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"Manash Kozybayev
North Kazakhstan university"

Club of interesting people

Монолог «Как не попасть под влияние псевдорелигиозных организаций?» Синякова Олега Витальевича, руководителя отдела по полевому мониторингу Центра изучения религий (г. Астана)

Монолог «Как побеждать в спорте и жизни» Витченко Владимира Николаевича, мастера спорта международного класса и чемпиона кубка мира по кекушинкай каратэ, председателя филиала ОЮЛ  «Ассоциация  русских, славянских и казачьих организаций Казахстана» АНК СКО

Монолог «Жизнь как бескомпромиссная борьба» Хасановой Диляры Габидулловны, заместителя председателя ОО «Турецкая культура» Ассамблеи народа Казахстана Северо-Казахстанской области

Монолог «Жизнь как «психологическое айкидо» Моисеева Павла Юрьевич, руководителя Психологической службы университета

Monologue "Religions of the world and spiritual values" by Alexander Vladimirovich Nikiforov, Professor, Doctor of Philosophy, Corresponding member of the Social Sciences Academy of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Monologue: The Motherland. Kirill Nikolaevich Filonov, a member of the Writers' Union of Kazakhstan, shared what the concept of Homeland means with the listeners of the Club of Interesting People project.

Monologue: Charity as the norm of life. Alla Vitalievna Pisarenko, head of the philanthropists Club of the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan of the North Kazakhstan region, shares her work experience with the audience and explains how to engage in charitable activities and why it should be done.

Monologue: Life credo. Acquaintance with the English language instructor of the Arizona office of the North Kazakhstan University named after M. Kozybayev Saparov Kairat Kanatovich.

Teacher of artistic labor and technology of the Higher College named after M. Zhumabayev presents a monologue by Satkenov Yergali Shamilevich "Return to the way of origin".

Ashimov Undasyn Baykenovich, Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Rector of M. Kozybayev NKU from 2002 to 2017.

Life as an impromptu. Acquaintance with Sergey Fedorovich Snurnitsyn, artistic director of the ensemble of Russian folk and Cossack songs "Zvonnitsa".

Acquaintance with Zel Alexander Viktorovich, executive secretary of the Bolashak branch of the AMANAT party.

Video essay on the topic "School of Friendship" by the director of the secondary school-complex of national revival No. 17. of Petropavl Zhalmukanova Lazzat Zhumagulovna.

Monologue about the Motherland. Bashmakov Anatoly Afanasievich, Senator of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan of 4-5 convocations, Doctor of Economics, Professor, honorary citizen of the North Kazakhstan region.

Monologue: Harmony of life. Harbediya Omari Omianovich, Chairman of the North Kazakhstan regional Ethnocultural Georgian Center "Argo", shares with the audience his life experience and how to overcome emerging difficulties.

Monologue: Life as a continuous development. The monologue of Nikiforov Nazim Igorevich, a researcher of natural sciences, PhD, is dedicated to the idea of education and self-education, which every person should carry through his whole life.