provides foreign language training in the followingBachelor's degree program : «Foreign Language» for the 1st year students of non-linguistic specialties, «Rhetoric and Culture of Speech» in multilingual groups, as well as in the master's disciplines «Culture and Ethics of Academic Writing», «Foreign language (professional». The activity of thedepartment teaching staff is aimed at the implementation of scientific and research work through participation in conferences and projects, seminars and round tables, the publication of scientific articles in high-ranking journals. The department operates «English in Research» SSSand the Englishclub «E-time». The departmentstaff is noted for its high educational and methodological activity: it monitors the level of language training not only among students, but also among the university teaching staff. The departmentstaff has rich experience in conducting extracurricular activities aimed at students` spiritual and patriotic education. The Institute trains highly qualified specialists in the field of philology, translation studies, Kazakh, Russian, foreign languages (English, German, French) and the methods of teaching them, both undergraduate and graduate programs. At present, our graduates work not only in regional and city educational institutions, but also in international organizations based in Kazakhstan and abroad. They successfully apply professional knowledge acquired in the learning process, skills in the workplace.
Address: Petropavlovsk, Pushkin st., 83, building 4
Teachers's room: 204, tel.+7 (7152) 493177, internal 1230
Ismagambetova Leyli Shokatovna
Head of Chair Foreign languages
Senior lecturer, "Foreign languages" chair , master
Senior lecturer, "Foreign languages" chair , candidate of philological sciences
Senior lecturer, "Foreign languages" chair , master
Senior lecturer, "Foreign languages" chair , master
Зав. кафедрой, senior lecturer, "foreign languages" chair , master
Senior lecturer, "Foreign languages" chair , master
Senior lecturer, "Foreign languages" chair , master
Senior lecturer, "Foreign languages" chair , master
Senior lecturer, "Foreign languages" chair , master