The Department of Musical Disciplines was opened in 1978 due to the need to train music teachers with higher education for secondary schools in the northern region of Kazakhstan. Taking into account the need for highly qualified personnel in the field of culture, the educational program "Cultural and leisure work" was opened in 2013. The priority areas of the department's activities are: high quality of theoretical training of students; consideration of the needs of the region in personnel; practice-oriented orientation of training; development of performing and organizational skills in education and culture; cooperation with organizations and universities of the near and far abroad, research work of teachers and students.
Address: Petropavlovsk, Pushkin st., 86, building 3
Teachers's room, laboratory room: 505, tel. +7 (7152) 493177, internal 1103
Mukhataeva Zhanar Ahangalievna
Head of Chair Musical disciplines
Master of sciences
Bachelor's degree :
Senior lecturer, "Musical disciplines" chair , candidate of pedagogical sciences, ph.d.
Associate Professor, "Musical disciplines" chair , candidate of pedagogical sciences, corresponding member of the international teachers training academy of sciences
Senior lecturer, "Musical disciplines" chair , master
Senior lecturer, "Musical disciplines" chair , master
Зав. кафедрой, senior lecturer, "musical disciplines" chair , master